
Academic & Behavioral Standards

APPEALS Arpeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Registrar and must include expl anation of why minimum academic requirements were not met and why an excertion is warranted. Arreals must be received within three weeks of notification that the student is on academic rrohation or has failed to meet academic rrohationar y requirements . Arpeals which cannot be reso lved with the Office of the Registrar will be referred to the Academic Standards Com­ mittee or the arrrorriate graduate faculty committee. FINANCIAL AID Failure to comrlete the required units or maintain a GPA as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress will result in financial aid rrobationary status. For additional information on Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy see Financial Information Section. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Arreals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office and must include explanation of why minimum aid requirements were not met and why an excertion is warranted. Appeals must he received within three weeks of notification that the student is on financial aid rrohation or has failed to meet financial aid probationary requirements . ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students not making satisfactory rrogress will he consid­ ered ineligible for athletic comretition and extracurricular ac tivities. The student on academic probation may he allowed to comrete or rarticirate uron review by the Acad­ emic Standards Committee. Extracurricular activities include: student gove rnment, forensic teams, gosre l teams, band, chorale, intercollegiate athletics and other faculty sronsorecl orga ni za tions. For arreal rrocedures, see the appeal rrocedure outlined under appeals section above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY As a Christian institution, Biola University is esrecially concerned that sound moral values are practiced in all areas of university life. Honesty in academic work is essential for personal growth and an ethical life pleasing to Goel. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense. and will be handled by individual faculty in va rious ways including lowered grades or rossihle loss of course credit. The faculty member will work with the Dean for Student Affairs to consider further discirlinary action, including dis­ missal. A full statement concerning academic dishonesty can he found in the Undergraduate Student Handbook.

STATEMENT OF SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS Full-Time Undergraduate Students Satisfactory academic rrogress toward a baccalaureate degree as a full-time undergraduate student is obtained by comrleting 12 or more unit~ rer semester or 24 or more unit~ rer academic year while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Rereated courses previously passed cannot he counted toward minimum satisfactory academic rrogress requirement~. The student must comrlete the degree requirements within the reriod of time required when rrogressing at the minimum full-time rate. For examrle. in a rrngram requiring 130 unit~ rrogressing at 12 units, a student would have 11 semesters to comrlete the rrogram. Full-Time Graduate Students Satisfactory academic rrogress wward a graduate degree as a full-time grad uate student is obta ined by comrleting eight or more units rer semester or 16 or more units rer academic year while maintaining the minimum cumulative GPA specified by the rrogram requirements in which the student is enrolled. Repeated courses rreviously passed cannot he counted toward minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. The stu­ dent must comrlete the degree requirements within the period of time required when progressing at the minimum full-time rate. For example, in a rrogram requiring 96 units progressing at eight unit~, a student would have 12 semesters t0 comrlete the program. Doctoral student~ are considered full time for a maxi­ mum of two years in the dissertation phase of their program. Part- Time Students Satisfact0ry academic rrogress toward a degree for a rart-time student is obtained by completing six or more units rer semester and maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for the under­ graduate, and four or more unit~ r e r semester and maintain the minimum rrogram requirement for the grad uate student. Rereated courses previousl y rassed cannot he counted toward minimum satisfactory academic rrogress requirements. The stu­ dent must complete the degree requirements within a maxi­ mum of three years beyond that required for a full-time student Exceptions Exceptions to these standards are discussed under any arrlicable degree program. ACADEMIC PROBATION Any student failing to maintain the minimum grade roint average required by their academic rrogram as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress will be placed on academic probation. Should the student not meet the mini­ mum cumulative GPA at the encl of two consecutive semesters of academic rrohation, the student will be academically disqual­ ified. Any undergraduate student taking six semester hours or more who receives less than a 1.0 current GPA will be academi­ cally disqualified. Graduate students carrying six semester hours or more who receive a 2.0 current GPA or less will be aca­ demically disqualified. Students may appeal their academic dis­ qualification by writing to the dean of academic records who will review the appeal with the approrriate faculty committee.

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