
New Testament Language and Literature

perspecti ve and style of various English translations of the New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 503. Electivt:. • NT 721 Exegesis of the Synop­ tic Discourses of Christ (2) C hrist 's major discourses in the Synopt ic gospels. with principal emphasis upon the Se rmon on the tvlount , the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kin gdom and the Ol ivet Discourse. The con­ tent of the discourses wi ll he ana- 1yzed within the ministr y of C hrist. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 722 Exegesis of the Gospel of Luke (2) Ex tensi ve tr a nslation in the gospel. Exegesis of selected por­ tions. Consideration of the con­ rri hu tion of thi s book to one's knowledge of the life of C hrist. Examination of sty le and vocabu­ lary of Luke . Prerequi s ite: NT sm. Elective.• NT 723 Exegesis of Acts (2) Extensive tra ns lation in the book. Exegesis of selectt:d por­ tions. Consideration of the con­ tribution of thi s book to knowl­ edge of th e ex pansion and life of the earl y chu rch. Introduction to criti ca l iss ues in the hook, with emphasis upon its importa nce and its histori city. Comparison of sryle with that of Luke's gospel. Prerequi s ite: NT 503. Elecrive.• NT 729 Theology of the Gospels (2) An examination of the theologi ­ cal teaching of Jesus as recorded in the four gos pel nar ratives. Specia l attention is paid to the chrono logical d ev elopment of themes ca ught by C hrist in the light of Hi s pre senta tion a nd rejection. (Cross-listed with TH 729). Elective.• NT 741 Exegesis of Second Corinthians (2) A detail ed study of the G reek text of the epistl e with special attent ion given to problems of grammar and interpretation. Pre­ requisite: NT 503. E lective.• NT 742 Exegesis of Galatians (2) A derailed exegesis of the origi­ nal text together with a rnnside r­ ation of th e histori ca l situations. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elect ive.• NT 743 Exegesis of Philippians (2) A detailed stud y of the Greek tt:Xt of the epistle with spec ial attention given to the problems

Chair: Clint Arnold , Ph.D.

the bibli c al text. In c ludes a required one hour non-credit lab. Prert:quisite : NT 501-502. Required of M.Div,, M.A. (BE , NT, OT, TH) students. NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels (3) Exeget ical stud y of select pas­ sages from the Greek text of the gospeb. Appli cation of exeget i­ ca l methodology and dis c ussion of background issues, in cluding hi storical backgrounds, composi­ tion, authorship, and distioctives of eac h book. Special attention g ive n to assessment of modern critical methods for tht: interpre­ tation of th e Bibli cal text. Prt:­ requisite: NT 503. Required of M.Div. , M.A. (HE, NT) students. NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts (3) Exeget ica l stud y of select pas­ sages from the Greek text of the Epist les in the light of the hisror­ ical fr amework of the book of Acts . Application of exeget ica l methodology and disc ussion of background issues, including his­ rorical backgrounds. composition , autho rship , and distinctives of ea c h book. Specia l att e ntion g ive n to assessment of mode rn critica l methods for the inte rpre­ tation of the Bibli ca l text. Pre­ requisite: NT 50.,. Required of M.Div. , M.A. (BE, NT) students. NT 606 New Testament Introduction (2) New Testament histori ca l back­ grounds; Engl ish translations of th e New Testament; -formation , history, extent and transmission of the canon: special introduction of each New Tescamt: nt hook. NT 616 Readings in Hellenistic Greek (2) Readings from a var iety of liter­ ary and non-literary Koin e texts as a means of deve loping a greater awareness of tht: linguis­ ti c, litera ry, and cu ltural context of the New Testament. Prereq­

NT 623 Exegesis of the Gospel of Matthew (2) A study of the entire gospel with detailed exegesi s of se lec t pas­ sages . Special attention give n to the structure , arg ument , and interpretat ivt: problems of the gospel. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 641 Exegesis of Romans (2) A study of the entire epistle with d eta iled exegt:s is of select pas­ sages. Specia l attention given to the structure, argument , and interprt:tativt: problems of the e pistle . Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective. • NT 644 Exegesis of Ephesians (2) Trans lat ion and exegesis of the e pistle with spec ia l attention given to determining the life-set­ ting and to interpreting tht: pri­ mar y themes. Prerequisite: N'T' 50:,_ Elect ive.• NT 646 Exegesis of Hebrews (2) A study of th e t:nt ire epist le with detailed exegesis of se lect pas­ sages. Special attention given to the strucrnre, arg um ent , and interpretative problems of the epistle. Prerequisite : NT 503. Elect ive.• NT 701 The World of the New Testament (2) New Testame nt histori ca l back­ grounds and arc haeol ogy, incl ud­ ing a stud y of the religious devel­ opments , lite ra t11re , geograph y a nd cultural setting of Judaism and the He ll e ni s tic world at the time of C hrist and the early church. Required of M.A. (NT) srndents. NT 705 Hellenistic Religions and the New Testament (2) An ana lysis of the Greco-Roman religions, the "mystery re ligions," magic, astrology, and the begin­ nin g forms of Gnostic ism for th e ir re levance in better under­ standing the New Testament. Elective.• NT 711 Rapid Reading in the Greek New Testament (2) Dirt:cted re ad in g design ed to supplement the student's knowl­ edge of the Greek New Testa­ ment, ro increase vocabulary, and co provide with further applica­ tion and undt:rstanding of Greek grammar. f>rert:quisite : NT 503. Elect ive.• NT 713 English Translations of the New Testament (2) A stud y of the history, philoso­ ph y, textual basis, theological

FACULTY Professors: Arnold, Russell , Wilkins Associate Professor: Rhee Assistant Professors: Hubbard, Hultberg. Lee


The purpose of th is depart­ ment is ro impart to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testament whi ch includes three principal areas: historical back­ grounds , Greek gramma r and exegesis of the text. T he plan is to provide scudents with tools which wi ll enable them tu utilize the Greek text in future study, interpretation, and in exposition of the Word of God. Stude nts are strongl y advised co cake beginning Greek prior to starting course work at Talbot (ei ther in summer school at Tal­ bot or in undergraduate work), so that the student ca n immediatel y begin work with the Greek text of the New Testament. A quali­ fyin g exam in ation in Greek is avai lab le tu all st11dents with pre­ v ious Gree k trainin g . Those with a grade of '"C" or higher on the examination will be enrolled in NT .'i03 and t he rest in NT 501. Those who take beginning Greek at Ta lbot for credit wi ll have 4 units fewer deceive units. COURSES NT 501-502 Beginning Greek I, II (2, 2) An introdu c tor y study of the basic elt:ments of New Testa­ ment Grt:ek. Translation of por­ tions of the New Tescamt:nt in the second semestt:r. Designed for srudt:nts who ha ve not com­ pleted a full seq uence of begin­ ning Grt:ek co urses. N ot for c redit in the M.Div. pro gra m unless the student takes in place of e lect ive units. NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis (3) A comprehensive su rvey of mor­ phology and syntax, the building of a Grt:t:k vocabu lary, an intro­ duction co texwal criticism, and th e deve lopment of an exegetical methodology with re ading in selected passages of the G re ek New Testament. Designt:d to emphasize the value of Greek swdy as a cool fo r undt:rstanding

uisite: NT 503. Elective .• NT 621 Life of Christ (2)

A srndy of the historical and cul­ tural background to the gospe ls: extensive stud y of the mission, life and tt:achings of C hrist. A harmon y/synopsis of the gospels will be employed in order to give attention to the similarities and differen ces in the gospel accounts. Elec ti ve.•

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