
Master of Arts 1n Christian Ministry and Leadership

mined by the student in consul ta• lip to 6"md110/1' electivr 11ni1s may tion with the advisor. b,, 111/.·e,1 in other schools i11 /Jiola



T he Mas ter of Arts in C hristREQUIREMENTS

l/11iversi111with advisor·., approval.

ian Mini stry and Leadership with e mphases in Pastora l Ca re and

Appli ca nts mu st possess a baccalaureate degree. Each

Advanced Standing


Cons,;!, th,: Ta/hot student ha11d­

App li ca nts who have raken

hool for preliminary strps that mu.rt /J,, romp/Ned prior Jo enrolling i11 the

Co unsel ing, and Women ' s Mi nshould be a graduate from a recunde rgraduate courses in biblical

is tri es, is designed as a profesognized o r acc redi t ed co llege

or theological studies ma y req uest advanced standing based

thr.ri.r course.

s io n a l prog ram for s pec ia li zed mini stry. le has been developed

with a minimum grade point average of :,.o (on a 4.0 scale).

on co llegiate work. See Ad misEMPHASES

fo r chose whose calling to C hristAll app li ca nts must submit a ian service is to pos itions of lead written statement omlining thei r

sions Requirements for details.


vocar iona l objec ti ves and how the degree mi ght relate to chose

ers hip for whi c h the Master of D ivin i t y or o ch er profes s iona l deg rees are not normall y req uired.

Pastoral Care and Counseling CL 622 lmercultural C,ommunicationJ JY] ' 604 Pastoral Care and Chaplai nc-y J PT 628 Marital Counsding ................... 3 P' l.696 lnternship .. ................................J l'I' 70.1 Church and Sociery ................. .3


objecti ves.

First Year

It is structured to provide:

First Semester

l. An unde rstanding of ScripGRADUATION

BE 517 Hermeneutic.✓Bible


t11 res for st11dencs anti c ipatin g C hrist ian min ist ri es that wo ul d include pastoral or lay counse lors,

Study t,.,Jechods ................... ...... ..l

JYI' 708 Advanced Pastoral

A. Sa tisfactori ly compl ete 64- 66 semester units as out lined in

BE 519 SurveyofGenesis- Malachi...3 T H 51 l Theoh,,,,y 1- lncrod ucrion:

C'.,()unseling ...... ..... ........... ...........3

para-church organiza tion counselthe c urri culum charts be low.

l'I' 725 Counseling Troubled

Revelation and Nawre ing, women·s miniseries. specialB. Submit an acceptabl e theFamilies ..................................... .3 of(;od..................... .. .....,............ ..l ized "tent-mak in g" occupations s is, c hose n in co ns ul rat ion with PT 740 Issues and Ed,ic-s in Ministry.. 2 PT 706 Personal Foundations in ocher c ultures, lay lead e rs in the major advisor, or at the option JYT' 807 Sysrems nf Inte 6 -rJtion .. .......... J of Ministry ..................................2 t he local church and oche rs. of the major advi sor and in li eu of SS 5IO Theoloi;ic-a l Research Electives 2. A bibli ca l background fo r t he thesis , rnmpl e te fou r add i­ Mech,,,gies.... ....... ................ I CE 514 Women and Men in Chri stian chose who are preparing fo r coun tional units of elect ives. Students Ministry Emphasis or electives• ............................ .3 seling in secular fields. w ho write a t hes is will ha ve a CE 521 Psychological Foundations of :, . A progra m of stud y fo r total req uirement of 64 unit~ and 15 Christian Ministry missionaries who have only a brief those who ta k e two addi tion a l Second Semester CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and furlough time in which to pursue BE 520 Surveyof Matthew - Their Parents units in li eu of a thesis will have a tota l requirement of 66 units. formal studv of the Scriptures and Revdaci,m ... .............................. .3 CE 675 Fami ly Life Education C. At lease 24 units muse be would like to emphasize pastoral HT 514 Historic-a l Thenlo 6 ,y Survey ... .3 CL 520 Interpersonal and lntcrcultural taken at this seminary. counseling or women's n1inistries. T H 512 Theolo 6 ,y 11-WorksofGrx.l. Adjustment D. Obta in a :-.O average with 4. Sus ta ina b le skills in speAngels, t-. tan and Sin ................3 PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I no g rade b e low a "C-·' in a ll cific ministries further deve lopPT 709 Personal Foundations Lab ......0 PT 7:i0 Di rected Study Research co urs es to he c red it e d toward in g yo ur ab ilities a nd spiritu a l PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral l'T' 775 Parent Education in Ministry graduation . PT 802 Spiritual Conflic-t, and g ift s a nd strengthening yo ur Care and Counsdi ng................2 E. Comp lete the entire proCounseling areas of weakness. Empha~is or deceives• ..... .. ......................6 gram in no mo re than fi ve yea rs. T H 717 Theoh,,,,y of Human Nature 17 Women 's Ministries Students a re placed on aca­ T he ]\faster of Arcs. Women 's demic probation if their grade point Second Year Women 's Ministries Emphasis average for any semeste r falls below CE 512 Educ-at ion Administration... ...J Mini seri es emph as is. is desig ned First Semester to equ ip you fo r a specific ministry :,.o and will rema in on probation as CE 514 Women and Men in Minisrry .2 T H (ii., Theolo 6 •y Ill- Chri st. CE 691 Practicum in Ministry 1............ 1 to women in a loca l church conlong as the single semester or cumuSalvation and the Spirit........... .3 CE 692 Practicum in Ministry 11 ........ .. 1 text. It is set up to develop Emphasis or decei ves• .......................... J.i lative grade point average remai ns CL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural below 3.0. Probation student~ are strengt hs in bot h Uible/cheology 17 Adjustment ... ................... .... ......., granted one semester in which co and co un se ling/ceac h ing . The PT 628 Marital Counsel ini; ....... .. .... ..... .3 bring their academic work up to the Second Semester program emphasizes preparation, PT 6.,2 Foundations of Women's required level (:,.o) for continuance TH 614 Theoi<, 6 ,y IV- T he Church e nri c hm e nt , eq uippin g a nd f\. linistries.................................... 2 in the seminary. A student cannot and Last Th in1,.'S ... .. ... ..... .. ........ .3 renewing ministri es in such classes PT 72:i CounselingTroubled graduate while on probation. Emphasis or electives• .............. ............. I 2 as Co unse lin g Ministry , Group Families ........... .......... ................ J Thesis.. or elecrives• ... ........................0-2 Counseling, Women and Men in Specialization ........................................... I 0 EMPHASES l.'i- 17 M ini s try, Sex Roles in Soc iet y, Electives............................................... .......8 and Psychology of Women. REQUIREMENTS A major foc us is on actua l Program Structure practice in women 's ministri es in The academic programs lead­ loca l churches. O ur purpose is to ing to the degree Master of Art~ in provide loca l churches with speC hri st ian Ministry and Leadership c ia lises in the fi e ld of Women ·s with emphases in Pastoral Ca re M ini str ies who have built their a nd Cou ns e ling, and Women ' s counse lin g, ad mini s tra ti ve and Miniseries are comprised of 64-66 teaching skills upon a solid bibliunit s structured in common to ca l a nd theolog ical base . The incl ude: I) biblical and theologi c.-al program will prepare yo u for such found ations. 2) academic spec ial­ professional positions as director iza tion in one of four disciplines of women's ministries. or associ req uiring biblical language srndies, ate pastor of C hri s tian education. or genera l srnd ies in which biblic.-al whi le providing special emphasis languages are not req uired. and 3) in the area of women·s concerns. additional e lect ive courses deter-

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