••••••••••••••••••••••••• Master ofArts in Christian Education
Program Reduction Based on Prior
th esis project is reserved for students doing exceptional work. Require- ments for these are li sted in th e appropriate sect ion of the Talbot
leges, if accepted will be granted pro- visiona l acceptance, though excep- tions may be made when the CPA is higher than 3.0. Both probation and provisional acce ptan ce may be changed to full acceptance if the sm- dent earns a CPA of 3.0 or better on the firs t eight units at Talbot. Gradu- ates from approved unaccredited col- leges may be required to take certain additiona l libera l ans course work (not applicable toward the graduate degree), if their undergraduate pro- gram did not include these courses.
Academic Study
The scope and significance of the Christ ian educat ion program are determined by the four dimensions
Qualified students coming from approved Bible colleges or Christian libera l arts colleges may req uest exemptio n from certain required courses. Requests for exemption may be considered from two perspectives: I) Program reductions are possi- ble up to a maximum of 12 unilS from the normal MACE requirement. Eval- uat ions for reduction are considered for undergraduate courses with satis- factoq' parallel content, pro11ded that the co llegiate courses are approxi- mately double the unit value of the certain seminary courses. To qualify for such reductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the spec ifi c course(s) and be able to demonstrate compe tency in the sub- ject matter. In the event the student takes a course which had been previ- ously waived, that previous reduct ion
graduate student handbook .
which follow:
Theological Orientation
The Christian education program is an integral part of the theological enl'ironment of the sem inary. The program relates educational practice to the theological principles, seeking to merge life sciences and theology. Both life sc iences and theology 11ew persons in clesc1iptive terms. Therefore Chri st- ian educat ion is commi tt ee! to the development of the whole person.
Finl Year
First Semester
BE 517
Hermeneutics/ Bible
T-10 I
Study Methods ........ ........3
CE 52 I
Psychological Founda-
tions of Ministry. ......... 3 Educational Ministry in Lhe Church . .............. 3 Counseling Ministry in the Church ............... ...... 3 Principles of Research ...... 2
CE 601
CE 603
A. Satisfactorily complete 66-68
Ministerial Preparation
semester units. See (D.) below.
The Christian education program exists to prepare ministers in the New Testament sense, with a variety of func- tional roles implied for service in local churches and related institutions. This focus on miniSll)' includes the implicit 11ew that responsibili ty extends beyond the classroom into the churches and related institutions where students
CE 633 CE 673
B. Take the cou rses prescribed in the Master of Ans in Chri stian edu-
Biblical Foundations
of Family Ministry........... 3
cation curriculum.
ss 510
Theological Research
C. 400 hours of supervised field ministry approved by faculty advisor. D. Complete the program in no
Methodologies ............... 1
would then be nullified.
more than five years.
2) The substitution of electives in lieu of requir ed courses may be arranged in certain circumstances. In some cases where one of the above c1ite- 1ia may preclude a program reduction , Lhe student may nevertheless be able to clemonstrdte a satisfacto1y level of com- petency in a given subject. In this event, electives may be subst ituted for the course in question. Interested studen ts would contact the appropriate depart- ment chairman regarding course substi- tutions. This alternative is also available for Lhose who quali~' for the maximum program reduction indicated above. Request for /1rogmm redurtion should be submilled lo the Admissions and Regis- trar's Offires before studies begin al Talbot , berause redurtions for a s/1eriflc rourse rn11110/ be ronsidered after registration for that rourse. The substilutio11 ofe/ertives in lieu of required ro1mes may be requested anytime dwing the student's first year.
Second Semester
E. Complete an acceptable thesis (4 units) chosen in consultation with the major advisor or at the option of the major advisor and in li eu of the thesis or complete six units of electives. Students who write a thesis will have a total requiremem of 66 unilS and those who take six unilS of electives in lieu of a thesis will have a total requirement of 68 units. Five unbound copies of the thes is or thesis project are to be
BE 520
Survey of Matthew -
and graduates fi.mction.
Revelation........ ............. 3
TH 502 CE 552
. ......... 3
Theology I .
Individualized Program
Life Span Development
The program is characterized bl' emphasis on adaptation to the individ- uality of the students, both in regard to personal clistinctives and in regard to the distinctives embodied in varied forms of Christian education ministry. It is presumed that students will enter the program with clearly es tab- lished Christian faith and, normall y, with definite professional orienta tion . The program is designed to afford each student a fourfold opportunity: (a) the acquisition of knowl edge (b) th e development of professional skill , (c) personal growth and (d) the deepening of personal commitment to Ch1ist.
......... .3
in Ministt)' ··
CE 562
Personal and Interper- sonal Development ....... 3
Choose one: SCL 520, 622;
SST 680, 721 ................ .3
submitted to the librarian.
Second Year
F. At least 24 units must be
First Semester
taken at this semimur
BE 5 I 9
Survey of Genesis -
A student must have at least a 3.0 CPA (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Stu- denlS are placed on academic probation if their CPA for anysemester falls below 3.0 , and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumula- tive C.P.A. remains below 3.0. Proba- tion studenlS are grdnted one semester in which to b1ing their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for contin- uance in the semina1y. Astudent can-
..... 3
TH 50 I
Theology of Christian Life. Theology II..
.... 3
TH 603 CE 691 PT 703
Practicum in Ministry I ...... 1 Church and Society........ 3
Timeliness of the Program
The Christian education program is designed to meet the specific needs of the church at this point in time. In the light of increasing demands for per- sons trained in Ch1istian education the program is structured to prepare per- sons to serve competently in the field. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applicants must hold the Bach- elor of Arts degree or its academic equi va lent. They must have a 3.0 CPA (on a 4.0 scale). Those accepted who do not meet this latter requirement will be placed on probation. Gradu- ates from approved unaccredited col-
Bible/ Theology Electives..
....... .4
The Standard Program
Thesis First Draft* or Elective.... ..... 2
The program leading to the Mas- ter of Arts degree in Christian Educa- tion includes a minimum of 68 units (or 66 units if a thesis is wr itten). The student who is able to enroll in 17 units each semester can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than 17 units will requ ire additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed within five ca lendar years from th e first enrollment. A thesis or thesis project may be required of candidates. The
Second Semester
not graduate while on probation.
TH 604 CE 512
Theology Ill
EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS The academic program leading to the Master of Ans degree in Christian education is strucwrecl to include (I) biblical and theological foundations; (2) a co re curriculum consisti ng of foundational courses and practical ski ll s; (3) vocat ional specializat ion; and (4) aclclitional elective courses.
...... 3
Philosophyof Ministry ..... 3
CE 622 CE 724
Advanced Methods of
Educational Instruction ...2 Practicum in Minisuy II ....... I
CE 692
Thesis Final Draft*
...... 2-4
or Vocational Elective .
14-1 6
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