Doctor ofEducation Program
Director: Klaus Issler, Th.M, Ph.D.
offers computer access Lo various data bases as well as providing a meeting place for students. Students are also encour- aged lo become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern
of the program. A few students are in Uallsition in their career path. The cur- riculum particularly encourages critical thinking, integrative synthesis of Scrip- ture and social science data, and original research. Courses typically follow a grad- uate seminar format requiring student initiative for significant participation in class discussion. Small class sizes ofS-12 students pem1il such a dialogical fo1mat, an important elemem for promoting
gram with a sufficient background of theological training (minimum of 18 graduate units of Bible and theology). Students lacking tl1ese prerequisites can fulfill them al Talbot School ofTheology prior to entering the doctoral program. In addition, elective courses in theology may be taken to study further the rela- tionship of educational and theological conceptions. Through its interaction with members of the Ch1istian commu- nity, the Ed.D. program is commilled to demonstrating to tl1e church the poten- tially significant con tributi ons and understanding that social science data and methods can make to the Church's role of educating tl1e whole person. Community of Christian Scholars As members of a Ch1istian university communi ty, the Ed.D. faculty believe that relating one's faith to an academic disci- pline goes beyond the theoretical and cognitive. Opportunities for fellowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Talbot School of Theology sponsors a weekly chapel se1vice. Various discussion times over meals and other social activi- ties provide an opportunity for info1mal, out of class interaction with faculty and students. The Ed.D. Research Center
Professors: Anthony, Dirks
Associate Professors: Garland , Issler
California area.
The Ed .D. course of study is designed for men and women to enhance further their leadership roles in a vaiiety of educational ministries within God's Kingdom - the local church, educational inslitmions and ministry organ izations throughout the world. The Doctor of Education degree, estab- lished in 1984, is offered within the Christian Education department of Tal- bot School ofTheology. Since the Ed.D. degree facilitates both academic and professional development, it should not be viewed exclusively as a professional doctorate , but also as an academic- research degree with significant similari- ties lo the residential Ph.D. model. Students come to the program already having completed a graduate degree and significam minisu-y experi- ence in the field of educational miniso-y. In general , Ed.D. students are estab- lished within a particular minisu-y organ i- zation and rerum following completion
Course Work
While the doctorate is not awarded simply for comp letion of stated course work, there is a 48- semester unit minimum requirement for the degree including 18 units of required course work and 30 units of
critical and imegrative thinking.
I T-15
An Ed.D. program is also offered in the School of lntercu ltural Studies emphasizing the enhancement of cross-- cultural perspectives and competencies. Talbot students may enroll in elective courses offered by the !CS faculty as part of their specialization program.
electives for a specialization .
The Ed.D. program director serves as the student's advisor who assists in planning the schedu le of courses and supervises the student 's progress in the program and th e development of a specialization . Up to six units of graduate course work directly related to the specialization may be taken in other departments at Biola Un iversity or transferred in from other accredited graduate institutions. Preliminary Oral Interview, Program of Specialization, and
Integration Distinctive
An important component of the Ed.D. program is the integrative ~-ynthe- sis of social science data within a Christ- ian world view perspective. Since both education and theology address the human condition , the Ed.D. faculty believe there is a great deal to be gained by an imerdisciplinary study of human development, the learning process and issues of leadership. Consequently, stu- dents are expected to come lo the pro-
Conferral of Active Status
All students will have an oral inte1view1vith the program director to evaluate their progress and potential for successful completion of the doc- toral program. This interview is scheduled after the completion of 18 doctoral units (preferably including most of the core courses). During the first 18 units of study, the student defines knowledge , skills and research competencies needed, and outlines a 30-unit specialization program to ful- fill these needs. At the inte1view, stu-
5 Year Full-Time Schedule (9 units per term)
First year
3 3
80 I Foundational Issues in Education 803 Human Development & Learning 871Statistical Methods in Ed Research
804 Organizational Admin. in Ed. Leadership
3 3
805 Curriculum Theory &Teaching 807 Educational Research Methods
1 9
1 9
Second year Elective #I Elective #2 Elective #3
3 3
3 3
Elective #4 Elective #5 Elective #6
dents will present a portfolio of:
( I) At least two significant pieces of written work demonsu-ating the student's sk ills in biblio- graphic research competence, critical thinking, and integra-
1 9
1 9
■ Oral Inte1view/ Program Approval
Third year Elective #7 Elective #8 Elective #9
1 3
3 3 1 9
Elective# I0
tion synthesis,
(2) A comp leted se lf-assessment
■ Oral Qualifying Examination ■ Dissertation Proposal Preparation
inventory, and
(3) A projected course of study for the 30-unit speciali zation requirement. The results of this imerview are reported to the Ed.D. facu lty, wh ich votes either to confer active doctoral status, confer it with some conditions, or not to permit the student to con-
Fourth year
891 Dissertation
891 Dissertation
Fifth year
891 Dissertation
891 Dissertation
■ Oral Defense and Graduation
Nole:Astudent may reduce the time far completing wurse wark /Jy taking additional courses each semester and during lhe summer. Missiona,ies may apply far an extended study pe,iod in order lo complete their doclaml COllne work during two different furlough years.
tinue in the doctoral program.
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