
of profi c iency in read ing, writing and speaking. Cu lture. hismry and social structures will hemme central iss ues fur discussion as students learn another culture through its li t­ eratu re. Prereq uisites: 315 and 320. tvlay be taken concurrentl y with 320 with pe rmi ssion of instructor. 430 Spanish American Literature Since 1950 (3) Readings of se lected literature of 1950 to the present. with a focus on li terary deve lopment and on un derstanding the issu es and evolving thinking of Latin Ameri ­ cans as they are re n ected in th e se lec ti o n s. Development of a C hristian response. Prerequisites: 410 or permission of the instructor. 440 Advanced Applications (3) Continued deve lopment of oral and written skills within the con­ te xt of an individuall y selected spec ifi c area of servi ce that will provide the focus of the swdent's resear c h a nd pr act ic um . St u ­ dents will exam ine existing prac­ tices and material s re lated to t he c hosen area. a nd deve lop new materi als and strategi<!s for using them . Field work w ill h e required. Pre requisite: 410, 420, or 430 or permission of instructor. (Service Learning Course) 450 Faith Life and Culture in Latin America (3) Historic-a l examination of the Latin Ame ri can Catholic church and its

fun c tions , s uch as working with small groups of lower division s!ll ­ dents, researching and developing instructional materials. Two times requi red for th e major; two more times may be applied to electives. 485 Internship (3) Internship in an approved Span­ ish-speaking institution or setting related to the inte nded se rvice a rea of the st u de nt. l'vl ay b e taken twice in different settings. By permission of instructor o nl y. 490 Seminar in Hispanic Studies (1-3) In -depth swdy of sel ected issues, t hemes or li terary genres. Topics will vary. May be repeated with differe n t conten t. Pre requisites will va ry depending on th e top ic. Permission of ins t ru ctor required . French (HUFF) Srndents desi ring to e nroll in French should do so during th e ir fres hman and sophomo re years. It is imposs ible to compl ete require­ ment for general education (B.A. degree) if smdent starts in his sen­ ior year. St ud e n ts with hi g h schcK,I French shoul d consult with department fo r pl acement. 101, 102 Elementary French (4,4) Basic princ iples of pronunciat ion and g rammar , voca bulary drill, graded reading. From the begin ­ ning. c lassroom conversat ions in Fre nch. Five hours each wee k.

particular expressions of fa ith, prac­ tice, and role in the li fe of the peo­ ple and society. Study of the impact of Prote stantism over the pa.s t cen­ tu ry. Some attention to non-Christ­ ian gro ups and prac ti ces . Field work required. Prerequisite: 410, 420, or 430 or permission of instruc­ tor. (Service Learning C,0urse) 460 Studies in Spanish Ameri­ can Culture (3) This course seeks co help the stu­ dent synthesize an understand ing of the cultures of Latin America. Bo th unconscious and consc io us leve ls of c ulture will be exa m­ ined , as well as th e impa ct of social class on culture. Attention also wi ll be given to the fine arts as expressions of culture. Prereq ­ uisite: compl e tion of at leas e two of th e required litera ture courses. 465 Drama: History and Appli­ cation (3) Study of medieva l, Gold e n Age and modern Hi s p anic d ram a. with a foc us on th e use of drama to convey the message of C hris­ tianity. Deve lopment and pres­ entation of short didactic plays. Prere quisites: 420 and 430 or per­ mission of instru ctor. 470 Teaching Assistant Practicum (2) T his practicum and associated train­ ing will provide opportunities fo r third and fourth year swdents to par­ ticipate in a vari e ty of professional

201 Intermediate French (4) 1 ntermediace grammar and co n­ versation , with emphas is on read­ ing for meaning and speed . C lass conducted in French. Five hours each week. 202 Conversational French (3) Prerequisite: F ren ch 201. T ypi­ ca l as pec ts of French d ail y li fe with special emphasis on idioms, usefu l phrases and conversational patterns. T'opics deal with true to life situ at ions and pract ica l aspects of the language. Th ree hours each week. Not offered on a regular basis. Special Offerings (HUFR) 101, 102 Foreign Language (1-4, 1-4) Th e fun dame ntals o f pronuncia­ tion. gran1mar, conversation, and reading in a desi g nated foreign language. Co urs e may in c lude such languages as Chinese, Japan­ ese. Russian and Korean. May be repeated with different content. Not offered on a regular basis. 201 Foreign Language ( 1-4) Ince rmediate g rammar and com­ position with emphasis on com­ munication and read ing. Course ma y inc lud e su c h langu ages as C hinese, Japan ese, Russi an and l,; orean. May be repeated with different content. No t offered on a reguJar basis.

Course Description s • 81

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