
their use in school and church set­ tings. May he repeated with differ­ ent content. Prerequisite: 114A/W

large and small settings. Prerequi­ site: 113 A and W: I 14 A and W. 213A Sight-singing and Dicta­ tion Ill (1) T hi s course cente rs on the appli­ cation of sight-singing and di cta­ tion sk ill s acqui red in I DA and 114A, w i th particular focus o n dominant and non-dominant sev­ en th c hords, altered n o n-h a r­ mo ni c tones, seco ndary domi­ nants and chromati c melodies. 213W Music Theory Ill (2) T his is th e final semester of com­ mon-pract ice diacunic harmon y. Emphasis is on voice leading and harmon ic progressions inc luding a l tered domin a nts, borrowed chords. the Neapolitan Sixth chord. augmented chords and modulation. 214A Sight-singing and Dictation IV (1) T his course centers on the app li­ cation of sight-s inging and dicta­ tion skills co complex diatonic and c hromatic a n d modulating me lod ies, dominant and non-dom­ inant seventh chords, alte red non­ harmonic cones. secondary domi­ nants. the Nea politan Sixth chord,

geared for students studying clas­ sical voca l technique whose voca l re pe rtoire cons ists of foreign lan­ g uage as well as E ng lish , a nd who , therefore , muse le a rn to accurately pronounce and arti cu­ late fo reig n languages , a nd co know the meaning of very word in the text in ord e r co con vey it acc urately. In the third semeste r (Mus ic ZS,\) F re nch diction and

309 Music History and Litera­ ture: Late Romantic Through Early 20th Century (2) A historica l and criti ca l survey of th e period in c ludin g important contributi ons in musi c literaw re, theory and performance prac tice. Special acce ntion will be given to the analys is of selected vocal and instrumental works. 310 Elementary Music Workshop (2) Inscruccion in materials for teach­ in g music in th e elementary schoo l. (Non-musi c majors, by permission.) 312 Music Theory/History and Literature of the 20th Century (3) T he swdy of 20th cenwry th eory prac tice and compositional tech­ niques within the context of the broad ran g e of 20th c entur y music lice rarnre. 320 Music Education (1) A. Brass: B. Percussion: C. Strings; D. Woodwinds: E. Music Drama: F. Fretted Instrume nts. Workshops in preparation for teaching instrumental musi c and musit· drama in e leme ntary and secondary schoo ls. 320G Marching Band Lab (1) Works hop in preparation for teac hing marching band princ i­ pl es and tec hni ques in the inter­ med iate and secondary schoo ls. 323 Basic C<:>nducting (2) Basic conduc ting skills: the psy­ cho logy of cond uct ing: observa­ tion of c horal and orc h estra l re hearsals. 324 Advanced Studies in Conducting (2) One or more sections offered peri­ odically in the areas of choral and instrumental conduct ing. Cont in ­ uation of the objectives of MUSC :\2., related specificallv to the technical and interpretative skills of eit her c hora l or in str um enta l conducting. Prereq ui si te: :\2:\. 330 Contemporary Music Issues (1 -3 ) One or more courses offered per i­ odi ca ll y in such areas as: arrang­ ing, songwritin g. perfo rn, ance practice. electron ic technology. An anal ys is and activity course chat examines contemporary music a., it re lates to composing. arranging and performing in pop and jazz styles. Issues addressed wi ll include pop and theatre songwriting. vo<.-al and small instrume ntal e nsembl e arranging and the performance of contemporary styles as they re late m

or department permis.~ion. 334 Philosophy of Music Education (3)

An in vest iga tion of philosophies of music ed uc at ion a nd the res ulting aes th e ti c implications for reach ing mus ic in all g rades. (Music majors.) 340 Special Studies: Theory/ Composition (2-3) One or more courses offered pe ri­ odically in such areas as arranging, jazz theory, advanced computer music. Prerequisite: 214A/W. 341 Counterpoint (2) Emphas is on 18th cent ury cwo­ a nd th ree-voice techniques . Ana lysi s of re presenta tive licera­ rnre and wr itin g of s hore sty le pieces. Prereq ui site: 214A/W. 342 Orchestration (2) A srndy of orchestral instruments w ith e mph as is o n a working knowledge of ranges and idiomatic qualities/capacities of ea c h. In c lud ed are nume ro us scoring projects. Prereq ui si te: 214A/W. 343 Form and Analysis I (2) The analysis of musi c fr om the var ious common practice periods, with emphasis o n fundamental fo rma l s tru c tur a l concepts and processes. Prerequisite: 2 14A/W. 344 Form and Analysi s II (2) Focuses on studies in redu ct ive tonal ana lysis: sec anal ysis, seria l ana lysis ; tonal axes , su mmation series a nd golden proportion anal ys is; and density field/sound­ mass/mi cropo lyphonv. In vo lves a detailed study of selected semi­ nal 20th-century works. 345 Computer Music I (2) Emphasis on synthesi zers. MIDI, sequenc in g , aco ust ics, multi­ crack recording, effects proces­ sors. mixing. and e lec troni c and comp ute r musi c lice raw re. Pre­ req ui si te : 2 14A/W and basic compu te r literacy. 350 A Advanced Keyboard Skills (1) This course is designed to teach ch urch serv ice pl ay ing sk ill s at an advanced level to pianists a nd organises. Areas of work include: harmonization , transposition, modu lat ion. improvisation. hymn playing, accompan yin g (solo and choral ) and repertoire.

grammar will be covered . 254 Lyric Diction IV (1)

This semester will be a rev iew of the pronun c iation and g rammar of al l lang uage s cove re d in the firs t t hr ee semesters, and will cove r the pronunc iat ion of Latin and Spanish, as well as the proper pronunciation and arti c ul at ion of the Engl is h language. 260 A, B Keyboard Sight Reading (1, 1) Anal ys is of sight reading skills and proced ures. Emphasis on devel­ o pm e nt of a bilit y co re ad with mus ical understa nding and ade­ quate Flu e ncy ac first sight. Pre­ req uisite: conse nt of instructor. 281 Movement and Dance for Musical Theatre (1) T he srnd y of spec ifi c sty les of movement used in musical theatre performance. Included will be tap, jazz and a combin at ion of other basic dance styles common to musi­ cal theatre performance. T his act iv­ ity class req uires a fee and does not meet the general ed ucat ion requ ire ­ ment in Physical Ed ucation. 300 Concert Music (0) Acce nd ance at spec ifi ed number and types of concerts eac h semester. T hr ee se meste rs required fur grad uation . G raded on a credi t/no cred it bas is. 307 Music History and Literature: Medieval Through Early Baroque (2) A histori ca l and criti ca l swd y of the period inc luding impo rt ant contr ihucion s in musi ca l licera­ tllr e, theory a nd performance practice. Spec ial ,mention wi ll be given to t he ana lys is of selected vocal and instrumental works. 308 Music History and Literature: Mid-Baroque Through Classic (2) A historical and critica l survey of the period including import an t contributions in music licerarnre, t heory and performance pract ice. Special atte nti on will be given co the analysis of se lec ted voca l and inst rume ntal works.

and augmented sixth chords. 214W Music Theory IV (2)

This course is ceme re d on the st udy of chrnma ci c ha rmon y of the 19th cent ury: Impression ism, and other earl y 20t h centu ry prac­ tices: contemporary popul ar har­ monic practice and its symbols. 251 Song Literature I (1) This is the first of two semesters in the survey of song licerawre from the /'d idd le Ages through the 20th century. 'T'his course will cover the history of solo song licerarnre from the l\ l idd le Ages through the C las­ sical period, and the history of the German lied from Sc hubert co Sc honberg. E mph as is will be p laced on how solo song innuences o r is innu enced b y majo r st y le

trends of the various periods. 252 Song Literature II (2)

T hi s is the second of cwo semes­ ters in th e survey of song literature from the Middle Ages through the 20th ce ntury. T hi s co u rse will cover t he history of F rench, British and Amer ican song from the 19th thro ugh the 20th centuri es, as well as songs of prominent composers in the Nat ional schoo ls. 253 Lyric Diction Ill (1) Lyric diction is tau g ht in four semeste rs. All courses are I-unit lab co ur ses meeting two hours per week. These co ur se s a re

84 • Course Descriptions

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