
424 Twentieth Century Europe (3) E urope in the era of World War I, che rise o f Communism, Fas­ c is m and Hitler 's Naz i Pa rt y; Wor ld War 11 and ch e post-war pt:riod: che Co ld War and the col­ lapse of th e communist system. 430 History of the Jewish People (3) Pose-biblical period to the pres­ e nt: social , polit ical and c ulcural hi story of th e Jew in the l'vliddle East, E urope and the Amer icas; Ant i-Semiti sm. the Holocaust, th e Srace of lsrae.l and Arab- Is rae li tensions in t he co nte mporar y world. Offered alternate yea rs. 440 The Islamic World (3) l' oliti ca l, soc ial and c ulrnral his­ tory o f che Ara b, Persian, T urkish and Afro-Asian Is lam ic peoples from th e 7th century co the pres­ t:nt. Major emphasis on pose­ World War II deve lopments. 445 Africa: History, Peoples and Culture (3) Afr ica n so<·iecy and c ulrnre from antiquicy to the present. Empha­ sis on regional d iversity. with par­ t ic u Jar focus on th e effects of lslami za ri o n . African diaspora, colonialism , C hristi a ni zacion , modernizacion and nat ionhood. Special emphasis on contempo­

402 The United States Since 1920 (3) S hapin g of American social , economic, political , re li gio us and inte llectual life and foreign policy in the era of the twenties , New Dea l, World War 11 , Co ld War; emphas is on Ame ri ca's new role in a world of g lobal interdependence. 403 California History (3) Exp lora tion , co loni za tion and geogra ph y; in d ige nou s people: t he Mex ican peri od; sta ceh ood; th e social. economic and political developments in the 20t h cen­ rn ry. Examination of contempo­ rary C alifornia diversity and rt:gio n a l is s u es. Lab fee: $ 15 lnterte rm and Summe r only. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and development of Ame r­ ican foreign re lations from rhe Rev­ olu tion co the present. Analysis of che conduct of foreign relations, ic.s objecti ves and limi tations. 408 The Church in the Ameri­ can Experience (1-3) A religious history of the ll niced States from ch e co lon ia l w the contempora ry period. emphasiz­ ing the Church·s effect on and its response to Purirnnism, ch e west­ ward movement, soc ial and intel­ lecrnal ferment , industrialization , immigracion. urba ni zatio n a nd war. O ffered alternate years. 41 0 American Constitutional Law (3) An examination of the principles of the American co nscirnti o nal syscem looking primaril y at U.S. Supreme Court decisions and the hi storical development of consci ­ cucional law. Anention a lso given co the judi cial branch and its role in Ame ri can gove;:rnmenr and pol­ iti cs, particularly its contin uin g interpretacion of the U.S. Consti­ tll[ion as che fram ewo rk for American democracy. 420 History of Russia (3) Russi a from ch e origin of ch e nacion co the contemporary Sov iec state. Analysis of Cza rdom, the Revolu t ion and incernational re la­ cions in th e modern world. 422 Renaissance and Reformation (3) Europe from the la ce 14c h w early 17 ch cent ur y. Stress on cha n ges inaugurated by che Renaissance and Re form acion : rise of nati on -states and fou nda­ cions of mode rn E uropean soci­ ety. Offered alcern ate yea rs.

370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1)

325 Themes in American History (3)

Sect ion s offered each yea r on su ch top ics as: the Am e ri ca n So uth , the Amer ica n West, Women in Amer ica. the As ia n Americans. 327 Historiography (3) Philosophies and problems o f history; histori ca l methodology. Deve lop me nt of the histori ca l dis c ipline and int rod uc tion to research and wriring. 328 Introduction to Public History (3) A survey of th e app li cat io ns of hi storical concepts and skill s our­ s ide of academic sett ings. includ­ ing the areas of culwral resource manageme nt , public policy, busi­ ness. informat ion manageme nt. museum st u dies. ed irin g and communiry/famil y hi sro ry. Pre­ req uisites : 105 and 205. 331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) Survey of Indo-A rya n , Ch in ese and Japa nese c ivi li zat ions from a nc ienr s to th e present, suessing t he re ligio-philosoph ical developments and their impact upon culrure. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In -depth study of specific regions of Asia : one or more sections offered every year in such areas as: Modern In d ia, Pacific Rim Nations. Modern Japan, and rvlod ­ e rn Ch ina. May he repeated with a differenr focus. Prerequisire: 20.'i. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A srudy of selected political theo­ ri ses. Emphasi s on such writers as Plato , Ariscntle, C hu rc h Fathers . Aug ust ine , Aq uin as, l'vl ac hi ave lli , Luther , Ca lvin, Hobb es, Locke , Burke , Ben­ tham. Marx. Niebuhr and othe rs . Read in gs in p r im ary sources. Prereq ui s ite: History 10.'i, 205 or Politica l Sc ie nce 205. .360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growth and development of the American econom y from the Colonial per iod co contempora ry t im es. E mph asis o n such d y namic facto rs as political. soc ial, lega l, tech nolog ica l and in ternar io nal developments affecting changes in agriculrure, transportation , comm uni catio n, commerce, industry and finance.

Institution and pract ice in gene ral and specifi c methods of teaching as an ass ista nt to professors of large classes. Taught jo intl y by instru c tor s from the Ed ucation

and History Departments. 390 History of Mexico (3)

S urvey of the hi story of Mexico from pre-Colombian times to the present, emphasizing social , cul­ tur al , reli g io u s an d p ol iti cal developments , as we ll as re la ­ tion s b e twee n Mexi co and the Uni ted Sta tes. 391 Latin America: History, Peoples and Culture (3) Study of ethno-culrnral groups - h ighl a nd lvlayas , Afro-Cubans, Japa nese. Brazilians. etc. - and social groups s uch as uni versiry students, urba n slum dwe llers ((ave/ados), e tc; economic activi­ ties, social p ract ices, relig ion and arts. Emphasi s on both histori cal fa ctors and contemporary devel­ opments. 392 Latin American Revolutions (3) Revolucionary movements a nd reg im es in 20th ce nrnr y Latin America: Mexican Re volution of 19 10, Cas tro's C uba, Sandinismo (Nicaragua). Sendt:ro (Peru ), Zap­ ar.ismo (Mexico). Analysis of inte r­ national , regional and loca l factors, as well as of revolutionary culture and search for social justice. 395 Twentieth Century Through Film (3) Hi ghli g hcs of 20t h-ce ntury hi s­ torv as caprnred on film. Hi stori­ ca I un de rsta n d in g de ve loped through read in gs, lec rnres and discussion . 400 Studies in Developing Nations (3) Re g ion a l studies in the Third World: s tress on ind igeno us cul­ tures. E uropean explorat ion and co loni za ti on: independence mo ve m e nts in the pose World War 11 e ra; co ntempora rv prob­ lems including economic growth and cu lrnral confli ct. 401 The Rise of Modern America, 1877-1920 (3) Post-C ivil War economic growch , immi grat ion , trans-Mississippi settlement, indu s tri a li zat io n , urbani za tion ; Ameri ca's ris e to world power. Progressive Era and World War I.

rary religious n1oven1ents. 460 Seminar in Religious Traditions (3)

Signi fi cant re li g io us trad ici o ns offe red with different focus and conten t, such as: Asian Religious Traditions, the Evangelical 'T' ra ­ clicion. rvt ay he repeated with a diffe rent focus. Pr e requ isi t e: 105, 20.'i or Poli t ica l Science 205. 462 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) The background , or ig inal devel­ opment and sp read of t he C hri st­ ian re li g ion: e mph as is on the mode rn era, especiall y co nte m­ porar y growt h dvnamics a nd c hurc h stru c ture in Afr ica, As ia and Latin Ame ri ca. Offered spring semester. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Iss ues in the contemporary world add ressed from an interd isc ipl i­ nary social sc ie nce and Biblical p e rs pec ti ve . Pr ereq ui s it es : Sen ior srnnding. 470 Studies in History (1-3) Topi cs in hi story incl uding indi­ vidual reading in histori cal litera­ ture. May he repeated wich a di f­ fe re nt topic.

Course Desc riptions · 73

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