


Old Testament Emphasis

Women 'sMinistries Emphasis

PH 669

Seminar in Historical

Apologetics .....................3 Seminar in Philosophy of Re ligion ......................3 Cults of America ..............2

OT 603 OT 604 OT 705

Elements of Hebrew I .. .. .3 Elements of Hebrew II .... .3 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages.............3 Old Testament in Near Eastern Context... ...........2 Beginning Greek ............2 Beginning Greek ............2 Introduction to Exegesis ..3

CE 512 CE 514

Education Adminismition3

First Year

PH 684

Women and Men in

First Semester

Ministry. .... .

....... ...2

BE 517

Hermeneutics/ Bible

PH 722 Electives

CE 552 CE 603

Lifespan Development. .. 3 Counseling Min istry in the Church ................ ..3 Marital Counseling .........3

Study Methods ......... ...... ..3

....... .. ..... 12

OT 717

BE 519

Survey of Genesis -

Agraduate competency require- ment in logic wi ll be expected before graduation. This can be met by taking a three hour co urse in logic at an accredited university or college , by passing a department exam, or by tak- ing a programmed assignment given by the department. This requirement covers informal logic, the categorical propositions and syllogisms, proposi- tional logic , and a beginning knowl-


.... .3

NT 50 I NT 502 NT 503

CE628 CE 722

TH 50 I

Theology of the Christian Life... .

Counseling Troubled




SS 510

Theological Research

Old Testament electives

CE 691 CE 692

Practicum in MinisD)' I ...... 1

Methodologies. .

... I .. .5

(4 exegesis, 6 open) ......................... I0

Practicum in Ministry II..

Emphasis or electives*...

..... 1,I



Interpersonal and Inter- cultural Adjustment ....... .3

CL 520


(Select one of the following groups of courses) ............... .............................7

Second Semester


......................... 10

BE 520

Sun,ey of Mauhew -

NT 50 I Beginning Greek NT 502 Beginning Greek

...... i


Revelation ........................3

edge of predicate logic.

Youth Ministries

HT :i 14

Historical Theology

NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis

Specialized Ministry Emphasis This emphasisserves adual purpose: I. To provide curricular oppor- tunities for students with particular 2. To provide specialized min- istry preparation in areas not addressed byestablished curricula. The elements of this emphasis are: I. Abiblical / theological core of 25 units (the same core as the other giftedness; 2. The balance of the program is custom designed by the sLUdent in consultation with his or her advisor. M.A. emphases);

Survey..... ..........................3

CE 512



TH 502

Theology I

.... ... .. .... ...3

BE 530 Elementary Principles of



Emphasis or electives* ........ .................8

Lifespan Development. ....3 Adolescent Culture and Development ..................3 Leadership ......................3 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents ... . ......3 Youth Education and Youth Group Development and Programming............3 Youth Pastor's Home and Family Development ...... .3 Practicum in Minisll)' I ... I Practicum in MiniSll)' II .. I

the Biblical Language

CE 550 CE661

Christian Thought electives


HT 722 PH 602 TH 709

Cul ts of America .............2

Second Year First Semester



CE 662

Contemporary Theology ...2

Theology II . .................... 3

TH 603

Christian Thought elenives* .. ...... .S-12

CE 543

Emphasis or electives*.......


Bible Exposition or Christian Thought Electives.. ..... ...... ..


...... .... 6

CE 566

Second Semester

*If the Greek option is chosen , only eight Christian Thought elenive units in this category are required. Philosophy of Religion and Ethics The main purpose of this emphasis is to help the student become an apolo- gist and develop the skills involved in doing apologetics with special focus on philosophy and social ethics. The atti- tudes and character traits of an apolo- Emphasis gist will be fostered by department activi ti es, professional model ing, and teaching techniques. The skills neces- sary for the craft of apologetics 11ill be developed by equipping the student to think for himself or herself, do research and understand the necessary philo- sophical and ethical concepts for spell ing out what Christians believe and why they hold those beliefs. The pro- gram is aimed at developing ability to do apologetics in various minisll1' pro- grams such as para church and local church evangelism, as well as preparing the student for further graduate work in phi losophy, ethics, re ligious studi es, law, political science, and theology.

Theology 111. ... ... ............ .3

TH 604

CE 642

Emphasis or electives*

.. I2

Thesis** or electives* .... .................. 0-2

CE69I CE 692 CE 673


Biblical Foundations

* Up to 6 graduate elective units may be taken in other schools in Biola University with advisor's approval. **Consult the Ta lbot student handbook for prel iminary steps that must be completed prior to enrolling


FamilyMinisll)' ....... .........3

I. Applicant submits a statemem of ministry/voca tional objectives as part of the admission process. Appli- cation to this program must be made at least three months prior to th e 2. Upon acceptance into this pro- gram emphasis, the student is assigned an advisor and submits a proposed cur- riculum in writing to that ad,isor. The advisor and student then refine this a. In this proposal , the rationale for each course chosen is to be given so beginning of classes. proposed curriculum together. that each course chosen clearly relates minisu-y/vocational objectives. Amaxi- mum of 18 uni ts in other schools of Biola University 1vill be accepted. Inde- pendent study 1vi ll be limited to 6 units. Internship 1vill be limi ted to 3 units. b. Req ues t for transfer credits from other ins titutions (if applicable) with rationale related to objectives must be included at this time . Limit


Recommended Selections ... ...IOunits

CE 516

Curriculum Writing and


CE555 CE 557

Parachurch Youth MinisLI)'

in the thesis course.

Moral and Faith

Bible Exposition Emphasis


Select two* ................... .. ...................4

CE 570

Special Studies in Christian Education Current Trends in

BE 602* Genesis BE 608* Matthew BE 610* Romans

CE 648

Youth Minisll)'

NT 50 1 NT 502 NT 503 NT 604 NT 60.'i

Beginn ing Greek ............2 Beginning Greek .. .. .. .......2 Introduction to Exegesis ...3 Exegesis in the Gospels ... .3 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ............. ........ ... .. 3 Elements of Hebrew I .....3 Elements of Hebrew II .....3 Beginning Greek .............2 Beginning Greek .............2 Introduction to Exegesis ... 3 Exegesis in the Gospels...3 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ............. .... ....... .. 3


Development of Youth

Speaker Skills Discipleship Culture Change

PT 630 SST 562

STM 563 Sex Roles in Society Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified Emphasis

OT 603 OT 604

BE 530

Elemental)' Principles of the Bibli cal Languages ....3

Bible Exposition elec ti ves ................5-6

New Testament Emphasis

(Select one of the following) ....... 2-3

NT 501 NT 502 NT 503 NT 604

PH 523 PH 544 PH 547

Metaphysics ................... ..3 Epistemology .. .................3 The Theology and Philos- ophy of Science ...............2 The History of Ethics ......3 Seminar in Ethical Systems and Ethical Reasoning.......3 Seminar in Et hical Issues.3 Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology ..................2

HT 722 HM 556 PH 602 PT 510

Cults of America World Religions

of transfer credits is 12 un its.


c. The proposed curriculum

Evangelism and

T 605

PH 566 PH 587

must be approved by:

Follow-up ...........................3 Church and Society........3

(I) the student's ad,isor

PT 703 CE601

NT 70 1

The World of the New

(2) the TalbotCurriculum Committee d. Subsequent changes in this cur- riculum must be requested in writing and approved in writing by the ad1isor and the Talbot Curriculum Committee.

Educational Minisu-y



PH 624 PH 667

in the Church ..................3

OT 603 OT 604

Elements ofHebrew I... .... .3 Elements ofHebrew II ......3



(a maximum of 6 units

New Testamem electives .................. 7-8

in PT and CE)

... 14

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