DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) Advanced study of a va riety of meth- ods for scholarlyeducational research. The course focu ses on the literature revi ew anal yz in g resea rch des ign,
DE 826 Studies in the History of
RSPY 733 The Self: Theological , Philosophical, Psychological and Cross-Culn1ral Perspectives (3)
Education (3)
Investiga tion of great teachers, great educational ideas or great educational sys tems in the history of education and th e teachin g mini stry of th e Church. Aparticular historical period may be treated or themes across his- tori cal periods (may be repeated). Educational leadership and
Coordinator: Dr. Garland
Additional elec tive courses may be offered during th e 1995-96 school yea r. Normall y Ed.D. courses are available as term-length courses in the Fall and Spring and as 3-week inten- sive modules during the Summer ses- sion. Additional modular courses (1-3 weeks in length ) may be offered dur-
(courses listed in the 850 's and 860's)
DE 851 Principles of Curriculum
methodology and results.
Design (3)
Educational Foundations and
DE 852 Nonformal Education (3) DE 853 Curriculum Innova tion
■ ■
Spiritual Formation
and Change (3)
DE 811 Spirituality and Christian
DE 855 Selected Topics in Curricu- lum Theoryand Teaching (1-3) DE 861 Educational Psychology in
Formation (3)
A study of the Scriptures and various Church traditions regarding how one deepens one's relationship with God and th e spiritual di sc iplin es whi ch co ntribute to th e deve lopment of Chri st-1 ikeness (for comp anion
T-18 I
ing theJanuary term.
DE 831 Administration of Christian
Higher Education (3)
Visiting faculty who have offered Selected Topics seminars include: Don- aid Brown (1985-91), Kenneth Gangel (1988) , Donald Joy (1 985, 1987), Gilbert Peterson (1 985) , John Reed (1992), Lawrence Richards (1989), Nor- man Wakefi eld (1988-91 ), Ted Ward (1993), and Campbell Wyckoff (1987).
Christian Education
Exploration of major responsibilities in the administration of higher educa- tion with a view to broaden the stu- dent 's awareness of the complex ities invo lved in educati onal leadership. Emphas is is give n to a di scussion of the departments of faculty, student affairs, adva ncement , legal affairs,
DE 862 Faith Development (3) DE 865 Selected Topics in Human Deve lopment and Learning (1-3)
■ ■
course , see DE 821).
DE 814 Jesus as Teacher (3)
DE 874Writing for Publication (3) DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3) DE 880 Directed Research (1-3) DE 881Directed Readings (1-3) DE 882 Professional Internship (1-3)
■ ■
Detailed anal ysis of what Jesus taught and how he taught bas ed on an exege ti cal study of var ious teaching episodes in the Gospels (competence in exegetical skills and knowledge of
library, and support se,vices.
■ ■ ■
DE 832 Faculty Development in Higher
Core Courses
Education (3)
NT Greek is helpful ).
DE 801 Foundational Issues in
A study of current techniques for the assessment and deve lopment of fac- ul ty in hi gher edu ca tion. Topi cs include methods fo r eva luating pro- fess ional competen cy and designing in-servi ce development programs.
Education (3)
DE 815 Selected Topics in Theological
Advanced studyof the history and phi- losophy of Christian education. Sig- nifi cant hi sto rical trends and topi cs are analyzed in the development of a phil osophi cal and th eol og ica l per- spec tive. Emph as is is place d on enhancing critical thinking of educa-
Thought (1 ·3)
Up to six units of gradua te course work direc tly related to tli e specializa- tion may be taken in oth er de part- ments at Biol a Unive rsity or trans- fe rred in from other accredited gradu- ate institutions. The following unive r- sity courses may have some relevance
Exploration of se lected issues led by resident facultyor visiting professors.
DE 816 Theological Issues in Educational Ministry (3)
DE 833 The College Student
Experience (3)
A study of theo logica l components whi ch are esse ntial to the deve lop- me nt of a theo logy of the teaching ministry (competence in theolog ical
Selected aspects of the college student experi ence in No rth Ameri ca and their implications for college and uni- ve rsity organi za tion. Topi cs in cl ude the socialization of the Ameri can col- lege stud ent , th e role of stud ent affairs, in te rnational students, gender distinctives, demographi c analys is of As ian-Ameri can, Hispani c-Ameri can , and Afri can-American students, ethi - cal considerations, and legal affairs. OE 836 Current Trends in American An examination of critical issues fac- ing North Ameri can uni versities and discussion of the acquisition of viable pre mi sin g da ta, releva nt strateg ic Higher Education (3) planning issues, and future program-
tional theoryand content.
fo r a student's specializa tion.
DE 803 Human Development and
Learning (3)
method is helpful ).
Talbot School of Theology
Advanced study of the processes of learni ng, moti vat ion, and life-span human development. Investigation cen- ters on understanding of social science data within a Christian world view. Stu- dents are challenged to develop impli- cations for various teaching contexts. DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership (3) Advanced study of significant th eori es and pri nciples of effective administra- Lion. Emphas is is upon the integrati on of managemen t theo ry and biblica l concepts concerning relationships for appropriate local church and orga ni- zational minist1-y leadership in vari ous
TTTH 717 Theology of Human
DE 817 Personal & Corporate
Reconciliation (3)
Nurture (2)
Astudyof the concepts of vengean ce, forgiveness and j usti ce as they apply to in terpersonal relati onshi ps. Students wi ll develop a proactive model fo r a reconciliation minisu-y at the personal
TTTH 718Theology of Christian
Nurture (2)
TTPH 667 Seminar in Philosophi- calAnthropology and Philosophy
of Mind (2)
and corporate leve l.
School ofInterculturnl Studies
DE 821 Moral Character and Virtue
!SST 72I Crosscul tural
Ethics (3)
Education (3)
Analysis of critical issues related to ethi- cal theori es, psychological development, and the practi ce of moral educa ti on . Opportuni ty for students to ex pl ore nu rture of indi vidual and co rpo rate moral matwi ty in minisuy contexts· (for companion course, see DE811 ). DE 823 Excellence in Teaching (3) Pursues the question , "What consti- tutes exce ll ence in teaching? " Th e course in volves analyzing case studies of outstanding teachers and re lated
!SST 772 Spirit ual Conflicts in Crosscultural Contexts (3)
!SST 765 Crosscultural
ma ti c des igns.
Leadershi p (3)
ISCL803 Qualitative Research (2) !SST 861Alte rnati ve Delivery
DE 839 Selected Topics in Administration
■ ■
culwral settings.
of Higher Education (1-3)
Explorati on of se lec ted issues led by resident facul ty or visiting professors. OE 843 Advanced Organization and A detailed study of the prima1-y man- agerial functions of plan ning, organiz- ing, staffing, directing, and evaluating in th e contex t of church and para- Administration (3) church ministri es. Emphasis on man- agement by obj ec tives, to tal quality management , budge tin g, con fli ct
DE 805 Curriculum Theory and
Sys tems in Education (3)
Teaching (3)
Rosemead School of Psychology
Advanced studyof teaching within var- ious educational se ttings. Students are challenged to enhance their personal repertoire of teaching skills and edu- ca ti onal strategies through observa- tion, discussion and prac ti ce. Compe- tencies in designing varied curricul ar materials are developed. Prerequisite: DE 803 or permi ssion of instructor.
RSPY 601 Research Design (3) RSPY 6 IO Development of Religious Understanding of Children and Adolescents (2) RSPY 641Measuremen t and
■ ■
research on teaching.
DE 825 Selected Topics in Philosophi-
Assessment I (3)
cal & Historical Thought (1-3)
RSPY 704 Advanced Research
Expl orat ion of se lected issues led by res ident facul ty or visiting professors.
Design (3)
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