

Rosemead School ofPsychology

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1 psychological se1vice and o·ai ni ng cen- ter on the Biola campus. The clinic offers a 111de range of psychological ser· 11ces to adul ts and children. It also pro- des on-campus U-aining opportunities for students . The clinic is equipped wil11 one-way vision glass for case obser- vation and 11deo-taping facilities. Students will also rece ive super- 11sed cli ni cal experiences in a variety of practicum placements in the Greater Los Angeles Area. These agencies pre- sent students with oppo rtuni ties to work with clinical professionals wi th a va ri ety of therapeutic orienta tions se1v- ing diverse populations. The agencies whi ch regularly train Rosemead stu- dents - surrounding school distriets; communi ty mental hea lth centers; child, adolescen t and adult treatment centers; outpatient cl inics; and pri vate and pub lic psychi atr ic hospi tals - ensure th at Rosemead students will gain a breadth of cl inical experiences in professional se ttings working with ethnically and radically diverse popula- tions. Studems rece ive supervision both al their training sites and on cam- pus with Rosemead facu lty. The on· campus supen1sion ensures an imegra- tion of cl ass room trai ni ng and fi eld experi ence . The practicum age ncies are listed later in this catalog. Biola has a commitment to acade- ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Training and Research Facilities Rosemead maintains an outpatient mic computing which provides substan- tial computing resources for Rosemead students and faculty. Biola has two com- puters and a computer processing labo- ra t01y which are the core of a Campus In formation System. Resources ava il- abl e at the Uni ve rsity's Welch Com- puter Cemer include two Digital Equip- ment Corporation VAX 3100 worksta- tions, three Hewlett Packard 9000 work- sta tions, and a Digital Equipment Cor- poration Decstation 2100, all networked together. Also avai lable for students use are IBM, PC, PC-AT, and Macintosh microcomputers. SPSS.Xisavailable for statistical research. Operating systems include VMS, NIX, and DOS. Academic and Clinical Consultants Al a professional school located in a large mea·opoli tan area, Rosemead uti- lizes the sen1ces of a number of persons from l11e larger professional community in its academic and cli nical programs. Whether as pan-time faculty or as con- sul tants, l11is roster is multidisciplina1y

Dean: Patricia L. Pike, Ph .D.

and enables Rosemead to enr ich its u-ain ing progrdms. Academic and clin i- cal consultants do not se rve as ad11sors to Rosemead students or chairpersons of disserta tion committees but they do participate in all other academic ac tivi- ti es. The following professional persons are eil11er cmTenuyor recently involved in some aspect of Rosemead's academic or cl inical programs: Terri Clark, M.D. Uni versityof Southern Cali fo rn ia: Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology Christal Daehnert, Ph.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Clinical Supe1vision James Daehnert, Ph.D. Rosemead School of Psyc hology: Croup Therapy William L. Edkins, Psy.D. Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology: Private Practi ce Leland Eliason, Ph.D. Boston ni versity, School ofTh eology: Married Couples Croup Therapy John Cartner, Ph .D. University of Massachusetts: Treaunem of Borderline Personalities Earl Henslin , Psy.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Ruth Ann Graybill , M.S.W. Rutgers Uni versity: Fami ly Sys tems Therapy and Supen1sion Avedis Panaj ian, Ph.D. United States lmernational University ABPP: EarlyObject Relati onships, Indi11dual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy A.rthur L. Prescott, Ph .D. Un iversityof Southern California: School of Psychology: Clinical Supen1sion Pamela Scavio Clift , Ph.D. Californi a School of Professional Psychology: Therapy NancySmiLh , Psy.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Croup Therapy S. Ph ili p Sutherland , Ph. D. University of Southern Cali fo rn ia: Indi vidual Didac tic Psychotherapy


Master of Arts

Professors: Edwa rds, Guy, McQueen , Narramore, Poelstra, Worden Associate Professors: Duvall , Crace,

A mas ter's degree is awarded as a studem progresses in his or her doctoral program. All other exceptions fo r a master' s degree must be approved on

Hawkins, Ingram, Kell ey, Pike, Sorenson, Steinmeier, Strauss,

an individual basis.


Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of

Alsistam Professors:Anderson ,


Brokaw, Coe, Duerksen

Rosemead' s doctoral program in cl inical psychology is designed p1ima1i ly to uain practi tioners in professional p,-y- chology. In conu·ast to the u·aditional scientist-professional model of u-ain ing Ll1at is designed to u·ain researchers or cl inicians wiu1 sa·ong research imerests, Rosemead' s doc toral program is designed for stude1m in terested in pur- suing careers in appl ied areas of clinical psychology. While all students receive traini ng in the basic areas of sciemi fi c psychology relevant to the practi ce of psy- chology, the focus of Rosemead's doc- toral training is on the development of professional skills and the utiliza tion of theo1y and research in professional prac- tice. Within Ll1is focus students may se- lect either the Psy.D. or Ll1e Ph.D. a-ack. Approx imately 75% of Rosemead's stu- dents are enrolled in Ll1e Psy.D. u-ackand 25% in the Ph.D. Except in unusual cir- cumstances , studems do not change




The Rosemead School of Psychology of Bi ola ni versity, in additi on to its unde rgraduate work, offe rs graduate work leading to the Master ofAns (M.A.), the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), and the Doctor of Phi losophy (Ph.D.) degrees in clin ical psychology. Rosemead's doc- toral program is accredited by the Ame1i-

can Psychological Association.

Training Models in Clinical Psychology

In the pas t 20 years there has been a great deal of discussion and debate by psychologists over appropriate u-ain- ing models and degrees in clinical psy- chology. During the 1950s and I960s, most doctoral training in psychol ogy fo ll owed th e sc ientist profess ional model and culminated in the awarding of th e Ph .D. These programs were designed to trai n scientificallyoriemed

o-acks after admission.

Whi le both the Psy.D. and Ph.D. a-ack have a common core of bas ic sci- ence and cl ini ca l courses, students selecting Rosemead's Psy.D. u·ack are generally preparing for full-time posi- ti ons as psychological practiti oners. Those choosing Rosemead's Ph.D. u-ack are inte res ted in combining clini cal work with other psychological compe- tencies, such as teaching and research. Although Rosemead's Ph.D. program has more of a research focus than the Psy.D. program, it does not place the p1i- ma1y emphasis on the developmem of research ski lls to the extent tha t most sci- emist-prac ti tioner Ph.D. programs do. The programdoes not have the breadl11 and depth of research emphases for stu- dents who desire to become l11e type of clin ical researchers whose only use of clini cal skills occur in the contex t of doin g resea rch. Howeve r, resea rch aaining in Rosemead's Ph.D. progi-am is strong in a fewselected areas of ongoing facul ty research. Thus the Ph.D. u-ack is particul arly appropriate fo r studems who desire both to develop quality clini- cal skills and to develop research ski lls closelyrelated to a facultymember's cur-

researchers and professionals.

Owing Ll1c 1960s and 1970s the need for trai ning programs with so-onger pro- fessional orientations became apparent. lnstin1tions like Ll1e Unive rsity of Ill inois, the California School of Professional P,-y- chology, Ll1c University of Denver, Baylor Uni versity, Ru tgers ni versity and the Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology were among the first Lo offer programs designed expli citly to provide doctora l training fo llowing ei ther a professional (practitioner) or a professional-sciemist (practitioncr.;;cienlisl) model of aaining. Without reject in g the need fo r u-aining in the basic science areas .of psychology, these programs began plac- ing proportionately greater emph as is on the professional aspects of u-aining. After two decades of discussion, debate and innovation, graduate u-ain ing pro- grams in clinical psychology now cover a broad range of emphases from highly

professional Lo highlyscientifi c.

Rosemead's doctoral program fo l- lows a professional-scientist model of a·aining with applicants selecting either the Psy. D. or Ll1e Ph.D. track depending on Ll1eir vocational and training interests.

rentlyactive research program.

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