THE LIBRARY The Rose Memorial Library serves Biola Universi tvas the central library faci li ty on campus, suppo rting the needs of all 1h c undergraduate and gradua te programs wi1h extensi ve resources and a wide va ri etyof serl'i ces. In additi on to more than 21 i,000 books. the libra1;' cur- rently subsc ribes to more than 1,090 periodi cal titles, with a number of bound journal back fil es da1ing from the nine- teenth cenwry. Special hold ings renecl Biola's en thusiasm and scholarh· interest in Bible his1ory and trans lat ion, the hi stori cal roots of fundamen tali sm and evangeli cal Chri stian- ity, and the worldwide wimcss of Ch ristian mi ssions. Auxiliary co ll ect ions embr ace exte nsive mi croform resources: manv rclcrence resources in Braille: comprehensive pamphlet files including maps, charl.5, mi ssion resources, and a 11ide 1-a riety of topics in the libernl arl.5: and special holdings of text and CUITiculum resources approp1ia1e to teacher education. To fac ili ta te study and the use of libra,y resources, I.he Rose Memorial Librarypr01ides access lo il.5 holdings bySCROLL, thr on-line publi c access catal og and ci rculat ion system, and an increasing number of CD-RO~! index databases al'ailable for pau·on searching. These initial steps in libra,y automation rcfl ec1 the L'n i1·ersity's commitme!ll to prol'iding quality senice and expanding resources through the elecu-onic exchange of ideas. In addition, copymachin es. rental typew1itcrs, microform readers and readcr-p,intcrs fac ili tate resource use. Study tables and ind~ 1idual carrels can accommodate approximately400 pau-ons. Libi-ary scnices offer u-ained reference help at all times, 11iil1 special effon made to relate studcnl.5 and faculty to other impo, 0 tarn libra,y resources of the somhern California area, il1e nation, and throughout Ilic world. Reciprocal bo1To11ing p1i1ilegcs are a1<1ilablc for undergraduate and gi-aduatc studenl.5 to access Ilic impressive resources al Cali fornia State Unil'ersi1y al Fullerton. Traditional imerlibrn,y loan smices arc a1-ailable. In-house and ncn,·ork computer smiccs help Biola scholars to access Ilic illlc1° national bibliogi-aphi caldatabases through OC! .C and DW.OC. foe professional librari ans, supponed by a well qualified paraprofessional staff and many student ass istants, comprise a library work force dedi cated lo service more th an 70 hours per week during the regula r semester with adj usted sched- ul es of sc rYi cc al'ailabl c year round. MEDIA CENTER The Unil'ersity Media Center offers a variety of methods to enhance the quality of communication by faculty and studenl.5. Among these methods are the Media Center·s physical resources. Thousands or computer indexed tapes, CDs, laser discs, and films are open lo use, as we ll as the latest presentation equipmem and a presentation preparation lab . These physical resources are available at no charge. The media center is also available to work direcily11ith faculty and studenL5so I.hat I.hey1,ill have il1e info1° malion and the u-aining to create optimized presentations. The an of communi cation is also furthered by the Media Center's basic research. Quantifiable investigations, in forma l feedback from faculty and swdenl.5, and dialogue 111il1 oulSide educational expern are synthesized lo create new tools and methods.
THE ROLE OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY Bi ola Uni ve rsity believes that the microcomputer is an increasingly rnluable tool and I.hat one of our educational goals should be to prepare studcnl.5 for a world in which the computer will continue to pl ay a significant role. Accordingly, it is our desire to imegi-atc computer use imo I.he uni1·ersitycuniculum. Thus, il1e University pro11des access to Macintosh microcom- puters for everystudent and requires il1 ci r use in freshman Eng- lish. his the intclll ofil1e University, over time, to require I.he use of il1ese microcomputers0l'er a 11ide specuwn of Ilic cuniculum. The microcomputer of choice al Biola is the Macin tosh. The computer ce!llersand Macintosh labs located across the campus help prm·ide the necessary microcomputer access for studcnl.5. Additionally many studenL5 have chosen to acquire their 011~1 Macin tosh. This microcomputer, along 11ith a variety of software and hardw-are accesso1ies, is al'ailable for purchase al the Biola Bookstore at ve,y am·active p1ices for enrolled students. Complete detailsarc prm1ded to all imerested studenl.5. &cause of the coopet-a ti l'e relationship between Biola Uni- ve rsity and Apple Computers, Inc., the Uni versity has acce~s lo technological innol'ations, seminars, technical expertise and on- line telecommunications11i il1 oilier universities across I.he nation. In addition , Biola Universityis involved as a test site lor the rn1lua- tion and del'elopmenl of innO\-ations from Apple Computer, Inc. COMPUTER CENTER Loca ted within the booksto re, the Computer Center is designed lo meet the computer requiremems of the campus for hardware, so ftware and related accessories and are avail- abl e to Bi ola faculty, staff and registered Biola studenl.5 al dis- counts. Featuring Apple's Macintosh , th_e Computer Cen ter provides the computing too ls that the students will find use- ful in their course of study al Biola. Several courses, includ- ing Freshmen English , require that students have access to the Macintosh for compl eti on of course requirements. The Computer Cemer is intended to se rYc the Bi ola cam- pus community for computers, related software and acces- sori es. These are sold exclusively to enroll ed student s, fac- ulty and staff and are strictly for the purpose of enhancing the educat ional process. All areas of the Bi ola Bookstore will have special hours during summer and vacation times; reduced hou rs durin g lmenerm. Pl ease checkwith the Bookstore. BOOKSTORE The Biola Bookstore is open Monday through Saturday 111th evening hours Monday through Thursday for the conve- nience of studenl.5, faculty and staff. All required textbooks as well as general books and suppli es are available. The book- store has a large selection of Christian books, and offers Bibles in a vari ety of styles and bindings at substantial discounts. Biola insign ia clothing and a large selection of cards, supplies, gi fl items, musi c, and personal care items are also available.
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