
Bible Exposition

C hair: John C. Hutchison , Ph.D.

BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical languages (3) fl as ic princ iples of language th at are foundational to inte rpreting the bi b li ca l tex t. Overv iew of th e structure of the biblical languages, eva lu a ti o n of theo ri es of Bibl e translation, and instruct ion in the use of va rious mol s based on the original languages. T he course will a id the stude nr in understanding issues th at ari se in interpre tation beca use of t he original languages. Required of M.A. (B{rS) students. BE 602 Genesis (2) An expos iti on, with an emphasi s on importanr critica l and contem­ porary iss ues, and bi b li ca l theol­ ogy, e spec ia ll y t h e Ab ra hami c

C hri stian church, community and va rious mini s tr y co ntexts. I t helps stude nts develop an under­ sta nding of ministry to marr iages and fa milies today and consi ders s p ec ifi c issues su c h as di vo rce and blended-familie s. 876 Church as Connected Community (2) St ud e nt s a re c h a llen ged to develop models for mini stry cha t apprec ia te th e inte rdepen de ncy o f t he C hristi an body and seeks to develop and empower peopl e through such re lat ionships. Spe­ c ia l attention is g iven to sma ll gro ups and oth e r soc ia l syste ms

co marriage, famil y and youth coun­ seling and ministry 865 Conflict Resolution/ Reconciliation (2) Ex pl o res the conte mpo ra ry c ul ­ t ur e of confli c t, a li e na tion and separa tion , a nd leads stu d ent s through th e bibli ca l principles of handling confli c t be twe en pe r­ sons and within Chri stian organi ­ zat io ns and mini s tri es. Spec ific mode ls o f confli ct management will be anal vzed and crit iqu ed fo r ap pli ca ti on within Chri stian re la­ t ionshi ps and organi zati ons. S tu­ de nts will deve lop specifi c skill s and compete nc ies in communi ­ cat ing for confli ct resolution and reconc ili ation . 871 Principles of Church Health and Growth (4) He lps stud en ts understand sc ie n­ ti fic princi pl es developed to date in t he f ie ld of c hurc h g rowt h, covers re leva nr co ntemporary lit­ e rarnre on the subject and he lps s tude nts acq uire th e bas ic skills n ece s sa ry for di ag nos in g th e hea lth of th e local c hurc h a nd des ig nin g p rogra ms fo r futur e growth. The course is desi gned to provide labora tory fi e ld expe ri­ e nce in study ing churc h g rowth wi t h d irect resea rch in to growing c hu rches in Sou t he rn Californi a. 872 Creative Models of Ministry (2) Ass is ts t he C hr ist ian lea d e r in understandin g and us ing newe r models of ministry. Definitions , stre ngths and wea kn esses of new mode ls will be analyzed to assi st participants in determining which new models may be appropri ate to the ir own context. Change man­ ageme nt skills for implemen ta tion of new ministries will be explored . 873 Church leadership, Admin­ istration and Finance (4) Leads studen t, th ro ugh a bi bl ica l, organi za ti ona l a nd psycho logical understanding of leadershi p, moti­ vat io n, pl a nnin g, eva luati o n, c hange prin c ip les an d organi za ­ tional deve lopme nt . Parti cipants have the opportunity to examine the ir lea de rs hi p s t y le and to develop styles through group expe­ ri e nces and c.-ase stud ies. Atcenrion is given to issues of fin ance includ­ ing bud geting, acco un t ing, fund­ ra ising and accountabili ty. 875 Ministry to Marriage and Family (2) Foc uses on t he u ni q ue rol e o f ma rri age and fa mil y within th e

FACULTY Professors: C urti s, Russell Associ ate Professors: Flory, Hell e rman, Hutchi son, Ta lley Assistanr Professor: Hultberg


W h i le the e n t ir e semin a ry c urri cu lum contribut es to th e goal o f acc u ra t e ex pos ition o f Sc ripture, it is the purpose of this depa rtment to focus on the fol­ lowing: ( I ) sound he rme neutics, whi ch leads to acc urate inte rpre­ ta ti on and appli cat ion of Scrip­ ture; (2) introductory iss ues fo r e ac h Old a nd New T es tam e nt book whi c h inform acc u ra t e l3ible e x position , in c ludin g authorship, histori ca l and cu ltural backg round, th eme and purpose, or uniqu e th eo logica l contribu­ tion s; 0) synth esis and ana lys is, accomplish ed t hro ug h bi b li ca l surve y and ana lys is o f se lect e d passages and books , enabling one to interpre t Scripture in light of th e "bi g pic ture' ': (4 ) ex pos iti on and application. prov iding exam­ pl es o f we ll-organi zed , re leva nt messages and Bibl e stud ies from the Eng lish l3ibl e books studi ed . COURSES BE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (3) A stud y o f prin c ipl es for so und interpre tation and appli cati on of the Bible, including analysis of pre­ suppositions, gene ral rules and spe­ ciali zed principl es for the va rious biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of various approaches to studying the Bible. Required of

fo r practica l ap p li cation. 870 Symposium (1-4)

Covenant. E lecti ve. BE 608 Matthew (2)

T opi cs and me thods of lea rning vary and inc lude a vari e ty o f di f­ fer e nt C hri st ia n lead e rs in lec­ ture , workshops and symposiums. 880 Independent Study (1-6) A dir e c t ed in d iv idu a l s tud y w h e re b y th e s tu de nt m ay d o advanced readi ng or resea rch in to an area of spec ial interest. A pro­ posal mus t be prepared according to g ui de lin e s av ail able in th e D. M in . o ffi ce a nd app roved by th e D.M in. d irec tor. 891 Introduction to Doctoral Research (2) An introdu cti o n to the Doctoral Proj ect process and to resources ava il abl e fo r docto ra l resea rc h and writing ind uding th e libra ry, compute r lab and Inte rn e e. Also i nt rod uces stu d en t s to th e m e thod o log ie s for the va riou s doc tor a l proje c t options a n d he lp s srnd e n ts identi fy a to pi c a nd d eve lo p a pl a n fo r writing t he ir doctoral project. 892 Research Methodologies (2) St ude n ts ga in ex p e ri e nc e a nd d eve lo p competen c ies in th e re se ar c h a n d .writing p roc e ss . Special atte nt ion is given to writ­ i ng in th e T u ra bi a n form a nd style and to q uali ta tive and q uan­ ti ta ti ve res ea rch me thods. Sw­ dents prod uce a lite rature rev iew fo r their doctora l project. 893 Data Interpretation for Doctoral Writing (2) S rnd e nts fin a li ze the i r d oc toral projec t res ea rc h a n d writin g seq uence and appl y fo r approva l of their doctoral project topi c. 899 Doctoral Project (6) S tudents muse complete a doc­ toral project to meet the require ­ me nts for gra d uation. See Doc­ toral Project g uidelines.

An ex position , e mpha s iz in g b ac k gro und is sues , purpos e , s tru c ture , and inte rpretat ion of narrati ve lite rature . E lecti ve. BE 610 Romans (2) An exposition, emphasizing back­ ground issues, purpose, structure, development of the argument, and theologica l contributions. E lecti ve. BE 722 Directed Research (1-2) Guided research in some biblica l area rel ating to exposition, accord­ ing to the s t11 dent 's need and rel e ­ vancy to ministry. E lecti ve. BE 726 Expositional Methodol­ ogy in Daniel and Revelation (3) Application of expositional method to se lec ted passages from Dani el and Revelation. Discussion of cru­ cial background and critical issues, book struc t11res, inte rpre tive d iffi­ culti es, p ractical impli cati ons and various approaches to expounding the text of each book. Req uired of ~I.D iv. program. Sugges ted e lec­ tive for M.A. program. BE 731 Exposition of Old Testa­ ment Segments or Themes (2-3)* BE 732 Exposition of New Testa­ ment Segments or Themes (2-3) * BE 733 Biographical Exposition of Selected Biblical Figures (2)* • These e lecti ves will be offe red in cycle, with the breadth of the scope of each offe ring de termined by: I ) the expertise of availabl e faculty: 2) current issues of scholarl y and prac­ tical impo rtance; and 3) balance in regard to recent offe rinb'S- BE 740 Advanced Henneneutics (2) A seminar foc using on advanced princ iples, p rac ti ce a nd c urre nt issues of b iblical inte rpre tation and application . Pre requisite: BE .'i 17.

M.Div. and M.A. swdents. BE 519 Survey of Genesis­ Malachi (3)

A broad survey of the O ld T esta­ me nt books, inc luding se lected introduc tory a nd c ri t ica l issues, rele va nt b ac k g round , ma jor themes and di visi ons, an d cru c ial prob le ms. Re quired o f M.D iv. and M.A. stude nts. BE 520 Survey of Matthew­ Revelation (3) A gene ral overv iew of the New Tes tam e nt book s , in c luding selected introductory and c ritical issues , r e lev ant b ac kgrou n d , major t he mes and d ivisions. and c ru c ia l p ro b lems. Requir ed o f M.Div. and M.A. stude nts.

Talbot School of Th eology· T~23

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