

MICHEAL BOERSMA Associate Professor of Christian

John Back, M.A. A.,wciate Dean. S111r/e,1/ Affairs Mesghina Ghebremedhin, M.A. /Jirr.ctor, lntem11tio11al S111rliet Gregory Vaughan, M.A. Director; E11ml/me,1/ Mr111flge111ent Daniel C. Stevens, Ph.D. Dime/or, Pmgram Developmenl, Sr/Joo/ ofPro_(e.ccio11al S111di~ Rick Bee, M.A. Dim:tor, University Dlvelop111e,1/ Irene Neller Direr/or. Marketing Co1111111111imtir111s

Ra lph Winter F111111rler and G1111eml Dirr-aor, U.S. C11111er_for World Mi.t<ions, Pasad111111, C11/i_(omi11 Dr. Ted Yamamori Prerident, Food_(or the H1111gry. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Clyde Cook, D.Miss. Pre.,id11111 Gary A. Miller. Ph.D. PnJVost antiSt~1ior Via' Prr,sid11111 Ca rl W. Schreiber, C.M .A., M.Ed. Virt PresidC11t_for Fi11ami11/ Aff11irs a11d hi_(onflt1lio11 Terh110/ogv Wesley K. Wi llmer. Ph.D. liia Presidefll, Univerxity Advr111re111e,1/ Greg Balsano, B.A. liir,, Presir/e,1/. Univerxity Servires Carol Taylor. Ph.D. liir,, Pnruost_for U11rlrrgmd11ate Er/11c11tio11 Christopher R. Grace, Ph.D. A.m,ci111r Prouost Walt Stangl, Ph.D. De11lf o_(Sdenre, David Dunbar. Ph.D. De1111 ofH11m1111itier Jack Schwarz, D.M.A. Dflln o_(Co111nu111irati"'1 ""rl Fi111 1 Art.< Dennis Dirks, Ph.D. Dea11. Ta/hot Sdwol o_(7l1t:ologj• Patricia L. Pike, Ph.D. Dean. Rose111e11d Srhool of AvrhologJ' F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Dm11. Sr/Joo/ ri_( lntnwltnml S111dies Larry D. Strand. M.B.A. Dean, Sdl/lol of ll11si11e.t< Michael J. Wi lkins, l'h.D. Dam ofthr Fflmlty, Ta/hot School ri_(Theologv Wayne Chuce, T h.M. De1111 ofAmrle111ir Remrrls a11rl /11. ,1i1111im1al Re.'it.'arrh Michael E. Trigg. D.Phil. Dean ofStndmt Affairs

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Wi lliam Bi ll ard Vice Chairman John Siefker Roger Arnebergh" Rosemarie Avi la Clyde Cook Arthur Fraser

Ministry and Leadership, 1986; Di rec­ tor of Field Education and Placement; Di rector of SEGUE Program B.A., Cal ifornia State University Long Beach; M.Div. ,Talboc T heological Seminary; Ph.D. , Talbot School ofTheolob'Y· JOHN BROWNING Associate Professor of Music, 1998 B.A.. California State Un iversity, San Bernardino; M.A., Un ivers iry of Cali­ fornia, Riverside; D.M.A., Claremont

Lorin Griset Yong Jo Hah Dwight Hanger Stan Jantz David Karnes Alan Kavalich Hannah Lee Edgar R. Lehman Carol Lindskog David l\ 1 litchell Ronald Rallis. Sr. Gorden Romberger Hudson Saffel l Michael Shepard Kenn ith T hompson Robert Thompson Walter Warkentin* "Honorary Me111ber.,

Graduate University. PAUL BUCHANAN

Donald 13. Sims,Jr., M.A. Dimtor, A11xiliary Seroites

Associate Professor of English, 1989 B.A. , Biola University; M.A., Univer­ siry of Cali forn ia, Riverside; M.P.W., Universi ty of Southern Cali fornia. DIETRICH BUSS Professor of History, 1966 B.A.. Biol a College; M.A. , Cali fornia State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Claremonr Graduate University. DANIEL M. CALLIS Associate Professor of Art. 1987 B.A., California Stare l lniversity, Fullerton; M.F.A.. Claremont Gradu­ ace School. MARLA CAMPBELL Assistant Professor of Education, l'Y-J'J B.A. , California Srate University, Fullerton; M.A., Ph.D. , Biola University. BARRY CAVIN A.~sociare Professor of Communica­ tion, 1996 B.A.. Belmonr Universi ty; M.A., Southwescern Baptist T heological Seminary; M.F.A. , Universiry of Californi a. MARGARET CAVIN Associate Professor of Comnrnnicacion, 1991 B.A., Grand Canyon Un iversity; M.A., Southwestern Baptist Theolog­ ical Seminary; Ph.D. Uni versity of North ·rexas. BRADCHIUSTERSON Associate Professor of Snciolo:,,•y, 1997 B.A., Colorado State Un iversi ty; M.A.. University of California, Santa Barbara; l'h.D., ll niversiry of Cali for­ nia. Santa Barbara. C. WAYNE CHUTE Instructor of Biblical Swdies and 'T'heolo:,,y, 1979; Dean, Academic Records and lnstiwtional Research B.A.. l lniversi ty ofC1l iforn ia, Los Angeles; M.Div.. Th .M., Western Conservative Bapt ist Seminary.

UNIVERSITY FACULTY 2000-01 ACADEMIC YEAR (Year i11dim1e, appoi11tmet1/ lo_(amity.) GEORGE P. ALEXANDER Associate Professor of Imerculrnral Swdies. 1994 B.A., Bishop Moore College, Ind ia; M.Div., School ofTheolob'Y; Th.M. , Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D.. Un iversity of Cali fornia, Los Angeles. TAMARA ANDERSON Associa te Professor of Psycholo:,,,y, 1994 Director ofCl inical Traini ng B.A.. Biola Un iversity; M.A., Pepper­ dine University; l'h.D. , Cali fornia School of Professional Psycholob'Y· MICHAEL ANTHONY Professor ofChriscian Education. 1984 B.A.. Biola University; M.A., Talboc Seminary; M.R.E., Golden Gare Seminary; Ph.D.. Souch wesrern T heologica l Seminary; Ph.D., Claremonr Graduace Un iversity. CLINTON E. ARNOLD Professor of New Testament Lan­ guage and Lirerarn re, 1987 B.A., Biola Un iversiry; 1\11. Div.. Talbm T heological Seminary; Ph.D. , Uni­

BOARD OF REFERENCE Ronald W. Blue M11naging Pa11ner. Ronald IJ/11r & (',0., Atlan/11. Georgia. Ted l)eMoss Pn5irlmt. Chri<tian /Jnsinm Men'., Com- 111i11er Ted En:,,,strom President E,,,11,,itlf.<, World Vi.,i"'' U.S. E.V. 1-lill Pastor; Mt. hon Mi.t<ionary llaptist C/um:h. Los Angdt'.\', C11/ifomia. Dick Hill is Fo1111rler; (f-uersea., {,'ms11rles Josh McDowell Spe11ler; Ev11lfgrli.r1. Camp11.< Cmsarlr_(or Chri,1 Ray Ortlund Con(e,wrt Sj,ea/;e,; Dirr,ctor, Re11ew11/ Ministries Luis Palau Pn'.rirle111. L11is P11/1111 Eva11geli.,1ir A.m,ci111i1m Al Sanders Pa.</ Presirlmt. A111h11.m1rlor Arlve11isi11g Agef{(y, F11/le111111. Califomia. Charles Swindoll Presir/1:ul, IJ11/las Thm/11giw/Semi1111ry Elaine Townsend Wift of Fo11nrler of Wvdiffe llihf1, 7im1s/111or.,

Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. /Jam ofPrri_(e.e1'i111111/ Slilrlie.,

Sung W. Lee, Ed.D. Dirr,c/or; /111em11tio11al S111de111 Erl11mti1m

versity of Aberdeen. JOHN A. BLOOM

Ron Mooradian, M.B.A. Di,raor; H111111111 Re.w11rres Ron Hafer, M.A. U11iverxity (,'//{/plain

Associate Professor of Physic-s. 1993 B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., Cornell Un iversity; M.A.. M.Div., Bibli cal Theolo:,,~c-al Seminary; M.A.. Dropsie College; Ph.D. , Cornell Un iversity; l'h.D., Annenberg Research lnstirnte.

George Jenkins, M.A. /Jirrctor; Fi11111111al Aid John Ke ll ey. Ph.D. Director. /Jio/11 OJ11meling {',e11/er

Appendix· A-1

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