
Old Testment and Semitics

hy departmental permission. May he repeated with different content. • OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) A survey of the o rigi n, nature and value of the G reek Old Testa­ ment with a reading of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. In ves ti gat io n of the methods of the translators. Prerequisite: OT 70.'i , NT 'i02 a nd departmental permission . Elective for Th.M. srndents; oth­ ers by departmental permission. • OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) Detailed resea rch in some phase of th e Old Testament field. such as specific topi cs in histor v and introdu c tion or archaeology of se lected geographical areas. Pre­ re quisite: OT 70'i and depart­ mental permission. E lec ti ve for Th.M. srndents: others hy deparr­ men tal permission. l'vla y be repeated with different content.• OT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and app li ca tion of the central areas of Old Testament research and related fields of srndy. Instrnction in research, including the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a prob­ lem. and writing the results . Required of the first semester of the Th.f\l. (0.T. ) program. A second semester may be taken to n >ntinue research in the area of interest. • • F.ln:tives arr o/Jt:red by rotatio11 and 011 request.

C hair: Thomas J. Finley, Ph.D.

of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: OT 70'i. Elective.• OT 732 Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) A co nsideration of selected O ld Testament passages with emphasis on historical hackgro und and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. f\lav be repeated with differ­ ent content Prerequisite: OT 70'i. E lecti ve.• OT 807 Old Testament Textual Criticism (2) A stud y of the Massore ti c notes. the parallel passages and th e ver­ sions with explanation of th e var i­ ations. Prerequisite : OT' 70'i. Elective for Th.M. students; oth­ ers by departmental permission.• OT 809 Advanced Exegetical Studies (2-4) App li ca ti o n of exeget ica l methodology to selected passages from the Heb rew text of the Old Testament. Special attention given tn the ancient versions and to current scholarship as it relates to text, lan g ua ge, hi sto ry a nd interpretive issues . May he repeated with different content. E lective for Th .M. srnd enrs: oth­ ers by departmental permission.• OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2-4) Introd uctory i,_'fammatical stud ies in Ugaritic. Arabic, Akkadian. Syri ac or Modern Heh rew: readin gs in anc ient Hebrew and Arama ic inscriptions: or other advanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 70'i and departmental permission. Elect ive for Th.M. students; ochers

OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. Ma y he repeated with different con tent. Prerequi­

FACULTY Professors: C urtis, Finley, Ri gshy


site: OT 705. E lective.• OT 709-710 Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text (2, 2)

The department aims to acc1uaint student5 with the life, cus­ toms and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the hiblical and related periods; and co give sw­ den ts an accurate foundation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exe­ ges is , so that their expositions of the English Bible will refl ect thi s sound basis of interpretation. The department purposes not ro be exhaustive, but rather directive in the matter of further indepe ndent study from the original languages. COURSES OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I (3) Basic grammar with translation and written exercises. A non-cred it lab wi ll be required for a ll srndents. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. emphasis) srndents. OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II (3) Add itional grammar and syntax with emphasis on read ing and translation in selected biblical texts. A non­ cred it lab will be required for all srndents. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. empha­ sis) student~. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The character, extent and personal­ ities of O ld Testament prophecy, with a treatment of princ iples of prophetic interpretation. Elective.• OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Headings and exeges is from the Hebrew text of Genesis and selected passages with discussion of text criticism, background issues (historical and compositional) and exegetical methodology. Special attention given to the strengths and weaknesses of contemporar y me thodologies for the interpre ta­ tion of the biblical text. Prerequi­ site: OT 604. Required of M.Oiv., M.A. (0.T. emphasis) students. OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) A study of the detai ls of Hebrew g rammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Pre­ requisite: OT 70'i . E lective.• OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) The nature, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testa­ ment. Comparisons with the poetry of the ancient Near East. Elective.•

Parti c ular emphasis upon the devotional and prac ti ca l va lues. Prerequisite: o·r 604. Elective.• OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture of Israel (2) Histori ca l and cultural examina­ tion of a period in Israe l's history (Exodus and Co nquest , Judges, U nited Monarchy , Divided Monarchy , Judah to the Fall of J erusa lem. Post-Exilic), using available biblical and exua-bihli­ cal materials . Mav be repeated with different content. Prerequi­ site: BE'i1 9. Elective.• OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) Exam ination of the arc heology, histor y and literature of the Anc ie nt Near East as these sub­ jects relate to interpreti ve issues in the Old Testament. Required of M.A. (0.T. emphasis). E lective.• OT 718 Archaeology of Palestine (2) The history of excava tion. the history and geogra ph y of the land and the bear in g upon the Old Testament. E lec tive.• OT 720 Studies in Old Testa­ ment Introduction (2) ·rext. ca non and examination of the foundations and con cl us ions of modern hi s torical-critical methods. Special introduct ion of selected Old Testament books to illustrate these copies of general

introduct ion. Elec tive.• OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2)

Consideration of the non-canoni c.-al lite rarnre from the period between the T estaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the ce nturies before the advent of Christiani ty. Elective.• OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A survey of the disc.·overies. the ori­ gin of the Qumram Om,munity, its belief and practices and the relation­ ship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elective.• OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (3) A stud y of the grammar with emp hasi s on comparisons with He brew; translating the Aramaic

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