
PA 15 2 75 - 1103) in th e U nited Scates and Canada, the internation­ all y recognized accrediting body of seminari es and schools of divinity, Recognition Agencies of the Un ited Scares Government wh ich recogni ze the training given at Talbot incl ude: I. T he U nited S cares Department of Health Ed ucat ion and Welfa re, Office of Ed ucat ion. 11. The C haplaincy Branches of the Arm y, Navy and Air Fo rce. Full-time seminary sniclents are eligible to apply for commissions as second lieutenants or ensigns in the chapl aincy branches of the Army, Air Force or Navy, with eight weeks of active d uty training optional dur­ ing the summer vacation. A c·ourse in chaplainC'y orie nta tion is offered by th e depart me nt of C hristi an Min istry and Leadership. Ill.The:: Vetera ns Administra­ t ion . IV.T he ll n i reel Scares Departme nt of Just ice, Immi gra­ tion and Nat11rali za cion Serv ice .

with alumni through news let­ ters, personal notes, phone calls, e-mail and on-site visits when possible. Resourcing - TSM seeks to provide helpful resources such as networking with ocher grad­ uates, contac t wi th pl aceme nt opportuniti es and professional and pe rsonal counsel.

dents and placeme nt information fur graduating seniors and alumni se::eking ministry in fidcl s of serv­ ice to which they believe char th e Lord has called them. The:: place­ ment director along with the place­ m e nt committee work s c los e ly with denominati onal and interde­ nominational Christian leacle::rs. Campus Housing and Dining Campus li vin g qu a rt ers a re a va il ab le for s in g le men a nd women . ll nril facilicie::s are fillt: cl , th ey a re assi g ned acco rdin g co the:: dare of re ce::ipr o f th e:: $.'i0 housin g deposit ($ 100 for apart­ me nt). More de tailed informa­ tion and housing requ est form s may be obta ined from the direc­ tor for resident ial programs, Met­ zger Hall , Bio la Uni versity. T his offi ce can also provide some sug­ gestions conce rning off-campu s rooms and apartme nts. Man y off- ca mpu s s rucl e:: nr s find ir conve::nient ro dine in the campu s ca fete::ri a. For those who wish to e::a r there regularl y. some cos t savings ma y be reali zed by using one of the meal ticket plans ava ilable rather than paying cash. Married Student Housing T he seminary has limire::cl housing faci li ties fo r ma rri ed st11- dents, but th e:: re are apa rtments and home::s ava ilable for renr in t he imme::di are vicinity. For a list­ ing of apartment rental in the area surrounding the campus. please contact the Bio la Housing O ffi ce. Talbot Support Ministries Dr. l'vli ck Boersma. Direc tor Talbot S upport M ini se ri es (TSl'vl ) is a service-oriented min­ istry di rected toward recent Talbot alumni and th e ir spo uses. T hi s program, led by the director and his wife. is d ist ing ui shed by commit­ ment rn the fol lowi ng cl isrinctives: ■ Relationship - escabli she::cl with incoming students, con­ tinued th rough seminary stud­ ies and the first five co seve::n years of profess ional ministry.

Inte rn ationa l scuclents and those for whom E nglish is a second lan ­ guage are:: required co take both the Test Of English as a Foreign L a n guage (TOE FL ) and the Biola E ng l is h Placement Exam in stead of the TWP E. T hose:: w ho score above 600 pape r/2 :i0 computer on the TOEFL wi ll cake rh e TWPE rathe r than the Biol a E ngl ish Placement Exam. TWPE result.s will clete::rmine wheth e r e nrollm e nt in SS 500 Theo log ic al Writin g will be req uired. If req uired, chis course must be taken in the first semester of seminary study. (See page T-5 for course description .) Students who rece ive a g rade lower th an "C-' ' in ch is course muse repea t th e co urse. The Biol a Engli s h Placement E xam. wh e:: re app lica­ b k (se::e:: above) , wi ll determine whether e nrollment in appropriate ESL cou rse work will be required . Academic Load The minimum full-rime load is nine unic.s for those in the Master of Divinity, Ma.seer of Arc.s and !\faster of Theology deg ree prog rams. Those carrying less than the full­ time load are considered pan-rime students. The sta nda rd student load in the Master of D ivinit y (M.D iv.) prog ram is twe lve ( 12) uni ts. A st11clem is normall y permit­ ted to c.·Jrry a maximum of 18 uni ts each semester. To exceed this max­ imum load, the student must peti­ tion the Office of the Regis trar. A maximum of ten (10) units, may be taken by a swdem in a combination of independent swdy, arranged, cor­ respondence and rrs courses to be counted t<iwarcl a srudenr 's program. A maximum of six unit., (of th e 10) may be:: taken in ITS murse.s. A unit of cred it is generall y con­ side red co t.'t.>nsisc of one:: class hour (SO minutes) a week for a semester. In some cases, such as laboratory sessions, a unit of cre::di t may involve:: more:: than one cla.,s per iod a we::ek. As indit.-a tecl on th e curriculum charc.s for each program, the various curri cula require 14-1 8 units per semester in order cu graduate in the number of ye::ars specified by t he chart. However, srnclenc., who find it necess.1ry to work 20 or more hours week ly co provide li ving expenses should plan co re::clu ce:: t he::ir aca­ demic load. Such a reduction would extend the time req uir e::cl for a cle::gree program, though participa­ tion in summer session and intert­ erm could help offset the differenc.-e.


Corres poncle::nce conce rnin g admiss ion should be aclcl re::ssed to t he U ni ve rsity Offi ce of Admis­ sions, which will suppl y the appli­ cant with th e proper forms. When these appl ica tion forms and a ll t ranscri pts of prev ious academ ic training have been filed. accompa­ ni ed by two photog raph s a nd a $45 application fee. an admissions dec is ion wi ll b e made. Offi cia l noti fi ca tion of the decision will be sent b y mail to th e app li cant. The appli cat ion deadline for th e fall is August I and for th e spring is Janu ary I. Applications may be submitted after chis deadline (lace applica tion fee of$55), bur will be conside red and processed onl y if space is ava ilable and time allows. Talbot Sc hoo l of Theology desires on ly qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus C hrist. However, in th e admission of stucle::nts, the hiring of emplovees or the:: operation of any of its programs and activities, Talbot does nor discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, se::x, hand­ ica p or national or e thni C' ori g in . Inquiries concerning this policy may he addressed to the seminary com­ pliance director for T itle IX. E ntrance re::q uireme nc.s for each p rogra m a re li sted o n th e page describ ing that program under the head ing. Admission Req uirements. No1t1: Of(i,·i,1/ dot11 111e111s pre­ Sflllt'dfor 11d111issio11 or ev11/11a1io11 hfftJ/111' pr111 ()( 1/J,, st11de111 '., 11mde111ir filt 1111d 11on1111/lv a1111101 /J,, ret11med or ropiedfor distrih11tio11. Talbot Writing Proficiency Examination (TWPE) Adva n ce d compos i tiona l skills. commens urate with gradu­ a te -l eve l theological srncli e::s. are foundational and ind ispe nsabl e , both in terms of e::cl ucational and ministerial success. For ch is rea­ son, all new students are req uired to cake the:: Ta lbo t Writing Profi­ c ien cy Exam (TWl'E) prior co registrat ion for the first semester.


Whi le Biola Uni versi ty cannot guarantee e::mp loymenr, we:: have:: observed ch a r prayer and God's gui da nce have mira cul o us lv pro­ vicle::cl emplovmenc for our studen ts in past years. S t11cl e ncs should app ly to t he uni ve rsitY stude nt e::mployment office (l'vleczger Hall , first floor ). We will make eve ry effort rn ass ist you by referring you co emp loyment position s when ava il able, commensurate with your qu alificat ions and in conformity with your da il y class schedule. St udents may also secure off­ campus secu lar emp loyment in a w ide va ri e t y of occupat io n s. Loca l offices of th e Scare of Ca li­ forn ia Departm e nt of Em pl oy­ me nt can he ve:: ry he lpful in the location of t hese job openings. The placeme nt office (see next ice::m ) can some times ass ist the stu­ dent in securing pare- or full-time employme::nt in local area churches.

C red ibility - the program director and his wife have exce::nsi ve experi e nce in min ­ istry and work to ke::ep c urre nt on changes and issues affect­ ing Ta lbot graduates. Safety - an environment is provided in wh ich alumni are ass ured of conficle::nti alicy and freedom to share their li ves open ly. Purposefulness -TSM initi­ ates and maintains contac t


Th e p lace me nt uffice works closely with srudents rn ass ist them in securing part-tim e inte rnship positions in loca l area churches. The::se placements are an integ ral as p ect of t he field ed uc ation practicum sequence of courses. The placement office:: also pro­ vides ca reer co unse ling for st11-

Talbot School of Theology· T~3

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