A "W" indicates an official with- drawal from a course and do es not affect the student's grade average. A "UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for a class but do not attend it are auto- matically given the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average the same as an "F." A temporary mark of "RD" (Report Delayed) will be used in spe- cial cases of ex treme hardship where an exte nsion is warranted and approved by the clean. A student must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the encl of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a "W." A "W" can be made up only by repetition of the course. No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported to the regisu·ar's office unless an error was made in grad ing or recording. These changes can only be made upon written approval of the instructor, the registrar and the Ed.D. committee. Academic Probation A student failing to maintain the minimum GPA of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. The follow- ing semester, should the student not meet the minimum cumula ti ve GPA (3.0), they will automat ically be dis- missed. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Academic Dismissal Students who receive two grades of "C" and/ or "F" \\111 be re11ewed by the Ecl.D. committee, and are subject to pro- bation or dismissal from tl1e program; a third "C" and/ or "F" brings automatic elimination from the program. Time Limit for Degrees All course and academic require- ments must be completed within five years from the date of the stuclem's first registration for graduate study in the Ed.D. program, unless an exten- sion has been granted by the Ecl.D. committee. All Ecl.D. cou rse work and successful passing of the qualifying exami nati ons must be completed within 4 yea rs of the date of the stu- dent's first registration for graduate swcly in the Ecl.D. program. Once the qualifying exam in at ion s have been passed, the student must complete the dissertation within 2 years. Beginning
Fall 1996, any application for an exten- sion will require a $100 processing fee. Transfer Credit Students may transfer up Lo six semester hours of applicable doctoral- level courses from an accredited grad- uate school or theological seminary, after seeking prior approval from tl1e program director. Transferred course work must be completed after begin- ning the Ed.D. program. It is the student's responsibility to provide documentation assuring doc- toral level status of the course. Docu- mentation may include catalog descrip- tions, syll ab i and other supporting materials from the professor of record or deparunent, as deemed necessa1y. Unofficial Withdrawal A swdent who fails to register in any given semester without arranging for a leave of absence or formal with- drawal is eliminated from the pro- gram by default. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of pre-regis- tration and registration procedures and deadlines. Studen ts who unoffi- ciallywithdraw from the program and are later re-admitted may be required to pay continuation fees for semesters during which they were not enroll ed and may be subject to Ecl.D. curricu- lum changes and graduation require- ments implemented during their pro- gram inactivity. Leave of Absence Inactive students are those who have reques ted and been granted a leave of absence from their program. A leave or absence may be granted upon petition for change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for interrupting the program and inten- tion to return to the program. Change of status forms are available from the Registrar's Office. A leave of absence must be renewed by petition each semester and may not exceed two consecutive semesters. Missionaries may petition to be exempted. A leave of absence longer than two semesters will require withdrawal from the program and a petition for readmission if the student later wishes to regain active status. Each leave of absence must receive the approval of the sLUdent's disserta- tion advisor, if applicable, and th e final approval of the Ed.D. committee. Students on leave are requi red Lo reg- ister for DE 897 Leave of Absence each term (a one-unit fee is assessed).
take courses exclusively in one particu- lar track or se lect cou rses from any emph asis as they design a program of studyrelevant to their vocational objec- tives. Sufficient latitude in designing course ass ignments permits students Lo pursue a variety of research interests. Elective courses are offered on a rotat- ing basis eve1y two or three years. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS AND SPIRITUAL FORMATION Coordinator: Dr. Issler (courses listed in the 810's and 820's) ■ DE 811 Spirituality and Christian Formation (3) ■ DE 814Jesus As Teacher (3) ■ DE 815 Selected Topics in Theological Thought (l-3)
A person who has been dismissed from the Ecl.D. program may make reapplication to the program a mini- mum of one year after termination. The reapplication shou ld be in the form of a letter and include a new application form, at least two current references and any desired supporting materials. The letter shou ld be addressed Lo th e Ed.D. Committee stati ng the reasons for requesting reaclmittance as well as any other issues deemed relevant by the appli- cant. The letter should directly address the causes for di smissal. The application will be considered with the regular admissions pool. CURRICULUM The curriculum of the Doctor of Education Program is organized into two pans: a series of common core courses taken by all students and elec- tive courses from which u1e student will select those appropriate for a specializa- tion program. Ecl.D. doctoral courses are numbered in the 800 seri es. Up to six semester units of 600 or 700 series master's level university courses may be included in the specialization program. Core Studies All students complete 18 semester units of required course work. Primary Core (12 units) ■ DE 801 Foundational Issues in Education (3) ■ DE 803 Human Development and Learning (3) ■ DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership (3) ■ DE 805 Curriculum Themy and Teaching (3). Research Core (6 units) ■ DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) ■ DE 871 Statistical Methods in Educational Research (3) Students shouu/ /JUrrne the comf!letion of rore counes ea.rly in their /nogmm. Specialization Program Elective courses offered by Ed.D. faculty pertain to areas of expertise and continuing faculty study and are clus- tered according to three broad emp hases. In consultation with the program advisor, the student designs a spec iali zation program (30-semeste r unit minimum) in light of educational background and vocat ional and research interests. Students may opt to
I T-17
DE 816 Theological Issues in Educational Minisuy (3) DE 817 Personal & Corporate Reconciliation (3) DE 821 Moral Character and Virtue Ethics (3) DE 823 Excellence in Teaching (3) DE 825 Selected Topics in Philo- sophical & Historical Thought (1-3) DE 826 Studies in the Histo1y of Education (3)
■ ■
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION Coordinator: Dr. Anthony (courses listed in the 830's and 840's) ■ DE 831Administration of Christ- ian Higher Education (3) ■ DE 832 Faculty Development in Higher Education (3) ■ DE 833 The College Student Experience (3) ■ DE 836 Current Trends in Ameri- can Higher Education (3) ■ DE 839 Selected Topics in Admin- istration ofl-l igher Education (l-3)
DE 843 Advanced Organization and Administration (3) DE 844 Contempora1y Issues in Ministry Leadership (3) DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Administration (1-3) DE 847 Legal Issues in Educa- tional Administration (3) DE 848 Multiple Staff Manage- ment in the Local Church (3)
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