




First Year Personality and Psychopathology I Introduction to Psychotherapy

Research Design

Prepracticum I

3 2 3 3

3 3 3 2 3

Measurement and Assessment II Personality and Psychopathology II

Advanced Statistics

Prepracticum II

Measurement and Assessment I

Theology II

Theology I

3 14

I 15

Psychotherapy and Religion

Se<ond Year Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues Measurement and Assessment Ill

Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology*

Learning and Motivation, Cognition and Affect or

3 3 3 4 3

3 3 3 3

Learning, Cognition and Affect

Practicum I Theology Ill

SL.B Elective

Nature and Scope or Systems of Integration

4 l!l.. 16

Practicum II Theology fV

Psychotherapy Lab**


Third Year History and Systems of Psychology

Practicum IV

SL.B Elective

3 2 3 4

3 3 5 3 2

Integration Elective

SL.B Elective SPY Elective Practicum Ill

Neuropsychology* or Clini cal Psychopharmacology

SPY Electives SLB Electives

Integration Elective

3 15


Fourth Year TheologyV SL.B Elective Practicum V

SPY/ SL.B Elective

SPY Elective SL.B Elective Practicum VI

5 3 3 3 g

3 3 3 3

Integration Elective

Integration Elective

Doctoral Research Seminar II or Psy.D. Dissertation Proposal

Doctoral Research Seminar I or Psy.D. Dissertation Proposal




Fifth Year Internship


Note: *For student with undergraduate coursework in social and physiological psychology. Students without undergraduate social psychology will take RSPY608, Social Psychology, instead ofRSPY625 Cross Cult.ural Issues in Clinical Psychology. Student.s without undergraduate physiological psychology will take RSPY607, Psychophysiological Processes instead of RSPY 670 Ne11ropsychology or RSPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology. These alternative co11rses will generaUy be taken d11ring t.he spring of the second or third year. "*Second year one ofthe following psychotherapy lab courses: RSLB613 Psychothera11y with Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, RSLB643 Behavior Modification with Children and Parents, or RSLB717 Gestalt Psychotherapy.

Psy.O. in Clinical Psychology

(3) Comprehensive Examinations

devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts

and less emphasis on formal course- work. In order to be admitted to candi-

All students must pass a set of doc- toral-level comprehensive examina- tions covering the following areas: I) psychological intervention and 2) psy-

(1) Residence and Course Work

dacy the student must have: ■ Successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview ■ Passed the Comprehensive

in research, theory and practice.

Nonnally, four years of residency are required unless transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted. While the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated course work, there are basic unit require- men ts for the degree ( 133 semester hours). Each student is assigned a fac- ulty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see Gen-

Dissertation Research: Students in Rosemead's Psy.D. track may fulfill the research component of their program either by writing a dissertation or by suc- cessfu lly completing a research con- sumersh ip sequence (5 units) which includes a year-long doctoral research seminar, a critical review of research lit- erature on a clinical topic and a profi- ciency examination for consumers of

chology and theology.

These exami nations are given twice annually and serve as the major means of evaluating a student's suit- ability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The examinations may be taken any time after completion of 75% of the course work and must be successfully completed prior to the Professional Qualifying Examination. Psy.D. students who select the non-dissertation option will take a


■ Received approval of dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Commit- tee or completed the two-semester, five-credit Doctoral Research Semi- nar and comprehensive proficiency

research examination

clinical research.

■ Completed training therapy

eral Academic Infonnation.

(2) Prefiminary Oral Interview

(5) Professional Quafilying Examination All Psy.D. students must successfi.tlly complete an examination that evaluates the student's readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be com- pleted six months prior to internship. The examining committee may require the student to complete additional course work, practicum, or other profes- sional growth experiences prior to begin- ning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examination Guidelines in student handbook for fi.trther detail.

Psychology: Psy.D. students must complete a minimum of 97 semester hours in psychology. These 97 units must include at least 21 units selected from SLB elective psychotherapy courses, and 18 units of practicum. Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. TheolOgJ: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a

All students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for success- ful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is schedul ed after the completion of three semesters in resi- dence, including at least one practicum assignment. The results of this inte1view are reported to faculty which votes to allow the student either (I) to continue, (2) to continue studies with a Prelimi- nary Oral lnte1view review the following year, or (3) not to allow the student to continue in the doctoral program.

research proficiency exam

Only one retake of the examina- tion is allowed. The dates of the Com· prehensive Examinations are specified

in the Academic Calendar.

( 4) Admission to Candidacy

Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an advanced stage in the stu- dent's progress and is accompanied by a redefinition of full -time enrollment which enables the student to place greater emphasis on his practicum experience, internship and dissertation,

minimum of 17 semester units.

Integration Seminars: All students par- ticipate in a series of seminars (14 units)

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