

Doctor ofMinistryProgram


management, computer assessment programs, and evaluati ve tec hniques appropriate fo r ministryappli cation. DE 844 Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadership (3) An examination of issues significantly impac ting church and para-church ministries today. Special focus given to the dynamic nature of leadership and its relationship to social institutional contex tuali zation. DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Administration (1-3) Ex pl oration of selected issues led by resident facu lty or visiting professors. DE 847 Legal Issues in Educational Administration (3) An examination of constitutional law, histori cal review of litigation and legal issues as these affect church and para- chu rc h mini str y. Top ics include mini steri al li abili ty, neg ligence in buildin g and equipment main te- nance, child abuse, and the use of li a- bility release documents. DE 848 Multiple Staff Management in the Local Church (3) Issues related to the compl ex nature of mul tipl e staff management in the local church. Topics include methods of structuring admin istrative and pro- gram staff, fi scal management, tech- nological innovations which serve as viable ministry resources, the role of the Executi ve Pastor, and personnel resource development Educational Process and Design DE 851 Principles of Curriculum Design (3) An advanced study of the rationale fo r and guiding principl es of curriculum design an d deve lopment. Students may di rect their ass ignments to local church, para-chu rch or higher Christ- ian education se ttings. DE 852 Nonformal Education (3) A comparative study of the principles and prac tices of fo rmal (schoo ling), informal (socialization) and nonformal educati on. Emphas is is give n to an exploration of the appropriate applica- tion of formal and nonfonnal modes of education fo r leadership development and theological educa tion for Ch1istian ministri es stateside and overseas. DE 853 Curriculum Innovation and Change (3) An examination of the principles under- lying effective change strategies as these relate to the improvement of cunicular elements of educational ministry.

DE 855 Selected Topics in Curriculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by res ident facul ty or visiting professors. DE 861 Educational Psychology in Christian Education (3) An advanced exploration ofleaming the- 01ies, learning styles, and student motiva- tion with implications for the practice of teaching in local church, para-church

Progran1Director: Gary McI ntosh, D.Min. OBJECTIVES ''The purpose of the professional doc torate is to equip one fo r a high level of excellence in the prac tice of Ministry" (Association of Theological Schools, Standards fo r Accrediting) . Th e Docto r of Mini stry degree offered byTalbot School of Theology is the highest professional degree fo r orda in ed persons in the church or related ministri es. It is distinct from the Th.D. or Ph.D. in that its prima1y emphas is is on the practice of minist1y ra ther than on research and teaching. This program builds on the basic theological degree , the M.Div. , or its equivalen t, and provides an opportuni ty for the person in ministry to strengthen abiliti es and correct defi ciencies. In order to accomplish these ends, the stu- dent will be expected to integrate theo- logical educa tion in the context of min- ist1y by demonstrating high leve ls of competence in one of fi ve ava il abl e fields of concentration; church leader- ship , marr iage and fa mil y, chu rc h growth , counselingor general studies. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admi ssion to the Doctor of Min- isuy programwill be granted on a ve1y selec tive and individual basis with the fo llowing basic requi rements applying to all applica tions: I. An M.Div. degree or its equi va- lent from an accredited semina1y with a grade-po in t average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) . 2. App li cants must have a knowl- edge of the or igina l languages of scripture. This may be attested by evi- dence of prior sa ti sfacto1y completion of co urses in the languages or th rough examination . 3. Aminimum of three years of full- time "in minisuy" experience after the student has received the M.Div. degree or its equivalent. The student must be engaged in pro fessional mini stry throughout the dura tion of the program. 4. Completion of such diagnostic and/ or theological tests that the Grad- uate Committee determines necessary. 5. Wri tten recommendations from the fo ll owing: a cle rgy co ll eague, a denominati onal offi cial or other rec- ogni zed Christian leader, a lay person in the congregation, agency or board served by the applicant, a fo rmer pro- fesso r in the fi eld of prac ti cal theology

and if marri ed a letter of support from the applicant's spouse. 6. Apersonal statement of approx- imately IOtypewritten pages (double- spaced) detailing mini steri al experi- ence , strengths, weakn esses, and the candidate's personal objec tives for the Doctor of Ministry program. 7. A personal interview with the D.Min. director may be required. Ful- fillment of the above bas ic require- ments does not necessarily guarantee admissi on into the program because individual cases and circumstances, such as available openi ngs in the pro- gram, may dictate other factors to be considered. ln general, a high stan- da rd of overall performance, espe- cially in prac tice of ministry, will be the govern ing criterion. Graduation Requirements A. Resident Study Seven courses of study (six units each) comprise the basic residency requi rement. At least fo ur of the courses must be taken in the fi eld of co nce ntrati on. Eac h co ur se will require signifi cant preliminary read- ing in prepa rati on and a fo ll ow-up project at the conclusion of the class- room experience. 8. Academic Graduation Requirements Ami nimum grade of "B-" must be main ta ined in each course acceptable toward completion of the program . A minimum of a "B" (3 .00) ave rage is req ui red fo r graduation. C. Time Limit For Degree Complete the program in no less than three years and no more than five years. D. ADissertation Project The student will conduct research and develop a project in his major fi eld of study. The project may focus on the wr itin g of a book man usc ri pt, th e research of a critical issue, the develop- ment of a new program or an in-depth case study of a min isuy situation. Ordi- narily, the minimum length wi ll be I00 pages and the maximum length of 250 pages. Complete information on the Dissertation Project is ava ilable from the Doctor of Minist1y office. A schedul e of cl asses is available upon reques t. For more in fo rmation, pl ease contact: Dr. Ga ry McI ntos h, Di rector of the D.Min . Program, Tal- bot Schoo l of Theo logy, La Mirada, CA 90639-000 I.

and higher education settings. DE 862 Faith Development (3)

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Analysis of various aspects of fa ith deve l- opment. Particular investigation of the relationship of this li terature to human development the01y and research. DE 865 Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning (1-3) Exploration of se lected issues led by res ident facul ty or visiting professors. Research DE 871 Statistical Methods in Educational Research (3) Astudyof the concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpreta- tion of quan ti ta tive research data based on descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include COJTelation and regres- sion , tests of significance and introduc- tion to analysis of variance. (Prerequi- site: undergraduate background in sta- tistics; similar to RSPY 502) DE 874 Writing for Publication (3) Astudy of research and wri ti ng in the fi eld of Chri stian education with an emphas is on prepa ring manuscri pts fo r publica tion as journal articles. DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident facu lty or visiting professors. Independent Studies Up to 3 uni ts of direc ted study opportuniti es may be arranged with resident faculty. ■ DE 880 Directed Research (1-3) ■ DE 88 1 Directed Readings (1 -3) ■ DE 882 Professional In ternship (1-3) ■ DE 891 Dissertation (0) Once al l course work has been com- pleted, registration for DE 891 is contin- uous and automatic fo r degree candi - dates. Normally, dissertation students are considered full-time for a maximum of four semesters. A fee equi valent to three units of u1ition is charged. DE 897 Leave of Absence (0) For students who have been granted an offi cial leave of absence from the Ed.D. program. Afee equivalent to one uni t of u1ition is normallycharged.

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