
lntercultural Studies


l3 ib le elect ive, and BBST 46.'i Integra tion Seminar is required. Certain specific general educa­ tion courses are also requ ired which include: Psychology 100, Phys ical Education 201 , and Mach 11 7/ 11 8. In add ition, teaching creden­ t ial ca ndid a te s must pas s the Multipl e S ubject Assessment fo r teachers (MSAT) and the Ca li for­ ni a Basic Ed ucational Sk ill s Tes t (C l3EST) prior to entering the elementary c u rric ulum course. This opt ion combines the !CS major with the Profess ional Preparation Program a nd the required competency courses and meets the requirements for a Pre­ liminary Multiple Su bject Teach­ ing Credential. The srudent must consult with the Schoo l of Inter­ cultural Stud ies and th e Depart­ ment of Education for spec ifics. All s tudents in th e major are required to cake l3ihlical Smdies 4.'i8 'T'heolob,v of Mission a~a l3ihle elec­ tive. l3BST 46.'i Integration Semi­ nar is required in the sen ior year. Notr: For !ht /n1erml111ml Stud­ ies majot:r only, A11/hrnpology 20() is flrt'rt'q11isit t / () all a111hrop(Jlogv COII TSt"'iJ. 1 JOTJ: . S11,rlmts who desirr a amr:c111m­ ti(J11/r:e1tijir:atr i11 TESOL (Tearhi11x E11glish to Speal:t:rs of Othrr l .a11- g11ages) art' adv ised to r:htd the TESOL a11d Applied Li11g11i.r1ic., sff­ ti(J11 of thr atttJl(Jgfor rl'q11irnnmls. Thty sho11/rl a/.w r:omplt1l1' 1111 11ppli­ C11lio11 fo rm a11rl pie/: 11p a hr111rlhooJ: f mm !hr TA L dt:/)11rtmet//. l3iola and t he Summer Ins ti­ rnte of Lingu istics (SIL) at Biola prov id e a number of lin gu ist ic courses char can comprise a con­ centration for lnte rculcural Stud­ ies majors inte rested in language anal ysis/Bible translation. See TESOL and Applied Linguist ics sect ion of the cata log for these course descriptions. Field Internship Ev ery I ncercu lcu ra l Srndies major must parti cipate in a cross­ c ulrnral /overseas learning pro­ gram. Thi s ma y be fulfill ed by taking an approved field in tern­ ship whi ch provides opporrnniry to ap pl y skill s st udied in the c lass room in a forei gn environ­ ment S uch an ex pe ri e nce may b e taken for c redit. St ud ents may also fu lfill t his requirement by parti c ipa ting in an approved Biola semester-abroad program. Those choosi ng the latter will not get add ition a l academic c red i t but wi ll cake three more units of

e lec ti ves within t h e m ajo r. Whi c h e ver option a student c hooses to fulfill chis re quire­ ment. mu st be pre-approved by the student 's academic advisor.

b iculrn ral education, crosscultllra l mass media communi cat ions, social work, crossculcural counsel­ ing. missions politi ca l liaison . urban program administration, etc. t,.,fis s ions o utreach has been the major thrust and the spi ritu al strength of our program. It is the des ire of the facu lty that each stu­ dent in the program wi ll find in the ir parti c ul ar career choice the means t0 effective c rosscultural personal ministry and eva nge lism. Toward that end the school wi ll provid e an information ce nt e r which will answer inquiri es con­ ce rning missi ons and encourage swdents and facu lty to pursu e academi c excellence and spirimal maturi ty so ch a t they can ca rr y out with competence the Lord's program of di scipling all peoples.

INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: r. Douglas Pennover, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Dollar, Kraft Associate Professors: Alexander, Douglas, Hayward , Lingenfelter, Pennoyer, Steffen Assistant Professor: Decker Spec ial Contract Facu lty: l3arber. Sil zer, Mi lligan


An l 11tercu/111ml St11rlies Mi11or is offered with t he comp let ion of 18 units, 12 of whi c h must be upper division, including Anthro­ p o logy 200. T he swde nc is e xpec ted to take Bl3ST 458 for l3ihle elect ive . Students muse consu It wit h department adv iser.



(For additional 1v11rses to ht 11serl i11 !ht' major. Sf.I' !hr J\111hropology a11d Sor:ioloJ!J' s1:,1io11s ofthr r:atalog.) 233 Foundations for Global Studies (3) Exp lorat ion of t he foundational issues re lated to inrernationa I and interculrn ra l ministry. inc luding foundational models of g lo ba l C hristian witn ess, spirirual g ift­ edness. c hara c ter deve lopme nt and sp iriwal formation . partner­ i n.~ wit h national leade rs hip rea m s a nd p ar tn e rships a nd ca ree r cracks in g lobal servi ce. 310 General Linguistics (3) Introduccion m the basic concepts in the scientific srndv of language. major areas of linguistic analvs is, and several subareas of the field, in c lu d ing la nguage in soc iety. Mater ial from E nglish and a va ri ­ ety of other languages is used to

T he obj ectives of the unde r­ graduate department of lnte rcul­ wral Studies is fi ve-fold: ( I) to enable students to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the rh eo logical. hi sto ri cal. soc io­ log ica l. anthropological and lin ­ guisti c issu es of the crosscultu ral communication of the gospel: (2) to enable students to demonstrate a persona l responsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus C hrist co make disciples of every nation based on an understanding of both human be ings and culture: 0) to eq uip C hristian profession­ a ls to serve in a broad range of vocat ion s; (4 ) to faci litat e the growt h of C hrist-lik e c hara c t e r and ass ist srnde nts in their spiri­ tual format ion; (5) to increase st11- dent understanding of lingui sti c and culrn ra l di versity, so that they will rel ate more meaningfull y co peopl e with a different linguistic and culrn ra l background and he e nco uraged to ana lyze and deve lop Ch ri st ian perspectives coward crosscult11ral probl ems. The careers open to Intercul ­ t11ral Srndies majors are di verse, and inc lud e su c h areas as mis­ sions outrea c h, c rosscultural hea lth ser v ic es , develo pment progr ams an d age nc ies , soci a l welfare. translation work , infor­ ma tion re searc h, b ilin g ua l a nd multi culrnral ed ucat ion, crosscul ­ rnral communication s, and public and foreign se rvice. The lnte rc u l rnra l S rndi es major is des igned to allow stll­ dents co pursue options wh ich wi ll best prepare them for their career objectives. The interdisciplinary con ce ntr a tion offers a uniqu e opport11nity to combi ne lntercul­ cural S tudies with ocher disc i­ plines in the l lniversiry to prepare the srndent for ca reers such as


A /Jarhtlo r of Arts dt'Jtrct i11 !11terr11l111ml S111rlies is offered upon comp let ion of the univer­ s it y ba cca la ur ea te and ma jor requireme nts. lntercultural Studies (36 units) T h e incerc ulrnra l studies major requires the comp letion of 36 unit s of which 24 must be upper division. The 18-unit core inc ludes : 233, 310 or 3 13. 322 , 3.'i0. 457 o r 4.'i8 and Anthropology 200. with th e remaining 18 units c hosen to s up port th e parti cu lar career interest of th e srndent. Interdisciplinary (36 units) A perso nali zed inte rdisc ipli ­ nary prog ram ma y he d es igned by the stude nt and th e student 's advisor . The 18-unit co re includes: 2.13 or 342. 310 or 313, 322, 3.'i0. 420 and Anthropology 200. For the interdisc iplin a ry program. six units of inte rculrnral srud ies electives and 12 uppe r di vision units a re to be c hosen from outside of the major in a discipline chat supports the stu ­

provide a broad pe rspective. 313 Language & Culture Learning (3)

Techniques and act ivit ies co he lp a person be a more su ccessful independent le,uner of a spoken language and th e culrnre withi n which it is used. Practi ca l ex per i­ ence in la ng uag e and c u l cure learn in g in a foreign-speakin g community. Fee: $100. Othtr li11g11is1ir.s r:o 11rses whir:h 1.·1111 compri.ff II rtJIIO' fllra1io11 for !t,1erml111ml S11,r!ies majon i11d 11de: General Artirulatory Phonetics (3) Intro to Phonology (3) Intro to Syntax (3) Intro to Socio-Linguistics (3) Field Methods in Linguistics (3) (Ser 1hr TESOL & Applit:rl Li11g11is- 1ic., s1:r1io11 of 1/11, a//alox for rlrscrip­ tio11 r!f tht ahov,, r:o11n es. )

dent's ca ree r obj ectives. Elementary Teaching Credential Program

T h e inter c ulrnral studies/ reaching emp hasis majors muse complete th e inte rdis c iplin ary core a long with INCS 33 1 and 332. th e profess ional pre paration program of 24 units w hi c h include 12 units ofswdent teach­ ing and 14 units of compet e ncy co urses : AHTS 306. ENGL 380, MATH 11 7 and 11 8, MUSC 3 10. fl BST 468 must he tak e n as a

Cours e Description s · 75

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