Independent Studies (ITS)
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TS 502 Conquest and Settlement (2) j ohn J. Davis, 71i.D. A study of th e conques t and seul e- ment period in Israe l's hi story from the perspective of archaeology, theo- logical truths and history. The books includ ed are: J oshua, Judges and Ruth. Special considerati on of Late Bronze Age materials from Pales tine which provide insight into the cultural background fo r this era. TS 503 The United Monarchy (2) j ohn j. Davis, Th.D. An histori cal, archaeological and the- ological analysi s of the period of the Uni ted Monarchy in Israe l. Archaeo- logical di scoveri es from the Iron Age I peri od cited to illustrate important cultu ral trends of this era. Particu lar attention given to the books of I and II Samuel, the first te n chapters of I Kin gs, and the parall el passages in Chronicles and Psalms. TS 504 The Divided Monarchy (2) .John C. Whitcomb, j,. , Th.D. The hi story of Israel from the begin- ning of So lomon's apostasy (l Kings I I) about 950 B.C. to the Babylonian Captivity (II Kin gs 25) in 586 B. C. Special emphasis given to the miracle ministri es of Elijah and Elisha. Paral- lel passages from the Chronicl es and the pro ph eti c books scrutini zed, as we ll as evidence from contemporary secul ar history.
There are two consecutive thesis sem- inars for those electing to wri te a thesis (ThesisFirst Draft and Thesis Final Draft). These seminars are taken during the stu- dent's last year. Dllling the tliird semester before graduation, the student must, 11~th tJ1e approval of his major advisor, select a tJ1esis subj ect, do research, and develop an outline and bibliography. Du1ing the fi nal year, the thesis can be Wiitten in con- junctionwitJ1 these two courses. See the Talbot student handbook and library handbook for dates, dead- lin es and requirements. HE 793 Thesis First Drafl/M .A. (0) Required for M.A. (B.E. , N.T. , O.T. , T.H ., and B/ TS) students. Fee: $100. HE 794 Thesis Final Drafl/M.A. (0) Required fo r M.A. (B.E. , N.T. , O.T. , T.H. , and B/TS) students. Fee: $100. HE 795 Thesis First Drafl/M.A.C.E. (2) Required fo r M.A.C.E. students. This course will be taken at the completion of 32 units. Neither this course nor HE 796 is appli cabl e toward gradua- tion unless both have been completed. HE 796 Thesis Final Drafl/M.A.C.E. (2) Requi red for M.A.C.E. students. This course will be taken at the completi on of 48 uni ts . Ne ither this course nor HE 795 is ap pli cabl e toward gradua- tion unless both have been completed. HE 797 Thesis First Drafl/M.Div. (2) Required for M.Div. studen ts electing to wri te a thesis. This course will be taken after the completi on of 64 units. Ne ither thi s co urse nor HE 798 is ap plicab le toward graduation unless both have been completed. HE 798 Thesis Final Drafl/M.Div. (2) Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This cou rse will be taken at the compl etion of 80 units. Ne ith er thi s course nor HE 797 is appli cabl e toward graduation unl ess both have been completed. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Students who need extra time to work on fi rs t or final draft of the th esis are required to register for th is course to maintain degree status. Fee: $100. HE 891 Thesis First Drafl/TH.M. (3) Required for all Th.M. swdents. HE 892 Thesis Final Drafl(TH.M. (3) Required fo r all Th.M. students. HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Student1who need extra .time to work on first or fin al draft of the th esis are required to register for this course to maintain degree sta tus. Fee: $100.
These independent study courses offer lectures on casse tte tapes by out- standing bibli cal scholars. ITS courses may be taken at Talbot only fo r gradu- ate leve l cred it toward elec tives, pre- requisite credit or unresolvabl e sched- uling problems as follows: MasterofDivinity 6 elective uni ts or unresolvable scheduling probl em Master ofArts 4 elec tive units or unresolvable scheduling probl em Master ofAris reduced (AnyMaster of Ans reduced program) 2 elec tive uni ts or unresolvable scheduling probl em Courses in cl ude a pri nted syllabus which provides a broad outli ne of the lectures, review questions and a bibli- og rap hy. Requirements fo r credi t include textbook assignments, co ll at- er al readi ng, resea rch papers and exam in ati ons, all of whi ch are out- lined in a programmed syllabus. The regular tuition fees are charged for each course regardless of die number of uni ts fo r which a student is al ready enrolled and include costs for tapes and programmed syllabus. Tapes must be ordered through theTalbot Dean of Fac- ul ty offi ce. ITS courses may not nonnal ly be used in lieu of required courses. Students who desire graduate credit fo r ITS courses must meet the normal requi rements for admission to Talbot and register for the courses through the Admiss ions and Registrar's Offices. Further details may be obtained from theTalbot Dean of Facul ty OITice. COURSES
RL 711 Elements of Ecclesiastical Latin (3) Basic grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the L, tin language with a 1~ew toward reading ecclesiastical texts. Elec tive. RL 712 Selected Readings in Ecclesiastical Latin (2) Representative se lec ti ons from Latin ecclesias tical tex ts, including li turgi- cal, didac tic and confessional writings. Samples will be drawn from patri stic, medi eval and Renaissance/ Reforma- ti on Latin wri te rs. Prerequisites: RL 711 or permi ssion of the instructor. RG 721 Elements of Theological German (2) Basic grammar, syntax and vocabularyof the Geiman language with a viewtoward reading theological texts. Elective. RG 722 Selected Readings in Theological German (3) Reading of representative se lecti ons from theological tex ts. Prerequisite: RC 721 or permi ssion of the instructor.
TS 505 The Book of Psalms (2) Bmce K. Waltke, Th. D., Ph.D.
An introducti on to the book of Psalms with emp has is on th e prin ciples in volved in the exegesis of hymn ic li t- erature as we ll as appli cation of these principles to selected portions. TS 506 Understanding the Did Testament (3) Bnt ce K. Waltke, 71!.D., Ph.D. A survey of the history of salvation in the Old Tes tament es peciall y as it re lates to the un iversa l of Old Testa- ment theology, i.e. the ru le of God or th e establi shment of God's kingdom upon the earth. Aworking kn owledge of Hebrew conside red to be help ful
Old Testament Studies
Courses listed under this heading which lwve exegetical content (and thus /angu.11ge /mrequisites) are specifically identified; other courses am exposilional in nature and content. TS 501 The Pentateuch (2) R. Laird /-Janis, Ph.D. A critical in troduction to the first fi ve books of the Bible. Examination of such subjects as the problems of Gen- esis 1-11 , the Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch, the chronological issues, and the archaeo logi cal and cultural background of the Pentateuch.
bu t not required fo r thi s course. TS 507 The Book of Proverbs (4) Bmce K. Waltke, Th.D., Ph. D.
An exegetica l study of th e Book of Proverbs in both its cultural and histor- ical setting and its li terary setting with attention to its critical and hermeneuti- cal problems. To ge t the foll benefit out of th e course, a kn owledge of Hebrew is required fo r seminarycredi t.
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