correspondence and ITS courses to be counted toward a student's program. A unit of credit is generally con- sidered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In some cases, such as laboratory ses- sion s, a unit of credit may invol ve more than one class period a week. As indi ca ted on the curriculum charts for each program, the va ri ous cunicula require 14-1 8 units per semes- ter in order to graduate in the number of years specified bythe chart. However, students who find it necessary to work 20 or more hours weekly to provide liv- ing expenses should pl an to reduce their academic load. Such a reduction wou ld ex tend the time required for a degree program, though participation in summer session and intertem1 could
her coll egiate curriculum so that mod- erate competence will be possessed in all of th ese areas and skills developed so that one can commun icate easi ly, having the ability to write and speak clearlywith correct English prose. Nole: The numerals in parentheses indi catethesuggested minimum number of
credit decisions at th e point of accep- tance. Transfer credit for late applica- tions wi ll be accomplished during the fa ll semester. Graduate courses with grades of C or above at accred ited institutions or those va lidated with grades of Bor above from approved unaccredited schools are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis. For information on the validation proce- dure for unaccredited work , contact
For graduation honors, students compl eti ng their program with a grade point average of 3.50 are gradu- ated with Honors . Students with a 3.70 G.P.A. are graduated with High Honors. Students with a 3.90 G.P .A. are graduated with Highest Honors.
semester units for each disripline. I. General Understandings
The following are special studi es courses to assist students in becoming proficient in writing ski lls essential for an effec tive seminary education . Spe- cifi c enro llment requirements are indi cated in each course description.
A. Understanding of Humani ty
■ Philosophy (3) ■ Psychology (3)
the Registrar'sOffice.
Course Prefixes
B. Understanding of modern social institutions and prob-
Course prefixes indicate:
lems• Social Science (6)
Bible Exposition
SS 500 Theological Writing (0)
C. Understanding of cultural
Grammar, se ntence structure and paragraph development fo r th eologi- cal writing. Critical thinking and com- posi tion including extracting informa- tion from sources, synthesis, format for written papers. Experience in writing papers in th eo log ica l and related areas. A 2-semes ter-hour non-credit course which must be taken 111thin the first 9 units of seminary study. Required for students assigned by the Talbot Writing Profi ciency Exam or students who have completed the ESL sequence. Fee: A fee equivalent to I semester hour of tuition is required.
CE Christian Education DE Doctor of Education OM Doctor of Ministry
■ History (6) ■ Fine Arts (3)
HE Thesis
D. Understanding of science and
help offset the difference.
HT Historical Theology LG Research Languages
Admission of International Stu- dents and Resident Aliens It is essen ti al th at students from other coun u·ies be able to understand directions and lectures in English and also to be able to express their thoughts clearly in spoken English immediately upon aniv,tl on campus. In order that the appli cant 's proficiency in Engli sh may be detennined, the applicant must take the Test of English as a Foreign Lan- guage (TOEFL) as administered by the Educational Testing Sen1ce at tl1e near- est overseas exami nation center. The minimum score for admission is a total of 550 for the graduate student (and a score of 55 or above for each of tl1e tl1ree sections). For additional infonnation see admissions and registration section of
■ Math / Science (8)
NT New Testament Language
E. Understanding of the modes
and Literature
of communication
OT Old Testament and Semitics PH Philosophyof Religion
■ Engli sh-composition and
literature (9)
Master of MinisLI)' - Prerequisite Track
■ Speech (3)
II. Theological Understandings
A. Bible content and
PT PracticalTheology SHM, SCL, SST Missions
interpretation (6)
B. Theol ogical methodology and
Special Studies
SS 51 0Theological Research
interpretation (6)
TH Systematic Theology
Methodologies (1)
III. Linguistic Skills (I2)
Independent Studies
Research skill s for use of library and theological reference works. Meth- ods of theological 111iting witl1 empha- sis on critical thinking, persuasion, and evaluation. Must be taken within the first 15 units of study. Required of all M.Div. and M.A. students. Prerequisite: SS 500 (no concmTent enrollment), or passing score on Talbot Writing Profi-
Al least one of thefollowing:
■ French ■ German ■ Greek
Graduation with Honors
Those graduating with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher are elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Talbot scholastic honor socie ty. This honor is noted on the
■ Latin
■ Spanish
the universityor graduate catalog.
Accepted stude nts wi ll also be required to take the Engli sh Diagnos- ti c Examination during orientation , prior 10 beginn ing their first semester. This examin ation will be waived for appli cants who score a minimum of 600 on TOEFL, who will instead be required to take the Talbot Writing
Astudent must register in a thesis class each semester until the thesis is completed and accepted for binding by th e library. A student fini shi ng course work in December has I I/ 2 yea rs to complete the thesis. A stu- den t finishing course work in June has
ciency Exam (TWPE).
permanent record card.
one year to complete the thesis.
Profici encyExamination. Classification of Students:
If geographi c loca tion prevents regi stration in person, it is th e stu- dent's responsibility to contact the Reg- istrar's Office for registration materials. Registration by mai l is subj ec t to the same rule as registration in person.
First Year
1-28 units
Second Year 29 +units
M.Div. First Year
1-28 units
Second Year 29-57 units
Third Year Fourth Year
58-86 units
Transfer of Credit
87+ units
Tran sfe r credit for acceptab le work done in other graduate schools wi ll be allowed for courses which are parall el to those requi red in the cur- riculum. Appl ica ti ons rece ived by May I will be provided with transfer
Pre-Seminary Study
The fo llowing pre-seminary study guideli nes are recommended for stu- dents who are planning to attend Tal- bot. The student should plan his or
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