School of Continuing Studies
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS An appl icant to the Organizational Leadership program must be at least 25 years of age and have 60 semester hours of transferable college credit from accred- ited institutions. These units can include College Level Examinations Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) units. An application fonn must be com- pleted and the application fee paid. TI1e complet ion of references and official transcripts from each institution previ- ouslyattended must be sent to the School of ContinuingStudies, Biola University. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation with the Bachelor of Science (S.S.) degree from Biola Uni- versity with a major in Organizational Leadership is dependent upon satis- factory completion of the following: A. A minimum of 120 semester units of credit for graduation. 8. The completion of the Biola Organ izational Leadership (BOLD) program at Biola University. C. A "C" average (or a 2.00 G.P.A.) or above is required on all work taken at Biola University and within the major field. D. The completion of the general education requirements including: Writing Compete,u)'. met by com- pletion of the written version of the Senior Project; Communication. Completion of competency in oral presentation/ com- mun ication as evidenced by course or Credit for Prior Learning (CPL); Composition Competency . in the English language as evidenced by six un its of course work and/ or CPL Two of the requirements in the fol- lowing three areas may be met bycourses in the BOLD program. The three required areas may also be met by course work at other instirutions and/ or CPL: ■ Philosophy- 3 units ■ Behavioral Science - 3 uni ts ■ Ma th / Science - 3 of 8 uni ts The requ irements fo r the fo ll ow- ing can be met by course work or CPL: ■ Literature - 3 units ■ Fine Arts - 3 units ■ History (Western Civilization and Un ited States) - 8 units E. Foreign Language - The gen- eral education requirement for a foreign language for the adul t degree program is two years of the same high school lan- guage or four units of acollege language.
ORLO 240 Foundations of Lifelong Leaming (2)
F. Completion of the BOLDbib- lical studies learning outcome. A learn ing outcome worksheet is avail- able from BOLD office. CURRICULUM The major consists of 18 required courses. Obtaining a degree in this major consists of 41 units of which 24 uni ts mus t be upper division in the BOLD program. Must include 210, 220, 240, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380,410,420,430,440,450,470, 480. CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate students working for a degree in Organizational Leader- ship have the opponunity to earn elec- tive credit to,vard graduation through the evaluation of prior learning acquired outside an instinition of higher learning. Credit is awarded only after a student 's record has been carefully weighed by the faculty of the University. SENIOR PROJECT Each student wi ll comp lete a Senior Project which will emphasize work or community related research on a real problem or opportunity for that organization. The student will develop wri ting, oral presemation, and research skills, along with the new knowledge and perspective they gain in the topic of their project. The Senior Project is completed over about a IS-month period whi le the courses are being completed. COURSES ORLO 210 Biblical Concepts Seminar I (1) Consideration of life development theory/ career patterns and future trends as foundations for lifelong learning. Specific emphasis will be placed upon analysis of experiential learning outcomes. Guid_ance wi ll be given for preparation of a portfolio which documents prior learning. ORLD 220 Symposium I (1) Th is course will provide an opportu- ni ty to ap pl y the un derstandi ng arrived at th rough integration to real life situa tions. Students wi ll examine case studies taken from group and organ izational behavior that demon- strate both the method and difficulties of integration and application. Stu- dents, throughout the course , will be encouraged to apply the principles of integration to their own experience in order to develop a mindset of th inking Christianly as an essemial componem of their li fe and education.
Dean: Edward H. Norman, Ed .D. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM The School of Cominuing Studies offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership (BOLD) designed for the working adult who plans to complete his or her undergradu- ate degree. BOLD is an anacronym for Biola Organizational Leadership Degree. The degree in Organ izational Leader- ship is an imerdisciplin<II)' major includ- ing the fields of Busin ess, Communica- tion , Psychology and Biblical Srudies. ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE The English Language Institute attracts Christian students from all countries of the world. The English Language Institute is an intens ive English program designed to develop students' proficiency in the English language and to help them ach ieve thei r degree at Biola. The English Language Institute offers ano ther Engli sh program called the Adu lt Extension Program (ELI- AEP) for non-degree seeking students who want to improve the ir Eng li sh proficiency level in conversational writing ski lls and/ or to prepare for the TOEFL exam. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM Director: Don Willett, M.A.; M.Div. OBJECTIVES Bio la Un ivers ity, throug h the School of Cominuing Studies, offers a major in Organiza tional Leadership to adult students who are returning to complete their undergraduate degree. The BOLD major offers students upper-division course work designed especially for adults who wish to earn a degree while worki ng fu ll time. Course work is aimed at development of skills in human relations and man- agement to work more effectively as managers and in other roles. A supplememary publication pro- vides more detailed information on this program. For more information, contact the BOLD Office. DEGREE PROGRAM A &chf/or of Science degree in Orgrmi- zalional Leadership is offered upon the completion of the university baccalaure- ate requirements and the Organiza- tional Leadership major.
310 Consideration of li fe development the- ory/ career patterns and future trends as foundations for li fe long learning. Specific emphasis will be placed upon analysis of experiential learning out- comes. Guidance wil l be given for preparation of a portfolio which docu- ments prior learn ing. ORLD Biblical Concepts Seminar II (1) Th is seminar is designed to identify bibl ical concepts that provide a basis in special reve lation fo r human rela- tionships and imerpersonal communi - cation. Attemion wi ll be given to the bibl ical description of human beings as designed and created by God, the nature and consequences of the fall and the impact of salvation and sancti- fication on human beings. ORLD Symposium II (1) 320 330 Specific passages ill ustrating various aspects of interpersonal communica- tion taken large ly from Old Testa- ment wisdom literature Uob, Psalms, Prover bs, Eccles ias tes, Song of So lomon) and se lected New Testa- ment passages wi ll be studied and their practical implications for inter- personal communication discussed. Case studies will be considered and evaluated in the light of material from both general and special revelation. DRLD Theology and the Christian Life (3) A consideration of God ' s Person, existing as one God, yet manifested in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the believer's responsibili ty to the Church, Christ's body, as we ll as to the world at large as an agem of reconcil iation in God's broader king- dom program in the end times. DRLD Group and Organizational Behavior (3) 340 350 This module is a study of group behavior and how groups function effectively. Emphasis is placed on decision mak ing and resolving con- fl ict in groups. Stude nts deve lop strategies fo r efficient and productive group management and determine which tasks are handled by groups or ind ividuals . The Senior Project is begun in week three of th is modul e. ORLD Management Information Systems (3) Students examine the forma l and informal fu nctions of organizations and analyze an agency or organization based on a sys tems model. Students wi ll also analyze and solve organ iza- tional problems us ing a step-by-step
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