
New Testament literat ure . hi s­ tor y. interpretation or theology. May he repeated for credit with different co ntent . Elec ti ve fo r 'T'h.M. stude nts; oth­ ers by departmental permi ssion. NT 891-892 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and appli cat ion of the central areas of New Testament res ea rc h and re la ted fields of st ud y. I nstr uccion in research methodology, includ ing the iden­ tification of a probl em. the steps taken co resol ve it , and writing the results. Required for the first semester of ch e Th.M. (N.T) program. A second semester may be taken co continue research ,n the area of interest. •Efectivn are offered hy ro1111io11 1111d Oil CP(JIICSI.

of grammar and interpreta tion . Prerequisite: NT 5m. Elective.• NT 7 44 Exegesis of Colossians (2) A detailed study of the Greek text of che epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in the Coloss­ ian church. Exegesis of the epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective. • NT 747 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (2) An examination of I Timothy, II Timothy and Titus in the Greek text with a s pec ia l focus on church structure and leadership. Prerequisite: NT Sm. Elective.• NT 751 Exegesis of the Apoca­ lypse (2) A stud y h ased on che original cexc, wi ch a foc us on the seven churches and the litera ry genre of the book. Prerequi si te: NT 503. E lec ti ve.• NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main th emes of Paul 's doc­ trine from the bibli cal theological perspective. (C ro ss- listed with TH 730). Prerequisite: NT 501- 502. Elective.• NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1-4) S upervi sed resear c h of de s ig­ nated areas of concentration in New Testam e nt lite rature, his ­ tory, interpre tation or theology. May be repeated fur credit with differe nt content. Elective.• NT 801 Textual Criticism of the New Testament (2) T he origin and hiscory of text11al criti cism. Srudy of the re lative va lu e of ma nus c ripts a nd the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT S03. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. • NT 803-804 Advanced Greek Grammar (2, 2) An intensi ve study of s tandard works on ad va nced Greek gram­ mar. May be continued for a sec­ o nd semester as wa rranted. Pre­ requisite: NT 503 , 604 , 605, 4 units NT exegesis electives. Elective for Th.M. students: oth­ ers by departmental permission.• NT 808 Comparative Style of New Testament Writers (2) Compar ison of style. vocabulary and theological co ncepts of the va rious New Testament writers on th e basis of sel ected portions of the writings of the Greek New Tes tament. Elective fur Th.l'vl. students: others by departmental permission.

NT 832 Seminar in the Epistles (1-3) Advanced stlldy of one or more of the epistles. Special attention g iven to critical and exegetical issues associated with a particular epistle(s). May he repeated for credit with the study of different epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503. 605. Elective for 'T'h.M . swdent~: others by departmental permission! NT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Detai led research on some aspect of the New Testament. May include a special focus on or com­ bined stud y of exegesis. New Testament history, introd uctory macters, or New Testame nt theol­ ogy. Electi ve for Th.M. stlldent~. NT 890 Advanced New Testa­ ment Seminar (1-4) Supervised res ea rch of desig­ nated areas of con ce ntration in

NT 811 lntertestamental Back­ ground Seminar (2) Study of the reli g ious develop­ ments, lit e rature, geography and cultural setting of Judaism lead ­ ing up to the time of the gospels. J\,fa y be repeated for credit with a different emphasis. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents ; ochers by departmental permission. • NT 812 The World of the New Testament (3) New Testament histori ca l back­ grounds and archaeology, includ­ ing a study of th e reli gious devel­ opment s, literature. geograph y and cultural settin g of Judaism and the Hellenistic world a t the tim e of Christ and che early c hur c h. Req uired of Th.M. (NT) s tudents. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) Readings from a variety of liter­ ary and non-literary Koine texts as a mea ns of developing a greater awareness of the linguis­ tic, literary. and c ulrnral context of the New Testament. !\lay be repeated for credit with a differ­ ent emphasis. Pre requisite: NT 503. E lec tive for Th .M. stu­ d e nts ; others by departmental permissi on.• NT 822 Seminar in the Gospels (1-3) Advanced srudy of one or more of the gos pe ls. Special attention g ive n co criti ca l a nd exegetical issu es probl ems associated with a parti c ular gos pel (s) . May be re peated for cred it with the studv of a different conten t. Prerequi­ site: NT 503. 604. Elective for Th.M. s tuden ts; ochers bv departmental pe rmi ss ion. NT 823 Johannine Theology (2) The cheolo1,,y of che Johannine writ­ ings, with emphasis upon the con­ cepts ch at the writer himself empha­ s izes. Prereq uisite: NT 501 -502. Elective for Th.M. stlldent~; ochers by departmental permission! NT 824 The Acts of the Apostles (2) lncrodu c cion to the book , che emphasis upon its importan ce and its historicity. ·rranslacion of the te xt with exegesis of certain sections. Compa riso n of style with that of Luke's gospel and comparison of Peter 's and Paul's speeches with their epistles. E lect ive for Th .M. students; och­ ers by departmental permission!

Talbot School of Theology· T-33

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