CL 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An ovenriew and critique of the differ- ent theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church begin- ning with Edinburgh 1910 to the li b- eration theology debate of our day. CL 661 Principles of Church Growth (3) A basic understa nding of churc h growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of wor ldwide evange li zation , with due emphasis on th e chur ch growth school of thought. CL 662 Mission inPolitical Context (3) Consideration of modern poli tical ide- ologies and movements as they affect the church and its mission in selected national contexts. CL 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to in tegrate principles of cross-cultural communication and the- ology and strategy of missions within a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. CL 702 Social Organization (3) Crosscultural study of the basic human groups of fami ly, ki n and com- munity, engaging the sn1dent in fie ld methodology and research, and appl i- cation of principles and data of social organization to mission strategy. CL 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Exploration of socio-cultural factors that affect teaching and learning su-ategies in education both here and abroad. CL 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscul- tural Context (3) Re1~ews tl1e histotical and comemporaty worldview beliefs in the existence and activity of spititual beings or forces often encountered by tl1e crosscultural worker. Atheology of spirits is developed to help establish theoretical and practi cal guide- lines for appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beliefs and potential conflicts encountered in 1°ari- ous crosscultural setting. CL732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3 ) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various church planting strategies used arou nd the world . Identifies key factors which the church planter can imp lement in a context specific, phase-out oriented church planting strategy.
CL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) Areview of missiological literature that traces the spread and development of Christiani ty as a wo rld movement, from Pen tecos t to the modern era. Special attention is give to the kind(s) of Christi ani ty the spread; the process(es) by whi ch it sp read; the effect Christianity had on the socio- cultural/poli tical environment (s); and the effect environment had on Chris- tianity and is subsequent development. CL 751 Theology of Mission (3) An exami nation of the theo logical fo undations of mi ssion derived from a study of the history of salvation. This wi ll encompass a study of the mission give n to Israe l an d to the Church including some interaction with con- temporary theologies of miss ion. CL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) Cross-cu ltura l study of leadershi p including diverse patterns of author- ity, legitimacy, public support, leader- ship recruitment, and training as they affect commun ication, church growth and development worldwide. CL 791 -792 Field Internship (2 , 2) Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and semi nary education. It provides supervised experience in var- ious phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of field experi- ence each semester are evaluated in classroom interaction. Required of M.Div. mission students . Pre requi- sites: PT 602; Completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. mission program for PT 791 , PT 792. CL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporary technologies and travel ease offer new possibi li ties for training nationals. Th is course wi ll examine such systems as theological education by extension , in-service short courses and distance education to eva luate the ir suitabi lity and effectiveness. Elective for Th.M. students; otl1ers by departmental permission. CL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and application of tl1e cen- u-al areas of Practical Theology research and related fields of study. lnsu·uccion in research metl1odology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and wr iti ng the results. Required for the first semester of the Th.M. missions program. A sec- ond semester may be taken to conti nue research in the area of interest. For additional courses see TheSchool of fnterc11/t11ral Studies.
CL 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) The nature of Christi an outreach; a study of princ iples, hi story, and methodo logy of worldwide missions.
CL 510 General Linguistics (3) The study of descr iptive linguistics and its relevancy in language learning and Bi ble trans lat ion. May be
Required of M.Div. students. CL 556 World Religions (2-3)
repeated with different content. CL 511 Language Learning and Linguistics (3)
The distinctive features of the histori- ca l et hni c rel igions, with spec ial emphasis on thei r compar ison and encounter with Christian ity and thei r bearings upon missionary strategies. CL 560 Urban Research and Ministry (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the peop le, needs and opportunities for evangelism in the city. CL 562 Culture Change (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynam ics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Impli- cations of such processes are exam- ined in social, political, economic and re ligious aspects of society. CL 563 Gender Roles in International Setting (3) The dynam ics of ma le and female roles in Western, non-Western and bibli cal cultures. Focus on responsi- bi lities , obligations, expectations , leadersh ips and inter-re lationships as they relate to the societyas a whole. CL 565 Personal Leadership Formation (3) The swdy of the principles and pat- terns used by God as He ra ises up leaders for His work. This study will include a discussion of the vital place of spiritual formation in leadership development. CL 570 Introduction to Bible Translation (2-3) An inu·oduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica- tion with special emphasis on translat- ing the Bible into indigenous languages. CL 622 lntercultural Communication (3) Principles and processes of commun i- cating from one culture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expres- sion , language expression and sub- groups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. CL 640 Applied Anthropology for Chris- tian Workers (3) Study of man , cu lture , and environ- ment with special emphasis on the manne r in wh ich their re lationship with one another is affected by change agents such as missionar ies, educators and development workers.
App lyin g li ngui sti c tec hniques to learn how to spttak another language. The theory and practi ce of the LAMP met hod of language learn in g. Fee:$125. CL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural livi ng with foc us on personal and interper- sonal adjustment with nationals and other missionar ies; language, value confl icts, status and ro le, cu lwre shock, stereotypes, cultural limitations and related topics. CL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non -caucasian ethnic groups in America in the light of their histor ica l and socio-cu lwral back- ground. Practical fie ld experience in an ethn ic commun ity. Fee: $35. CL 532 Peoples of the World (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs, socia l structu res, religion, arts, history and intercultural commu- nication. One or more sections offe red eve ry yea r in areas such as : Afr ica, Asia , Native America , Midd le East, South Pacific, Europe. May be repeated with different course content. CL 540 Principles of Church Planting (3) A study of th e bib lica l mandate to establi sh local churches among all of th e peoples making up mankind. Special emphasis on intercu ltural church planting among the unreached peop les of As ia, Africa , Latin America and the ethnic minori- ties of the western world. CL 546 The Historical Development of the World Christian Movement (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Ch1istian faith from the apostolic pe1iod un til today. Empha- sis will be given to the modern era, espe- cially contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. CL 550 Christianity and Culture (3) An th ropological approach to Chris t- ian theologizing; interre lationships between supracu ltural Chr istianity and human cultures . Focus on con- version , revelation , communication , transformation, indigeneity and other related topics.
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