
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Bio/t1 Unruersity is t1 w111111u11ity ofChristians commi11ed to thpri11- ciples of Chri1ti1J11 livi11g/01111d i11 1ht, Bihlr 1J11d holds that thesr hih/icul st1J11d11rds rm' vital to our i11divid11fll a11dcorpom!t: 111'atio11ships. M1Ji11- tfli11i11g thesr sta11dt1rds co11trihutes to thf ki11d of atmosphen: i11 which q1111/ity Ch1istia11 t:ducutio11 1md spititual 11urtun: C/111 hes/ ocmr, and stm1gthe11S the lestimo11y ofBiolfl withi11 hoth Christian and seculflr com- 1m111ities. Ill this light, tJttdgive11 thr deflr hihliclll imperatirxfor spitit11al selfrliscip/i11e, tht, University I= estahlished tlll!Sf "sta11darrls ofco11dud'' to IK' o!J.,enxdtmdupheld, hy ttfl mem/J(!rSofthtrBio/11 comm1111ity. Co11siste11/ with thf example a11dcommmtd ofJesus Christ,= he/ieve that li/11 withi11 a Christian community must /I(, fiv,,,d to fh,, glory ofGod, with lrJV11 for God a11rlfor our 11eighhors. Being indwelt hy the Ho~y Spi,it, I'<!¥' sttive lo waif hy the Spirit, "c171£ffyi11g !hr.flesh with its /JflS­ sirms 1Jt1rl desin:s" (Galatia11S 5:24). To this e11d, memhers ofthe Bio/a C01flllll/1/ity an: /IOI to CIIJ;flgf i11 actruities which Sctipt111rfomids. Such activities include, hut am 1101 limited to, dishonesty, thilvery,fomimtion, adulte,y. hom0Sl'Xt1al practice, dn111i.·n111ess and 1111sctiptuml divorce. Saipturr also co11di:m11s other "dt:1:ds of tht, flesh" such as covetousness, jealousy, p,idr 11nd 111st - sins whid, tlll' mntming Chtistia11 shouldput off, 1111d ,rpla« with "/ 171it ofthe spitit": /rnx:, ;r~)', peace. pa1ie11ce, kind­ ness, goodness,faith/11/ness, ge11tle11ess and selfamtml (e.g., Luh 10:27; Galatians 2:20, 5:14-24; Ephesia11s 2:3; I C(Jfi11thia11s 6:9-10). As 11 Christian ed11catio11al i11stit11tion, Bio/a also rrcog11i:::,es the rrsprmsihility of its Board of Trustees. famlty flllrl staff lo provide l'xamples of mat111ing Ch1istia11 d11tml1ttr, amduct and attitude to its s111de11/s and thf community 111 large. Thenfon:, as maturing Ch1is- 1i,ws, thf e11tin, Bio/a community will st/1V{' for thf holi11ess of God ( I Peter / :13-19) , find /ovr Him with all our heart, soul a11d mind (A1atthew 22:3 7). /11 addition,= am called to love our ftimds and 11eighbors r,s God lws loved us (Matthtw 22:39; I 10h11 4:7-11). Wf will achi= , this calling hy walking by thf prra1Jer oftlll' Hofc1 1 Spitit and

avoiding sins dear~)' forhidde,1 i11 Sctipt11m (Ga/atim,s 5:16-21; I Co1i11thians 6:9- 11; Ephesia11s 5:1-14). Also, WI' will p11rs11f the/roil oftheSpititfmm 011r Lorri tmdwith oneanother (Galatirms 5:22-24). Whe11 thf Bihle is 11ot dear m,1ardi11g a sj>{',eijic hehavior, wr will he guided hy 011r desim to glorify God i11 our hodies as temples oftht: Holy Spirit (I Cori111hia11s 6:19-20), tmd will discem if a1z1 1 ofour hrothers or sisters i11 Christ wottld stumbll' in their faith ( I Cori11thia11s 8; Romans 14). If our Lord is 1101 gfotijied or another Chtistia11 is hanned or offe11ded hy our /J(!hrrvior, thn, Wf will fme/y a!J.,tai11 /mm that activity, hoth 011 and offthecampus ofBio/a. WI' kt1rru!! that many /)(:haviors are law/111, hut not all arr pmjitahlf, ( I Coti11thia11s 10:23- 33). Therefore, WI' will c011str111tly hr /eachflhlf regarding thosf 111:tivi­ ties wht:n: the Bihle is 1101 dear an,/ will eva/11111,, them in light of our pursuit ofholim:ss 11nd lovl'far our Lorri rmdealh other. St11rle11ts of Bio/a are expected to rejmi11 from the !ISi' of a!CIJ­ holic h1,'Verages and tohacco i11 flll,Y form, a11d from g11mhli11g. F1111hermore, discemmenl 11111st hr exrrcised i11 avoiding all activi­ ties that may he spiri111alfcy or morally hann/11/. Individual deci­ sions rrg11rdi11g movies. te/evisio11 programs. a/lfon11s ofelectronic media rmd other activities are expected to reflect this mom/ com­ mitment. Bio/a U11iversi~)' does 11111 pres1t1111: to he a censoring 11g,mc; 1 for all activities; it does, how1,'Ver, expect tr111gihle evidence ofmaturing Christian co11victio11s 1111d discemi11gj11dgemen1. i,, 11dditi1111, members of thf Bio/rt wm1111111it:)' will ohserve S1111rlay as thf Lorri's Day rmd xivl' prim110 1 attmtio11 to worship, rest, Christi1111/ellowship and recn:111io11, rmdsr:rvice. These standards apply to the student while enrolled in any of the schools or programs of the Uni versity on and off campus. Biola therefore reserves the right to discipline or dismiss any stu­ dent who, in it.~ judgement, does not conform to these conduct standards or to other expressed principles, policies, programs and expectations of the uni versity govern ing student conduct.

28 • Academic & Behavioral Standards

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