••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christian Thought - Theology
TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul 's doctrine from the biblical theological perspec- ti ve. (Cross listed with NT 759). Pre- requis ite: NT 501-502. Elec ti ve. TH 740 The Doctrine of the Atonement (2) A study of the bibli ca l mea ning and signi fica nce of th e atoning work of Christ in cluding a swvey of the signifi- cant hi stori cal inte rpretations of the doctrin e. Elec ti ve. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) An introduction to th eo logy of mis- sions that focuses on the biblical bas is fo r mi ssion. This study seeks to exam- ine the moti ves, aims and methods of mi ssion from both the Hebrew Bibl e and the NewTestament. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) Supe rvised reading and resea rch in se lected areas of systematic theology. Elective. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) The study of se lected areas of system- ati c or bibli ca l th eo logy. May be re peated for cred it with different con- tent. Elec ti ve. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) Acareful and intensive studyof the tJ1ree main eschatological ,~ews relative to tJ1e millennium; the histori cal and biblical strength of the premill ennial sys tem; consideration of the leading amillennial writings. A detailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the rap- ture; a bibli cal and tJ1eological defense of the preoibulational view,witJ1 exegesis of crucial passages of Sc1ipture. Prerequi- site:TH 604. Elective forTh .M. students; others bydeparunental permission. TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Selected problems in the fie lds of sy ·- tematic or biblica l theology. Elec ti ve fo r Th.M. students; others by depart- mental permission. TH 810 Johannine Theology (2) The theology of theJohannine 111·itings, with emphasis upon the concepts that the miter himself emphasizes. Prereq- uisite: NT 50 1-502 . Elective !or Th.M. swdents; others by departmental pe r- mi ssion. (Cross listed with NT 823) . TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) An int ensive sLUd y of signifi ca nt aspec ts of the church related to its nature, pur pose and orga ni zati on. Part icular attenti on directed to cur- rent problem areas. Prerequisite: TH 604 or the equival ent in ecclesiology. Elective for Th .M. students; others by departmental permi ss ion.
TH 610 Advanced Theology (3) An in-depth study of the major theo- logica l issues in the areas of bibli ol- ogy, theo logy prope r, anthropology, ham arti ology, so teri ology . Thi s co urse is spec ifi ca ll y des igned fo r those students who receive reduction in theo logy du e to pri or studi es . Required of M.Di v. and M.A. students who are not required to take TH 502 and TH 603. TH 700 The Doctrine of God (2) Advanced study of the reali ty, attrib- ULes and Triun e naLUre of God. Includes di scuss ion of the human knowledge and the natu re of encounter with God. Prerequi site : TH 502. Elective. TH 702 Advanced Bibliology (2) In te nsive study of revelation, inspira- tion, inerrancy and authori ty in the light of contemporary issues. Prereq- uisite :TH 502. El ective. TH 707 Roman Catholic Theology (2) A deta il ed study of the tenets of Roman Catholi cism; reading fr om representative Roman Catholic litera- tu re; particular attention given to the distinctions betwee n Roman Catholi c and Pro testant doc trines. Especially help ful for those contemplating mi s- siona,y sen~ ce in countri es dominated byRoman Catholi cism. Elec ti ve. TH 709 Contemporary Theology (2) The study of contempora,y th eologi- cal positions, including a survey of the philosophical and th eological thought leadin g up to th e pr ese nt sce ne. Required of M.A. (Th. ) and Th.M. (Systematic Theology) students. TH 710 Pneumatology (2) Th e perso n and work of the Holy Spirit both in the Ol d and New Testa- ments with particular attention to His ministries in this age to the individual believer and the church. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective. TH 712 Current Theological Issues (2) An intensive study of the thought of particular contemporary theologians, prominent theo log ica l or th eo log i- cally signifi cant ethical issues in the light of bibli cal reve lation. El ec tive. TH 717 Theology of Human Nature (2) Expl orati on of key areas relating to the natu re of man from both a theo- logical and psychological perspective; the biblical nature of man in compari- son to teachin g theo ri es of human deve lopment. The meaning and sig- nificance of man created in the image
of Goel ; nature and dynami cs of sin whi ch lead to sin s or psychologica l mal adj ustments; practica l appli cation of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and di scipl e, educa- tion and child rearing and church minisuy. Team taught by facul ty with strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 603, or equivalent. Required of reduced M.A.C. E. stu- dents. Elec ti ve. TH 718 Theology of Christian Nurture (2) Designed fo r the student wi th back- ground in the bibli cal and theo logical knowledge of soteriology. Considera- tion of the nature of personal trans- fo rmation in regeneration , the means and dynami cs of nu rture in cl uding the re lati on of cogniti ve and rela- ti onal aspec ts. Examin ati on of the nature of spiritual maturity and its relation to psychological maturi ty and hin drances to growth. Team taught by fac ul ty with strength in th eo logy and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 603 or eq ui va lent. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. students. El ective. TH 720 The Theology and Practice of Prayer (2) A study of the bibli ca l theo logy of prayer including its meaning, purpose and practi ce. Elec ti ve . TH 724 Eschatological Problems (2) Typical exegetica l and doctr inal prob- lems in the area of Bibl e pro phecy. Lectures, assigned problems with writ- ten and classroom reports, discussion and libra,y research. Elective. TH 725 The Dispensational System (2) An in te nsive study of th at sys tem of bibli ca l interpretati on kn own as dis- pensationali sm; its hi stori ca l bac k- ground, modern fo rm and objec tions. Emphasizing prima,y theological and exege ti ca l iss ues or di sag reement between di spensa ti onal and non-cli s-
Chair: Robert L. Saucy, Th.D. FACULTY Professors: Holloman, Moreland, Saucy Associate Professors : Cox, Geivett, Gomes, Rae Assistant Professor: Balius OBJECTIVES It is the purpose of the emphasis of theology to give the student a thorough grasp of th e grea t doc tri nes of the Christian fa ith. Based upon the Scrip- ture as the ultimate source of authori ty the doctrin es are developed through the systematic examination and integra- tion of relevant Scriptures with consid- eration given to doctr inal interpreta- tions th roughout chu rc h history. Along with the acquisition of a knowl- edge of the theological doctrines of the Scriptures, it is the goal of the depart- ment to develop in the students a fac il- ity which will allow them to continue their own theological development. COURSES TH 501 Theology of the Christian Life (3) Study of the doctrin es pertaining to the experi en ti al living of the Christian li fe , in cluding the personal spiri tua l life, fam il y li fe, and cit ize nship. Required of M.Div. and M.Astudents TH 502 Theology I (3) The nature, method and rationale of Christian theo logy. Reve lation, both ge neral and spec ial, in spi ra ti on, canonicity, authority and illumination of the Word of Goel . The doctrine of God, including Hi s existence, attrib- utes and Trini tari an natu re; and ange ls, both good and evil. Requi red of M.Div. and M.A. students. TH 603 Theology II (3) Man, his creation in the image of God, his nature, fa ll and the effect of sin upon the race. The salvation of God, includ- ing the person and work of Christ. The application of salva tion to men includ- ing election , regeneration, justification, san ctifi ca ti on and perseve rance. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. TH 604 Theology Ill (3) A study of th e broad kin gdom purpose of God and the future events relating to the des tiny of individuals and history including the second com- ing of Christ in its phases, the millen- ni al reign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eternal state. The church, its ince ption, its nature both as a livi ng organism and an organi za- ti on, its ordinances, and its place and mi ss ion in th e purp ose of God. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students.
pensa tional positi ons. El ec tive. TH 728 Theological Systems (2)
Several major theological sys tems of thought emphas izing those within the Protes tan t perspect ive, bu t also including significant Roman Catholi c and Jewish systems. Elective . TH 729 The Theology of the Gospels (2) An examinati on of th e th eo log ica l teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four Gospel narratives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of Hi s prese ntation and rej ec ti on. (Cross listed with NT 729). Elective.
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