

Bible Exposition


BE 602 Genesis (2) An expos iLion , wiLh an emphasis on important critical and contempora1)' issues, and bibli cal theology, especially the Abrahamic Covenant. Elective BE 608 Matthew (2) An exposition, emphasizing back- ground issues, purpose, sLructure, and imerpretation of narrative litera- ture. Elective BE 61 0 Romans (2) An expos iLion , emphas izing back- gro und issues, purpose, structu 1·e, deve lopment of the argument , and Lheological contributions. Elective. BE 722 Directed Research (1 -2) Guided research in some bibl ical area re lating to exposition, according to the student's need and re levancy to minisuy Elective. BE 725 Messianic Prophecy (2) Selected major Messianic prophecies in Lheir progressive unfolding in the Old TestamenL and fulfillmem in the New Testament. Prerequis ite: BE 519, 520. Elective. BE 726 Exposilional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation (3) Appl ication of expositional meLhod to selected passages from Daniel and Rev- elaLion. Discussion of crucia l back- ground and critical issues, book struc- tures, interpretive difficu!Lies, practical implica tions and various approaches to expounding the text of each book. Required of M.D iv. program . Sug- gested elective for M.A. program. BE 731 Exposition of Did Testament Segments or Themes (2-3) * BE 732 Exposition of New Testament Segments or Themes (2-3) * BE 733 Biographical Exposition of Selected Biblical Figures (2)* *These electives 1111! be offered in cycle, with Lhe breadth of Lhe scope of each offering de termi ned by: 1) tl1e expertise of available faculty; 2) current issues of scholarly and practical importance; and 3) balance in regard to recem offerings. BE 740 Advanced Hermeneutics (2) Aseminar focus ing on advanced prin- ciples, practice and current issues of biblical interp reLat ion and applica- Lion. Prerequisite: BE 517. BE 741 Issues in Biblical Exposition (2) Aseminar focusing on selected Lechnical and practical issues in tl1e field of bibli- cal exposition. Prerequ isite: BE 726. BE 743 Biblical Geography (2) A presemation of the cultural develop- men Lof Lhe Holy Land and nations of

the Fertile CrescenL in relation Lo Israel, the strategic location of the Holy Land, the climate and topography, and the location of important place names. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deparunemal permission. BE 801 Parables (2 ) A survey of the parables in Lhe Bible with special emphasis on Lhe parables of Christ, rules governing the ir inter- pretation and the ir dispensational import and app lication in modern preaching. EleCLive for Th.M. students; others by deparLmental permission. BE 802 Miracles (2) A study of the miracles of Christ, tl1eir selling, imerpretation , dispensational significance and application in modern preaching. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 805 Biblica l Chronology (2) A survey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial areas, such as Genesis I, the judges and the kings, and maLLers relat ing to Christ. EleCLive for Th.M. stude11L1; others by departmemal permission. BE 806 Bible Exposition Seminar (2-3) Special course work for BE m~jors who wish to study a particular area of Bible exposition. Elective for Th.M. students. BE 807 Exposition of Central Prophetic Passages (2) A special concentration on exposiLion of seleCLed prophecies with regard to culture, views and the integration of the passages wiLh an overall bi bli cal piCLure . Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 842 The Use of the Did Testament in the New (2) A seminar concentraLing on the phe- nomena, imerpretation, and significai1Ce of selected Old Testament quotations and all usions found in the New Testa- ment. Prerequisites: NT 604, OT 604. BE 880 Directed Research (1-4) Supen,ised research in selected areas of Bib lical studies. Elect ive for Th.M. studenL,. BE 891-892 Research Seminar (3 ,2) Discussion and application of the cen- tral areas of Bible Exposition research and related fie lds of study. Instruction in research, including the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a problem, and wr iting the resu lts. Required for the first semester of Lhe Th.M. (B.E.) program. Asecond semester may be taken LOcontinue research in the area of imerest.

Chair: John C. Hutchison, Ph.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Flo1)', Hutchison , LuLer, Rae, Russell OBJECTIVES While tl1e entire seminai)' curricu- lum comributes to the exposition of Scripture, it is the purpose of this depan- ment: I) to focus on foundational prin- ciples and procedures of sound Bible study, especiall y interpretation and application; 2) to overview and survey the Old and New Testaments to estab- lish a wider biblical frame of reference; and 3) to study in depLh selected biblical books and subjects, modeling expositOJ)' methodology and preparing students for effective expository miniSU)'. Key i1mo- ductOJ)' and critical issues dealing with boLh Old and New TestamenL1 will also be treated, as well as rclevam data from the 01iginal languages. COURSES BE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (3) A study of principles for sound imer- pretation and applicaLion of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized princi- ples for the various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of vari- ous approaches to studying the Bible. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi (3) A broad survey of the Old Testament books, including selected introductoJ)' and cr itica l issues , relevant back- ground, major themes and divisions, and cruc ial problems. Required of M.Div. and M.A. studenL,. BE 520 Survey of Matthew-Revelation (3) A general overview of the New Testa- mem books, including selected intro- ducto1y and oitical issues, relevam back- ground, major Lhemes and divisions, and crucia l problems. Required of M.Div. and M.A. sn1dents. BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages (3) Basic principles of language thaL are foundational to imerpreting Lhe bibl i- cal texL. Oven~ew of Lhe structure of the biblica l la nguages, eval uation of theories of Bible Lrans lation , and instruction in the use of various tools based on the original languages. The course wil l aid the student in under- standing issues that arise in interpreta- tion because of the original languages. Required of M.A. (B/ TS) sLudents.

eLhn ic groups, as wel l as introducing the potential for church planting.

Prerequisite: DM 826. DM 850 Sell-Study (1 -6)

A di rected individual study whereby the student may do advanced reading or research into an area of special imerest. Aproposal must be prepared according to guidelines ava il able in the D.M in. Office and approved by the D.Min. direcwr. DM 890 Dissertation Seminar (6) The study of research meLhods appro- priate to the Docwr of Ministry pro- gram. Attemion is given LO principles and procedures of research design and students produce their disserta- tion proposal as the fina l course pro- ject. Prerequisite: Must be taken between the third and fifth courses. DM 899 Dissertation (6) Prescribed for D.Min. students.

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