


DM 822 Family Lile Education (6) Acourse designed 10 lead the student through a bibli cal, sociological and educational investigation of famil y life education. DiscoveI)' of common ele- men ts of an effecti ve family mini stry in the church. Integration of th is data with exist in g resources all ows each person to develop a strategy of family

tory field expe rience in study in g church growth. In volves direct research in to growin g churches in Southern Cal ifornia. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours during the course.) DM 828 Pastora l Care and Counseling Skills (6) A course des igned to help the pastor sharpen ski ll s in pastoral care and counseling. The studeJll will learn and practice a mod el of helping whic h incorporates techniques and approaches of the behavioral sciences as well as biblical principles. The stu- dent wi ll be exposed to live counse l- ing sessions, ex tensive counseling practice and professionals in practice. (Additional work wi ll be expected out- side of class hours during the course.) DM 829 The Pastor as a Crisis Counselor (6) Studen t wi ll develop skills to he lp individuals confronting typical crises such as the birth of a ch ild, illness, the loss of a job, ma rital conni ct, caree r acijustment. bereavement, pre-marital pregnancy, retirement and terminal disease. Attention given to prevention of stress in predictable developmental cri ses as well as recove1)' management fo llowing a crisis. A combination of clinical exposure, case study and stu- dent experience used in this seminar. DM 830 Administrative Leadership in the Local Church (6) A course designed to lead swdent th rough a biblical, organ izational and psyc hological understanding of lead- ersh ip , motivation, planning, manag- ing conflicts, worker training, evalua- tion, change principles and organ iza- tional development. Participants have the opportunity to examine thei r lcad- ershi p sty le and to develop sty les thro ugh group experiences and case sllldies that will make them more effective leaders. DM 833 Discipleship in the Local Church (6) An in-depth exami nation of the bibli- cal principles, hi stOI)' and methodol- ogy of disciplesh ip. The course will emphasize th e practical concern of how to develop an ongoing disciple- ship program in the local min isuy DM 834 Advanced Church Growth (6) An in-depth look at cross-cu ltural issues fac ing churches in the U.S.A. Emph as is will be placed on under- standing the mosaic of cu lture both within the typical Anglo churches and

meaning of love, the nature of forgive- ness and the importance of unity. Key biblical words and concepts studied and practical implications developed for the program of the local church. Discussion of relationships among the stalJ, boards, commi ttees and the con-

Courses in this section are con- ducted at the postgraduate level, with enro ll ment restricted to those who have been granted admission to the

D.Min. programat Talbot. DM 801 Pastor's Symposium (6)

grega tion at large. DM 813 Worship (6)

An in-depth study of the var ied tasks of the contemporaI)' pastor, with par- ticu lar consideration of his ro les as expositor, discipl er, evange li st, coun- selor and leader of worship. Pastors who have distingui shed themselves as thoughtful practitioners of the an serve as resource leaders. DM 803 Pre -marital and Marital Counseling (6) Acourse designed to equip the pastor in the principles of pre-marital coun- seling. Emphasis given to the practical aspects of structuring and conducting a complete pre-marital preparation program within the local church. Spe- cific techn iques for marital counseling to be presented, di scussed and demon- su-ated th roughout the duration of this course. Prerequisite: train ing in the use of the Taylor-Johnson Tempera- ment Analys is. (Concurrent 11~Lh th is course, training in the use of the Tay- lor:Johnson Temperament Analysis is

life education for his church. DM 823 Family Living for All Seasons (6)

Attemion given to two areas: I) a sur- vey of biblical materials on the nature and importan ce of worsh ip for the people of God; and 2) a survey of con- temporaI)' literature on worship in the church. A foundation provided for the development of a biblical theol- ogy/ philosophy for worship in today's churches and for fundamental discus- sion of the practical aspects of both planning and executing meaningful services of worship. DM 814 Contemporary Issues in Marriage and Family Ministries (6) A course designed to broaden and deepen the pastoral understanding of Christian marriage in the contempo- raryworld. Emphasis on the sociology of marriage as an in stitution, the psy- chology of intimate relationships, and the nature of love and sexuality. Hus- band-wife roles studied in the light of Scripture and the movement toward egalitarian marriage. Attention given to the problems of divorce and remar- riage , single parent, blended family and other current issues. DM 815 Theological and Psychological Foundations for Parenting (6) Development of a theologicallyconsis- tent and psyc hologically healt hy understanding of the process of ch ild rearing. Includes a critical review, both theologicall y and psychologi- ca ll y, of a number of current approaches to paren ting. Class mem- bers responsible to 1) formu late a comprehensil'e program of parent education fo r a local church, or 2) develop and conduct a parent educa- tion seminar or workshop . DM 817 Biblical Principles of Church Renewal (6) An examination of bibli cal principles for church life with the aim of spiritual and mission renewal. Course emphases will center on the pastor's style of lead- ership, involl'emem and training of lay leaders, congregat ional crea ti vity, impacting the community, and preach- ing style and content, plus the pastor 's and congregation's spiritual life.

A course designed to provide the pas- tor or Christian worker with a devel- opmental approach to family living. Exposure to developmen tal life changes in persons and how change events in life - such as birth of a child, job change, death of parent - can affect marriage and family. (Requ ired for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministsies.) DM 824 The Pastor 'sSpiritual and Emotional Health (6) A course designed to examined the hazards of the minisll)' as they pertain to the mental and sp iritual health of the pasto r. The pastor ass isted in identifying the area of potential per- sonal weakness and given resources for dealing with these problems. Attemion given to aspects of the min- ister 's ro le con ni cts in his personal life, family life and minisu 1,. Problem areas such as anger, dep ression , assertiveness, leadership and relation- sh ips wi ll be exp lored. Techniques for self-modify ing behavior Lo grow spirituallyand emotionallypresented. DM 825 Small Groups; An Expression of the Body of Christ (6) A course focusing on birth , care and developmem of biblical small groups as they function in the life of the local church. Philosophy of small group ministry ex plored with strategies for beginning groups and maintaining them in the local church. Participants will learn how to trai n lay leaders, how small groups function effectively and wil l be ab le to set up a small group program in their ministry. DM 826 Dynamics of Church Growth (6) A course designed to understand sci- entifi c principles deve loped LO date in the field of church growth , to cover relevant contemporary li terature on the subjec t and Lo acquire the basic skills necessary for diagnosing th e health of the local church and design- ing programs for the future growth. Course is designed to provide labora-

offered at additional charge.) DM 804 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (6)

A study of the connict between the kingdom of darkness and the king- dom of light with an emphasis on the au thori ty, power, protection as we ll as the vulnerability of the believer. The techn iques of counse ling the spiri tu- allyafflicted are also considered. DM 810 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (6) Examination of contempora1r preach- ing. Auenti on given to a variety of preaching forms, such as evangelistic, expository, li fe-s itu ation, soc io- prophetic, biographi ca l, dialogue , as we ll as radio and television tech- niques. Class membe rs in vo lved in both analys is and actual preaching. DM 811 Interpersonal Relationships in the Church (6) Abiblical and practical examination of what believers ought to do with and for each other in the local church. Special atten ti on given to: ways of facilitat ing fe llowship, the place of confrontation, the handling of criticism, reactions to change, the potential of small groups, the admini ster ing of discipli ne, the

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