

ELI 101A Listening/Pronunciation (3) Understandi ng and fo ll owing instruc- tions, in itiati ng an d sustaining soc ial conversa tion s, recognizi ng formal and informal English pauerns, and taking notes from si mul ated academic lec- tures. Specific pronunciation prob- lems will be addressed. ELI 101BReading/Writing (6) ognizi ng fac ts, inferences, co nclu - sions, deductions and paraphrasing will be introduced. Wri ting detailed paragraph composition: descriptive , comparison/ contrast, cause / effect and developing writing strategies. ELI 101CGrammar/Oral (3) Continued practice using a monol in- gual English dictiona1r and skills cov- ered in ELI I0IA. Summarizing, rec- .!2J

ELI 1020 Effective Communication (2) For non-native speakers de.s iri ng to improve their communication sk ills. Act ivities include role pl ays of si tua- tions encountered on campus, acade- mic and informal presenta ti ons, and discussion of aspec ts of culture th at affect communication . ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE - ADULT EXTENSION PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Adult Extension Program for the En gl ish Language In st itute is designed for the student whose native language is not English and who wants to improve his/ her proficiency level in conversational and 111iting ski lls in Eng- lish and/ or to prepare for the TOEFL exam. It is open for professionals, busi- ness people, ,md otl1er adults who need to communicate in English. Comple- tion of th is course will enable the stu- dent to speak and M·ite in the English language more fl uently and clearly so that tliey can be successful in tlieir pro- fessional field and enJOymore of Ame1i- can life and culture. Upon completi ng the admissions process and submining the required deposits for enrollment, an l-20AB stu- den t visa form wi ll be issued to in ter- national studellls needing F-1 visa sta- tus to studyin the United States. COURSE STUDY Each session wi ll incl ude tliree classes: I. Conversational skills 2. Writing skills 3. Preparation fo r the TOEFL exam. A student may be classified as a full time studelll by enroll ing in two of th e above classes . Each class is alloued one and a half hours totaling th ree hours, Monday through Thurs- day, 6:30-9:30. Aplacement exam will determi ne which of the six levels of study each individual will be assigned. This exte nsion program is offered four times a ye ar. A certificate of completion will be awarded. For more detatiled information including appl ication ins tructions , class schedule and cost, please contact the English Language Institute office .

Review of structures in ELI I00C and contrast of tenses will be emphasized. ELI 1010 Survival Skills (2) For non -n ative speakers desiring to adjust to life in the United States. Top ics are similar to ELI 100D but with a broader range of commun ica- tion skills added. ELI 101ETOEFL (2) For non-native speakers desiring prac- tice to pass the TOEFL examination. EIBI 101 English Bible (2) For the advanced ELI students as a preparatOJ)' course for Biblical studies. Since 30 units of Biblical studies must be included in the program of each Biola student, this course 11~1! be ve1r helpful to international students. It will cover bibl ical vocabula1r, bibl ical idioms, and pronunciation of names and places of the Bible. Further practice in readi ng and oral communication. ELI 102A Listening/Pronunciation (3) Practice in understanding and fo llow- ing detailed oral instructions, initiati ng and sustaining social conversation, giv- ing information , expressi ng opinions and ideas accurately, and taking notes from academic lectures. Su·ess, rh ythm and intonation will also be practiced. ELI 1028 Reading/Writing (6) Colllinued practice of I0IB and read- ing an d und erstandin g acade mi c material. Taking notes, paraph rasing, writing compositions and wri ting a short academic research paper. ELI 102C Grammar/O ra l (3) Review of all grammar struc tures in oral and wrinen fo rm.

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