Talbot School of Theology.desires on ly qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus Christ. However, in the admission of students, the hiring of employees or the opera- tion of any of its programs and activi- ties, Talbot does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex , handicap or national or ethn ic origin. Inquiries concerning this pol- icy may be addressed to the seminary compliance director for Title IX. Entrance requirements for each program ar e listed on th e page describing that program under the heading, Admission Requirements. Talbot Writing Proficiency Examination (TWPE) Advanced compositional skills, com- mensurate with graduate-level theologi- cal studies, are foundational and indi!r pensable, both in terms of educational and ministerial success. For this reason, al l new students are required to take the Talbot Writing Profic iency Exam (TWPE) prior to registration for the first semester. International students and those for whom English is a second language are required to take both the Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Biota English Place- ment Exam instead of the TWPE. Those who score above 600 on the TOEFL 1vi ll take the TWPE rather than the Biola English Placement Exam. TWPE results will determine whether enrollment in SS 500 Theologi- cal Writing will be required. If required, this course must be taken in the first semester of seminary study. (See page T-3 for course description.) Students who receive a grade lower than "C-" in this course must repeat the course. The Biola English Placement Exam, where applicable (see above) , will determine whether enrollment in appropriate ESL course work will be required. Academic Load The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carry1ng less than the full-time load are considered part-time students. The standard student load in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program is twelve (l2) units. Astudent is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester. To exceed this maximum load, the student must petition the Registrar's offi ce. Amaxi- mum of six (6) units, may be taken by a student in independent study, arranged,
part-time internship posi tions in local area churches. These placements are an integral aspect of the fi eld educa- tion practicum sequence of courses. The placement office also pro- vides career counseling for students and placement information for gradu- ating seniors and alumni seeking min- istry in fields of service to which they believe that the Lord has called them. The placement director along with the placement commi ttee wo rks closely with denominational and inter- denominational Christian leaders. Campus Housing and Dining Campus living quarters are avail- able for single men and women. Until facilities are filled, they are assigned according to the date of receipt of the S50 housing deposit ($100 for apart- ment). More detailed information and housing request forms may be obtai ned from the director for resi- dential programs, Metzger Hall , Biola Un iversity. This office can also pro- 11de some suggestions concerning off- campus rooms and apartments. Many off-campus students find it convenient to dine in the campus cafe- teria. For those who wish to eat there regularly, some cost savings may be realized by using one of the meal ticket plans avai lable rather than pa0ng cash. Married Student Housing The seminary has limi ted housing faci liti es for marri ed student s, but there are apartments and homes avail- able for rent in the immediate vicini ty. For a listing of apartment rental in the area surrounding the campus, please contact the Biola Housing Office. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Cor re spondence concern ing admission should be addressed to the University Office of Admissions, wh ich will supply the app li cant wi th the proper fonns. When these application forms and all tran scripts of previous academic training have been fil ed, accompanied by one photograph and a $35 application fee, an admissions decision will be made. Official notifi- cation of the decision will be sent by mail to the applicant. The application deadline for the fall is August I and for the spring is January l. Appli ca- tions may be submitted after this dead- line (late application fee of $45) , but will be considered and processed only if space is available and time allows.
l ) Chapel services featuring a vari- ety of prominent Christian speakers , and opportunities for mutual worship; 2) spouses may attend classes with their mates, at no charge to the spouse, space permitting and with professor approval; 3) the Spouse Tuition Reduction Scho~ arship allows spouses of fu ll-time stu- dents to take seminary courses for acad- emic credit, at only one-third the stan- dard tu iti on rate; 4) major social events, such as the an nual Fall and Spring Banquets, student fam ilypicnics, and the Senior Retreat; 5) the Biola Bookstore features a wide selection of Christian and secular titles, discounted Bibles, gift items, computer_ equipment, greeting cards, music, tapes, and CDs, logo cloth ing, refreshments, and sup- plies ; 6) the Bi ola swimming pool, track, weight room, and tennis courts, are available at scheduled times for fam- ily use; 7) a wide variety of music events featuring student groups, facu lty artists, and guest performers, are scheduled throughout the school year; 8) intercol- legiate sporting events, including men's and women's basketball , men's and women's voll eyball , men 's baseball, men'-s and women's cross-country and track; 9) special and annual lecture- ships, missions and Bible conferences; and, IO) other special cultural events and presentations. SUPPORT SERVICES Employment While Biola Unive~sity cannot guarantee employment, we have observed that prayer and God's guid- ance have mir acu lous ly provided employment for our students in past years. Students should apply to the university student employment office (Metzger Hall , first floor). We will make every effort to assist yo u by referring you to employment posi- tions when available, commensurate with your qualifications and in confor- mity with your daily class schedule. Students may also secure off-cam- pus secu lar employment in a wide variety of occupations. Local offices of the State of Californ ia Department of Employment can be very helpful in the location of these job open ings. The placement office (see next item) can sometimes assist the student in securing part- or full-time employ- ment in local area churches. Placement The placement office works closely with students to assist them in securing
specific course numbers see the Prac- tical Theology section under course descriptions. After comp leting 64 units of class work in the M.Div. pro- gram, students become eligible to reg- ister for field education internship. This intensive supervised practice of the ministry is composed of three clus- ters of learning: I) supervised field experience for a minimum of 100 hours in each of two semesters; 2) sem in ars with other students regis- tered for field education internsh ip; 3) individual counseling with the director of field education on specific aspects of the student's experience. The Bio/a Campus The sem in ary has classroom, chapel and administrative office facili- ties located in Myers Hall and Fein- berg Hall. Metzger Hall houses Uni- versity admin istrative offices including the Admissions and Registrar's Office. In addition, the seminary shares the library, cafeteria, coffee shop, resi- dences , gymnasium, infirmary and prayer chape l with Biola Un ive rsity. Also avai lab le are a crushed brick quarter mile track , a soccer field , a baseball diamond, tennis courts and a short course Olympic swimming pool. See general information section for a fu ll campus description. library The library contains over 210,00u vo lumes, including bound journals and microforms with their respective readers. Special features of the library include an extensive index file of ser- mon out lin es and illustrations , an exce ll ent coll ection of bibliographic tools and journal indexes and a num- ber of special collections. The princi- pal theological journals in English are received regularly. Family Fellowship Seminary studies make sign ificant demands on the time of the student. A side-effect is that fam ily members may feel they are not a: part of the sem in ary experience. Talbot has a deep-rooted commitment to the fam- ily , especially the families of its stu- dents. A wide-ranging variety of pro- grams, events, activities, opportunities, and services have been developed to foster family participation in the semi- nary experience. Aguide for families is available to new students at Talbot. The following are examples of the opportunities and services avai lable to student spouses:
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