


FACULTY Professor: Rynd Associate Professor: Lin Inscru ccor: Johnson

COURSES (CHEM) (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 091 Basic Chemistry A (2) This course is designed for s tll ­ den cs planning co enroll in Chemistr y 112 ( Principles of Orga ni c and Bioc hemistry) but who did not ha ve hi gh sc hool chem istry or did nor score suffi­ c ientl y we ll on the Chemistry Placemenr Exam. Offered in the fall. Units do not co unt coward

/Jiod,emistf)' i.r thr .<111d)' of thr chemi.rlf)' of living .r_y.rlems. Th is i111erdiscipli111tf)' program draws 11po11 hiolo1,.,y and d,emi.rtry .

debt and equity. including capital acq ui s itions . Some atte ntion co shorter term mana gement of inventory and payables. Prerequisite: 370. 464 Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessManagement (3) Met hod s, problems and factors involved in launching and operat­ in g sma ll profit a nd non-pro fit organizat ions. Pre requisites: 230, 370 or consent. 470 Strategic Management (3) H ow co d e termin e strategi c direction in o rgan iza tion s. Core studies and projects provide prac­ t ica l application of principles, wit h projects designed co provide actual research exper ience, with case srndy ap p roac h. Pre requi­ s ites: 220,230, 328, 36 1, 370. GRADUATE PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COURSES (ISIB) For ro111i1111i11g .rt11dm1.r 01111•. S111dm1.r i11 thl' .zmd11r1tr emphmis i11 i11!t'm11ti1m11I l111si11e.<.c set' thl' Al.A. 111 hirnwlruml S111dies prof!.mm. 610,611 Area Analysis (2,2) T he area ana lys is is a four-unit course, offered in a sequence of two cwo- unir segments. 'T'he first segment will include a resea rch format. The resea rc h w ill be foc used on t he em11omic. politiml 1111d ml111r11I a re a of the field srndv. T he second segment will foc us on the compl et ion of a major integrative paper, drawing on the coursewor k , field study and research. 615 Field Study (4) T he Field Swdy will normall y be offered during June/Jul y. This will be a four-un it module, with the sw­ dem spending six weeks in a cross­ cultu ra l sett ing. T he Swdy may include seminars. an internship in a for-pro fit or non-profit ente rpri se and opporwnities for visit, to areas of interest A business fac ulty mem­ ber will oversee the field study. 620 Independent Study (1-4) In-depth invest iga tion of a topic under the guidance of th e faculty, usin g standa rd research proce­ d ures. Topic selection and course enrollment by advisor 's approval. 625 Seminars (1-3) l\ 1ay be repeated wi th different copies in c ludin g international deve lopme nt , reg ional issues, or specia li zatio ns in inte rnation a l b usiness conce rns.



The major is designed espe­ ciall y for chose swdents planning a career in the health professions. T he requirements for schools of medicine , pharmacy , dentistry and med ica l tech nology are met wi thin chis major. T his program a ls o pr epa res o ne for graduate school in a var ie ty of biosc ie nce prog rams. There are exce llent oppo rtunities for caree rs in hiotechnical , pha rmace uti ca l and env ironmenta l related businesses and governmental agencies.

W hil e primaril y pro vidi ng se rv ice co u rses for ot her pro­ grams, the department does offe r cwo programs with chemi s try as the major component. T hese are Biochemistry and Ph ysical Sc i­ ence with a chemistrv emphas is. Since chemistry is th e srndy of matter and the changes it under­ goes , seq ue nces of co urses are designed to meet th e needs of scu­ dent, as they prepare for a variery of different majors chat req uire an understand ing of the nawre of mat­ ter. The objective of th ese m urses is co provide the scudent with a basic understand ing of the laws of cheo-­ rit-s of chem iscr-y such chat the sw­ denr will be able (I) co explain the bas ic phys ie,-a l and chemical proper­ ties nf matter in terms of its struc­ ture, (2) to do quantitative problem sol vi ng, (3) co ga in some leve l of proficiency in laboratory mechodol- 01,,y, and (4) to be acq uainted with basic resource material in chemistry.

grad uation requirements. 092 Basic Chemistry B (2)

Thi s co urse is des igned for sw­ dencs planning co enroll in C he mistry 105 (Ge neral C hem­ istry) hut who did nor have a Math SAT of .'i.'i0 or did not pass the C hem ist ry Placemenr Exam. Offered in th e spring. Un its do nnt cou nt coward grad uat ion requirements. 100 The Material World (3) T 'he basic principles of chemistry for the non-science major. Uses mater ials of mode rn soc ie ty as a theme for e xploring the proper­ ties and stru c ture of matter as well as the methods and co nse­ quences of transforming nacural reso urces co consumer produces. 105, 106 General Chemistry I, II (4,4) P rinc ipl es and theories of the strucwre and properties of matter. C hemistrv 105 includes stoichiom­ etry, ato~i, theory, th e periodic cable. chemica l bonding, molecu­ lar strucwre, nome nclawre, chem­ ica l react ions, stares of matter. gas laws and solutions. Prereq ui sites for 105 : high schoo l chemistry or C hemistry 092, two years of high sd1<w>I algebra and a pass ing grade on the C hemistr y Pl acement Exam or a Mach SAT of at least 550. Che mis try 106 includes chemica l kineti cs, equilibrium, thermodynami cs, solubility, acid ­ ity, eleccrochemistry. coord inat ion complexes and various special top­ ics. Pre requisite: C hemistry 10.'i .


A 811t"helor ofScima' drgre,' i11 /Jio­ c/i1,wi,1ry is offered 111xin completion of th e university baccalaureate and major requirement,. The biochem­ istry major consists of 61 11 nits of c h~miscry. biology, physics and math courses. Required lower divi­ sion (28 units) are: Chemistry 105, 106; Bioloi,,v 111. l 12; Physic; l l I , 11 2 or 1.>2, 233; Math 10.'i. Required uppe r division (2.'i units) are: C hem­ istry 301, 302.31 l , 312. 3.'i0, 422AB; Bi,.-101,')' 312. 411,412; Physic-a l Sci­ ence 4(-,0 (or Biolo1-,')' 470). Elect ives (8 units. of which 4 must be upper division) to be chosen from: Chem­ istry 420, 480; Biolo:,,')' 28 1. 282, .,22. 342; Physics 234, 32 l , 450. Note: Th t gmu11I rd11m1io11 rf'q11ireme111for mathnnalir.< a11d .rri­ e11U' is met wi1hi11 this major. Thr fon:ig11 /r111J!IIIIJ?.I' req11ireme111 is me/ hy two yean i11 high school orfo11r 1111i1.r of mllewforrig11 lt111g11aJ[e.


A /Jad1elorof Sai~1a' d,gro' i11 Ph_ii,­ iml Saiwn' with a {;hemistry n11ph11Ji< is offered. T he requirement, for chis major are given unde r th e l'hvsie,-a l Science Departme nt. The Bio­ chemistry Program is given below.


A {;hnni.rtrv Afil/(Jf" requires th e completion of 21 units, inc luding t he fo ll owing co urses: C hemistry 105. 106. 30 1, .,02. 31 1, 3 12. and either 350 or 411 , 422A/B. Six d is­ tinc t chemi st ry minor units apart from any oc her major or minor.

Lab fee: $40 each semester. 11 O Chemistry Topics (1-4)

Var iou s copies in introdu cto ry chemis try. Prerequisite: depart­ me nt approva l. 112 Principles of Organic and Biochemistry (5) Chemical bonding. structure. prop­ ert ies a nd reactivity ap pli ed co o rga ni c and bioc hemi ca l com­ pounds. Includes basic me tabo lic processes and nuclear chemistry

60 • Course Description s

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