
p ract ice o f pro fes si ona l nursi ng the g radu ate is expected co: I. Base nu rsing practi ce on a philoso phi ca l found a tion cons is­ tent with Biola Uni versity and the Depa r t m e n t of Bacca la urea te Nurs ing beli efs about the nature of persons and the nature of nursi ng. 2. In tegra te knowledge from Bib li cal studies, and t he behav­ iora l, biologica l. and p hvs ica l sci­ e nces togethe r with knowle dge from nurs ing sc ie nce and utili ze chi s know ledge as a bas is fo r nursi ng prac ti ce . 3. Base nursing practi ce on a formul at ion of theoretica l knowl ­ edge inco rporat ing con111111ni ca­ cion/collaboratiun, teaching/learning. crit ica l thinki ng/probl em solving, and leadership/advocacy principles. 4. Co llect releva nt d ata sys­ cematical ly from a ll p e rt ine nt diem systems, rh e e nvironme nt. and the resea rch knowledge base: m il ize this data e ffecti vely to pro­ vide safe. competent nursing care. 5. Demo nstra te appli ca ti on of sy nth es ized concepts re lated co C hris t ian caring, stress/adap ta­ ri on , d eve lopm e n tal , inr e rac­ ciona l and systems theori es in the p urpose ful and systematic use of t he nurs ing p rocess to fa ci litate opt im a l ada p tat io n th ro ug h ap propria t e use of t he pr eve n ­ t io n. rt!storatio n. a nd conserva ­ tion modes of inte rve nti on with the t hree cl ient systems. 6. Ident i fy a nd u t ili ze k nowledge o f t he re leva nt c ul ­ wr a l , eco nom ic , e thi ca l, lega l, poli t ica l, socia l, and spiritual fac­ tors and th e interactions be twee n t hem char affec t rh e p rac ti ce of nu rsi ng and t h e de li ve ry of hea lth ca re services. 7. Demonstrate pe rsonal and profess ional deve lo pm e n t a nd C hrist ian commi cme nr consiste nt wit h the goa ls of Bi ola Uni versity and b ac ca lau rea t e nur si ng ed uca tion .

or ity for admi ssion co th e nurs ing program. lk fure be ing accepted . student, must compiece the pre req­ uisice coll ege courses with a mini ­ m um grade of "C" (2.00). T he se courses incl ude anatomy, inorganic and orga ni c/biochemistry, commu­ nic.-acion (l<Xl. 170, 181 or 280), Eng­ li sh I JOA and 11013. fi rst aid. phys i­ o logy, and psychology. Students also are req uired m earn a cumula­ t ive GPA of 2.80 on all pre-nursi ng college course work. Swdent~ wi th a c u1~1 ul ac ive GPA of 2.S0 to 2.79 may be considered for admission on prov isional sta tu s if space is avail ­ able in th e program and if there is reason w anticipate th e student wi ll be ab le co compl e te th e p rogram s11ccessfull y. Add itional factors con­ sidered in the applicat ion process inc lu de t he fo ll owing: tota l tran­ scri pt evaluation. small group inter­ views. a b ri e f written biographical sketch and a brief extemporaneous wr it in g ass ig nmen t, refere nces, p re n u rs in g exa m ina ti o n . SAT sco res, and work expe rien ce. A departmental applic-acion form is w h e completed and fil e d in t he department with an application fee of $25 by January I5. The re is an adcl icional lace fee of $10 fo r applica­ tions received after th e established dead line. Decisions regarding stu­ dent ac.-cepcance into cl inical nu rs ing are made by t he nursing fac ul ty. Before starting cl ini c-al nurs ing. stu ­ dents wi ll be req u ired ro submit completed health forms and proof of curre nt certi fica tion in ca rd iopul ­ monary cercific-a cion fur hea lth care professionals. Ap pli cants whose educa ti onal and profess ional expe ri ences q ual­ ify chem fo r adva nced sta nd ing are welcome. T hose int e n d in g co chall e nge nu rs ing courses sho ul d make an a ppoi ntm e nt wit h t he Departme nt of N 11rsing as soon as accepted by the Uni versity. After Being Accepted Into Biola's Clinica l Nursing Program A swde nt is req uired co have. at hi s/he r own expense, a yea rl y ph ysi­ cal examinat ion and specific lalx,ra­ co ry tests and immuni zat ions by J une IS. La te fees are assessed . Scudents will not be pe rm itted in t he cl ini ca l age ncy witho u t chis . Each student is assessed for liabili ty insu rance through th e Uni versity when pa r t ic ipat in g in c lin ica l courses. T he Universi ty and coop­ erating agencies assume no respon­ sibili ty for illness or accident~ occur­ ri ng d uri ng the schm l program.

T hree units of each of th e fo ll ow­ ing: Psychology 200, inre rcu lcural studi es or soc iology, and sta ti sti cs. No tr: Th t p:e11era/ ed11 u11io 11 17iq11ire111e11t for o foreip:11 lr111p:11agt' for 11111"i11p: mojo1" is two yer11" ofthf' some high sr.hoo/ k111g11agr or/our 1111its of o rollt'1[1' lr111g11oge. N111"it1J!: majo1" are exempt frvm Ket1ero/ educotion req11ire- 111e1m t~( !itera111re (3) and history (four r?f t(r;ht units n,quired). T he annual Commitment and P innin g Serv ice is fi nanced by asses sin g eac h c lini ca l nur s in g swde nt $ IS per year.

S tu de nt s m us e a rran ge fo r t he ir own transpo rtation ro clinical agenc ies as th e Uni vers ity does nor provide t ransporta tion. Scu­ de nts mu st have a va lid dri ver' s license and have access co a vehi­ cle throughout the cl ini cal nursi ng p rog ram. P ar kin g fe es a re t he responsibili ty of the scudent. Va lid health care provider CPR cert ifica tion is req11ired and must be re newed annu all y throughout the cl inical nursing program. T heory and cl ini ca l mu s t be ta k en co nc ur re ntl y in co ur ses wit h a c lini cal compon e nt. O ne 11nit of th eo ry eq 11 a ls on e c lock ho ur , a nd on e uni t of cl in ica l eq u a ls t hr ee c loc k ho u rs . Because of t he ir importance. it is mandatory to atte nd course and cl ini ca l or ie ntations co proceed in nursing courses. A s cude nt must earn a m in imum g rade of " C" (2.00) in mi c rob iology, sta ti stics, BIIST 465 hea lt h ca re e thics, and in each nu rsi ng course, and main­ ta in a cumulati ve G PA of 2.00 in order co progress in nursing. Stude nts will be permi tted co repeat n urs ing courses o ne t ime o nl y. S rnd e nc s w ithdr awin g more t han once at a fa iling leve l (C- or b e low) o r fa ili ng two courses may be dropped from t he nursing program. Unsa fe cli nica l n u rsing p ract ice . rega rd less o f GPA, is ground for di smissa l from t he nurs in g p rogram . S tu de nts who wi th d raw fr om nu rsin g in good sta nding will be readmitted o n a space - ava il ab le b asis. T ra nsfe r-challenge scude nts have eq ual access fo r o pe n spaces in nursing courses. I t is reco mm e n ded ch at mi crob io logy (B io logy 282) b e t a ken p r ior co N ur s in g of t he C li e nt/Famil y I and II. Stud e nts will not be ad va nced ro level II withour microbiology. rvl andaco ry N L N ac hi eve ­ m e nt exa m s w ill be ta ken t hro ugho ut and at the compl et ion of the nursing program.

COURSES (NURS) 110 First Aid/CPR (1 )

Theorv and skills re lated to fi rst aid and card iopulmonary resuscita t ion. C',<iurse will provide opportuni ty fo r students co receive cert ificat ion fo r one- and two-pe rson ad ul t. c hild and in fa nt CPR. t-,fe et~ prereq ui­ site requi rement for admission into dini c,-a l nursing. Fee: $ 15. 201 A Nursing of the Client/Family 1- Theory (3) Impl e me nta ti on o f th e nu rs in g process to facili tate adap t ive eq ui - 1ibr ium in th e c li e n t/fa mil y. Incl udes normal growt h and devel­ opment of the adolescent th rough th e older adult. Fee: $ 15. (C•) 201 B Nursing of the Client/Family I - Clinical (4) C linical app licati on of the nursing p rocess with adult c li e nts in inpa­ t ie nt a nd communit y sett ings. To be ta ke n co nc urr e ntl y w ith NU RS 201 A - T heorv. Graded on a c red it/no cred it bas is. Mus t ea rn at leasr a ' ' C" (2. 00) fo r cred it. Lab fe e : $.,o. (C•) 202A Nursing of the Client/Family II - Theory (4) Continu a t io n of NU RS 20 1. lmpl e me ncac ion of th e nursin g process to fac ili ta te adapti ve eq ui­ li brium in the cl ient/famil y. A pri ­ ma ry focu s is on patho ph ysi ology in the ph ys ica l subsvscem. Prereq­ ui sites: 201 ,303. Fee: $ IS. (C•) 202B Nursing of the Cl ient/Family 11 - Clinical (4) C linica l application o f t he nurs ing process with ad ult cli ents in acute med ica l-surgica l and communi ty se t t in gs. To b e ta k e n conc u r­ rently with NURS 202A - T he­ ory. C raded on a cred it/no credit basi s. M us t ea rn at least a "C" (2.00) for cred it. Fee: $30. (C•)



Admission in to Biola Uni vers ity does nor guarantee admission into cl inical nursing. Swdents des iring to be admitted to th e Department of lhccalaureate Nursing must meet all req ui reme nts fo r admission en rhe univers ity. Biola pre -nursing s t11dent, meeting all req uirement5 for admiss ion ro cl ini ca l nurs ing, who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have taken ar leasr rwo full-time semesters at l\ iola, will be given pri-

A li or.hdor of Scie11r.e dep:ree i11 N11rsi11p: is offered upon compl e­ tion of th e uni versity bacca laure­ ate and major req uireme nts. T he nu rsi ng maj or req ui res th e com­ p le tion of: Bio logica l Scie nce 2.'i 2, 28 1, 282: C hemi stry 11 2 (tota ling 16 sc ie nce uni ts) ; N ursing 11 0. 20 1, 202. 204, 303. .,40. 342, 344, .,62, 364, .,66. 441 , 442 , 4.'i0, 4.'i I. 4S2 and 460. Supporting courses:

Cours e Description s · 8 7

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