••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christian Thought - Philosophy ofReligion
identity. Various models of human nature will be investigated (dualism, behaviorism, functionalism, the iden- tity thesis, eliminative materialism), as well as their implications for ethics.
a Christian framework. Emphasis will be placed on Aristotle, Augustine , Aquinas, the utilitarians, and Kant. PH 587 Seminar in Ethical Systems and Ethical Reasoning (3) Astudy of various issues in metaethics and normative ethics, as well as an investigation of ethical decision-mak- ing and case studies. PH 602 Apologetics (3) An examination of th e Christian world view and the various Christian apologetic responses in relation to the areas of hi story, science, and philoso- phy. Required for M.Div. and M.A. (T. H. ) students. PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I (3) A study of various topics currently being debated in ethics, e.g. abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, infan- ticide, surrogate motherhood, business ethics, environmental issues, etc. . PH 625 Seminar in Ethical Issues II (3) A study of various topics currently being debated in business, environ- mental and social ethics.
!ems in skepticism, the nature of epis- temic justification and the nature of truth. Application will be made to spe- cial epistemological issues in religion, e.g. religious experience, miracles , inerrancy, burden of proof issues. PH 545 Epistemology II (3) A conceptual analysis and philosophi- cal evaluation of important contempo- rary issues in epistemology. Special emphas is will be placed on the role that key current and past figures have played in forming these issues. An application of epistemological themes will be made to the concerns of reli- gious epistemology. PH 547 The Theology and Philosophy of Science (2) A study of various issues that arise in the integration of science and ortho- dox Christian theology (e.g. models of integration , the scientific status of cre- ationism, the creation / evo lution debate) as well as an investigation of se lected topics in philosophy of sci- ence relevant to a Christian worldvi ew (e.g. the realist/ antirealist debate, the nature, formation, use , and confirma- tion of scientific laws and theori es, sci- entism and the limits of science). PH 566 The History of Ethics (3) A survey and eva luation of various ethicists and their sys tems from within
The Christian leader often deals with problems that are related to con- temporary trends in philosophical and scientific thought. For this reason, a knowledge of the intellectual heritage of the western world and the apolo- getic techniques and posn1res that are of most value is needed. COURSES PH 523 Metaphysics I (3) A topical study of the nature and methodology of metaphysics with emphasis on the nature and ultimate categories of being as well as specific areas (e.g. causation, space and time , the soul, freedom and determinism, personal identity, and essen tialism). Special emphas is will be placed on integrating metaphysics with the construction and defense of a Christ- ian worldview. PH 524 Metaphysics II (3) A topical study of important selected themes and persons in the fi eld of metaphysics. Emphasis will be placed on current tensions between Christian theism and various metaphysical posi- tions and on key past and present fig- ures in metaphysics. PH 544 Epistemology I (3) A topical study in the definition of knowledge and justified belief, prob-
PH 669 Seminar in Historical Apologetics (3)
A study of the historicity of the scrip- tures with special emphasis on mira- cles, the New Testament, and the res- urrection ofJesus. Elective.
PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy of Religion (3)
An investigation of the arguments for and against the existence of God, faith and reason , the use of religious lan- guage, and the philosophical clarifica- tion and defense of the attributes of the God of Scripture.
PH 685 Seminar in Philosophical Theology (3)
A philosophical analysis of important doctrines of the Christian faith , e.g., freedom and determinism, the incar- nation and the coherence of theism. Special emphasis will be placed on the concept of the attr ibutes of God, on philosophical prolegomena to he practice of theology, and on religious pluralism. PH 722 Cults of America (2) The distinctive features of the cul ts of America with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective. PH 730 Directed Study (1-4) Reading and research in se lected areas of philosophy of religion and ethics. Elective. PH 735 Seminar (1-3) Selected topics in the fields of philoso- phy, apo logetics and ethics. May be repeated with different content. Elective. PH 835 Advanced Seminar (1-3) Supervised research of selected topics within the fields of philosophy, apolo- get ics, and ethics . May be repeated with different content. Elective. PH 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of philosophy of religion. Elective for Th.M. students.
PH 667 Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of the Mind (2)
A study and defense of the existence and nature of the sou l, the reality of disembodied existence, the nature of human action, and issues in personal
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