

for graduation, candidates must have completed all required course work with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 and satisfactorily passed their comprehensive examinations. No grade less than a C (2.0) will be cred ited toward the Th.M. degree units. Stu- dents who repeat courses for the pur- pose of raising their GPA must adhere to the University's general policy for grades, as spelled out in the graduate program catalog. Candidates for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christian min- istiy, exhibit exemplary and consistent Christian character and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the university 's doctrinal statement. Additional requirements are as follows: A. Residence Requirements A minimum of two semeste rs in residence at Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. 8. Transfer Credit Up to four units of Th.M.-level credit above from another accredited seminary or theological school may be accepted toward fulfillment of Th .M. course requirements. C. Time Limit for Degree Al l course, examination , and the- sis requirements must be completed within five years , beginning on the date of the student 's first registration for Th.M. courses at Talbot. D. Major Areas of Academic Study Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the fo llowing areas: ■ Bible Exposition: The major in Bible exposition is designed for students who want advanced train- ing in English Bible with an emphasis on preaching and com- municating the text of Scripture. Students may take elective credit in the area of Practical Theology. ■ New Testament: For students want-

and take advanced coursework in Missions and lntercultural Studies. Christian Th!illght (emphasis in Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with an empha- sis in theology. TH 709 Con tem- pora1y Theology is required. Christian Thought ( emphasis in His- t01ical Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Ch1istian Thought with some emphasis on the historical develop- ment ofdocoine. TH 709 Contem- poraiy Theology is required. Christian Thought ( emphasis in Philosophy ofReligion): For stu- dents who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with some emphasis on Philoso- phy of Religion. TH 709 Contem- pora1y Theology is required.

Students are required to take a minimum of 14 units in Th.M. courses numbered in tJ1e 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. Up to two courses from a different department may be taken in the major area with the approval of the student's program adviser. ATh.M. student must carry nine (9) or more units to be considered a full-time student. Those carrying less than nine units are considered part- time students. A maximum of six (6) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study" courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental adv iser and faculty member con- cerned is required. G. Research Seminar Al l Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The seminar is designed to in troduce the student to research methodology employed in the various biblical and theological disciplines. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the departments in Biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a foundationa l part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for the Th.M. students only. Students majoring in Missions and Intercultural studies wi ll be required to take CL 897 Research Seminar, CL 879 Research Design, or one of the 891 Biblical research semi- nars in consultation wi th their advisor. H. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more units and are accepted in the Th.M. pro- gram are permitted to take up to four units of Th.M. coursework in the last semester of the Master of Divinity pro- gram (additional Th.M. courses may be taken in lnterterm or Summer Ses- sion). These courses may not be cred- ited toward the M.Div. degree and must meet all normal Th.M. stan- dards. This option allows students who have on ly one or two courses remaining in their M.Div. program to get started on their Th.M. program while finishing their M.Div. I. Comprehensive Examinations All ca ndid ates for the Th .M. degree must pass a written compre- hensive examination over the major field of swdy. These examinations serve as a major means of evaluating

the student's academic competency in the major area. Comprehens ive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 18 units of Th.M. course work. Only two retakes of the examination are permitted. J. Thesis Option Students who opt to write a thesis must produce an acceptable piece of research evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the student's major. Informati on regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is pro- vided in the Th.M. Program Hand- book and the "Thesis In formation " section of the Talbot graduate student handbook. The original and two cop ies are to be presented to the libra1y for binding. Students who complete the thesis registration sequence (i.e. Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft) without finishing the thesis, must register for HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registra- tion each semester until the thesis is complete in order to maintain degree status. Only one year following the completion of course work is normally allowed for completion of a thesis. A student may go beyond this one year period only by advance permission of the Graduate Comminee. Such per- mission is usually granted only in extreme circumstances.

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E. Program Options

The Th.M. is a 26 semester-hour program with two option s for pro- gram structure: a thesis track and a non-thesis track. Students choosing the thesis track will complete 20 units of coursework and write a thesis for which they will be awarded 6 semester- units of credit. Students opting for the non-thesis track wi ll be required to complete 26 units of coursework. They will also be asked to submit two papers to the major department which give evidence of their ability to research and write on a high acade- mic level. The papers submitted may

be the product of coursework. F. Program Requirements

The Th.M. 891 Research Seminar (3 units) and CE 724 Advanced Meth- ods of Educationa l In struction (2 units) are required of al l students, regardless of major. See the descrip- tion of the major areas for other courses that may be required by a spe- cific department. The program requirements for both tracks will be distributed as follows : Thesis Track ■ 5 units: prescribed ■ 12 units: major area ■ 3 units: elective ■ 6 units: thesis ■ comprehensive examination Non-Thesis Track ■ 5 units: prescribed ■ 15 units: major area ■ 6 units: elective ■ comprehensive examination

ing to do advanced work in the histo1y, language, theology, and exegesis of the New Testament. NT 812 The World of the New Testament is required. Old Testament and Semitics: For stu- dents wanting to do advanced work in the history, archaeology, language, theology, and exegesis of the Old Testament. Missions and lntem1llural Studies: For students who want to empha- size the biblical theology of missions

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