••••••••••••••••••••••••• Master ofArts in Marriage & Family Ministries
ogy, theories of psychology, and abnor- mal psycho logy plus eight units of Bible and / or doctrine courses. An undergraduate speech, presentation or teaching course is also a prerequisite to admission. If these units were not part of the student 's undergraduate pro- gram they must be taken prior to com- pletion of 36 units toward the degree. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily com pl ete 68 semester units. B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Ans in Marriage and Family Ministry curriculum. C. 400 hours of supen•ised field ministry approved byfaculty advisor. D. A maximum of six units towards course work in Marriage and FamilyMinistries may be transferred. E. Chri st ian educatio n core courses must be taken in residence. F. Rece ive 30 hours of didactic personal counseling at own expense. Astudent must have at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Stu- dents are placed on academic proba- tion if their GPA for anysemester falls below 3.0 and remain on probation as long as the single semes ter or cumula- tive GPA remains below 3.0. Proba- tion students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for con- tinuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS The academic program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Ministries is structured to include (I) biblical and theological foundations; (2) understanding Christ- ian education principles, minisu-y and skills; (3) a core curriculum consisting of foundation courses and practical skills in marriage and familyministry. The Standard Program The prograin leading to the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Ministries includes a minimum of 68 units. The student who is able to enroll for 17 units each semester of the acade- mic program can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than 17 units, 1vill require additional time to complete the degree prograin. Program Reduction Based on Prior Academic Study Evaluations for reduction are con- sidered for undergraduate courses 111th
Program Director: Rex. E. Johnson, M.A. OBJECTIVES The Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries is designed to equip those in the local church for a specific ministry to families. This program is designed to give an equivalent back- ground and preparation in both the areas of Bible/ theology as well as coun- se ling/ teaching. It is the design of this M.A. progran1 to equip students in the area of preparation minisuies (premaii- tal preparation ai1d faini lylife education through teaching and seminars) and in short-term counseling techniques includ- ing indi11dual , maiital and fainily coun- seling. Adefinite emphasis is placed upon recognition of disorders which would require greater specialization ai1d training so ministerial staff can be better equipped to make referrals. The pur- pose is to provide the local church 111th special ists in the field of Marriage and Family Ministries who have built both their counseling ai1d teaching skills upon a solid biblical/theological base. This prograin is under the supen1sion of the deparu-nent of Christian education , since fan1ily ministries is one part of the total Christiai1 educational minisuy. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must hold the Bache- lor of Arts degree or its academic equi va lent. They must have a mini- mum admission grade point average of 3.0 to be granted admission 1vithout pro11sions. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, 11111 be granted provisional acceptance , though exceptions may be made when the G.P.A. is 3.0 or higher. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges may be required to take certain addi- tional liberal arts course work (not applicable toward the graduate degree) , if their undergraduate pro- gram did not include these courses. All applicants must submit a writ- ten statement outlining their voca- tional objectives and how the degree might relate to those objectives. Applicants mu st submit a com- pleted profi le of the Minnesota Multi- phasic Personality lnvento1y (M.M. P.I. ) taken within the last 12 months. A limited number of students are admitted into the program each year. Preference will be given to students with experience in ministry. Applicants mu st have I2 under- graduate semester units of psychology which include developmental psycho!-
The Reduced Program
along with the major voca tional posi- tions to which theyrelate. In addition to the required courses from the specialization, the electives are then chosen to complement su-engths or to overcome weaknesses in light of the particular vocational goal. Therefore, the structure of a student 's program is gen- uinely tailor-made and maybe noticeably different from another's program having the same specialization or vocational goal . Vocations or positions for which the program prepares the student are:
Students entering this program must have completed an undergradu- ate degree in Christi an education with a 3.0 G.P.A. in courses taken in the major and 30 hours in Bible/ theology with an overall 2.6 G.P.A. Graduation requirements may be satisfied in 48 semester units (or 46 units ifa thesis iswritten). Bible/Theology ....... ..... 12 Un its (including BE 517, TH 717 , TH 718) Ch ristian education. ...... .... 29 units (including CE 512, 603, 620, 622, 633, 673, 691,692, 724; PT 703; Select one ofSCL 520, 622; SST 680 , 721.) SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ............... 1 Thesis* or electives ......... 4-6 units Total 46-48 units *Thes is alternat ives are: I) four units in thesis courses as indicated in the curriculum chart; or 2) six uni ts of Christian Education electives in lieu of the thesis. Thesis First Draft will be taken at the completion of 31 units and Thesis Final Draft at the comple- tion of 49 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unl ess both have been completed. With cou ns el from the depart- ment , the student designs the balance of the program in light of personal strengths , previous experience and vocational goals. The major areas of specialization are presented below
Minister of Christian Eduwtion Di1ictor ofChildren s Minishies
Minister of Youth Minister ofAdults
Directar ofSingle Adult Ministries Church Business Administrator Counseling and Family Ministries Chiistian Camp Administration
The Parachurch Ministries program des igns matching various positions 1vithin Christian agencies such as Christ- ian schools, publishing houses, youth agencies, group homes and others. Specializations of the department are: Administration Counseling and Family 1Winistries £durational Psychology and Age-Level Spe- cializations P1inciples ofEducation and Methodology Single Adult Minisl1ies
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