

* University of California, Los Angeles * Un iversityof Colorado, Health

* Institute of Li,~ng, The, CT

( 4) Admission to Candidacy

original and four copies of his disserta- tion signed by his dissertation commit- tee. Detailed information is found in the Student Dissertation Guidelines.

+ Irvine School Disu-ict

Official candidacy for the doctor- ate signifies an advanced stage in the student 's progress and is accompa- nied by a redefinition of full-time enrollment which enables the student Lo place a greater emphasis on formal course work. In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have: (a) Successfully completed the Pre-

* Judge Baker Guidance Center, MA

Sciences Center, CO

* Kaiser-Permanente

* University of Illinois Counseling

* Kent State University, OH

Center, IL

(9) Final Oral Examination

+ Loma Linda Psychiatric Medical

* Universityof South Carolin a, SC * University of Texas Medical

The final exam ination is an ora l defense of the dissertation before the doctoral commiuee and other invited


* Long Beach V.A. Hospital

School, TX

* Los Angeles V.A. Outpatient Clinic

* University of Washington, School Dept. of Psychiau-y and Behavioral


+ Los Nietos School District

* Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY * Memphis Clinical Psychology


liminary Oral Interview

Sciences, WA

+ Upland School District * Vanderbilt University, T

(b) Passed the Comprehensive Exam-



Consortium, TN


* Albany Psychological Internship

+ Mid-Valley Community Mental

* VA Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH * VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH * VA Medical Center, Peny Point,

(c) Received approval of dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee (d) Completed training therapy

Consortium, NY


* Alhambra's Psychological Clinic + Alpha Counseling Center * American Lake V.A. Medical

+ Minirth/ Meier Clinic

* Newton Memorial Hospital, ~ * Norfolk Regional Center, NE * Northwestern University Medical


(S) Professional Qualifying Exam

* V.A. Medical Center, Sepulveda • V.A. Medical Center, Topeka, KS

All Ph.D. students must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the sLUdent's readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be com- pleted six months prior to internship. The examining commiuee may require the student to comp lete additiona l coursework, practicum, or other profes- sional growth experiences p1ior Lo begin- ning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Exam Guidelines in the stu-

Center, WA

* William Beaumont Army Medical

School, IL

* DeDe Wallace Center, TN

Center, TX

+ Norwalk/ La Mirada School Disn·ict * O'Grady Residency in Pediauic

Western State Hospital, WA v\'hittier City Elementa1-y School


BellefaireJewish Children's


Bureau, OH

Psychology, 0 H


+ +

Bellwood Health Center Biola Counseling Center

* Olin S. Teague Veterans Center, TX * Orange County Mental Health

+ +

Whinier College

v\'hittier Union High School

* California State University,


* Wright Pauerson Air Force Base,

Long Beach

* Pacific Clinics


*+ Camarillo State Hospital * Capistrano by the Sea

* Pauon State Hospital

* Yale University School of Medicine

* Jerry L. Pettis V.A. Medical Center

* Child Guidance, IA

* Philhaven Hospital, PA

+ Practicum Agencies * Internship Agencies

* Children's Hospital of Orange

* Pine Rest Christian Hospital, MI * Portland V.A. Hospital, OR

dent handbook for fw-ther details.


* Children's Hospital , The, CO * Clinical Psychology Internship

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Rosemead seeks to admit appli- can Ls whose background clearly demonstrates scholarl y aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity, and a positive sen~ce-oriented motiva- tion toward the field of clinical psychol- ogy. As an ev-,mge li cal Christian insti- Ll!lion, Biola University requires that an applicant has been a Christian for al least one year prior to admission . Biola does not discriminate on the basis of tl1e applicant's race, color, sex, handi-

* Presbyterian Hospital, TX

(6) Internship

* Walter Reed Army Medical Center

All students are required to com- plete a one-year, full-time clinical internship prior Lo graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Com- mittee. For further details, refer Lo the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Internship Fees are listed in the Psychology course section (STN

+ College Hospital

* Richmond Maxi-Center

* Colorado State University, CO * Connecticut Valley Hospital,CT * Convalescent Hospital for

* St. Elizabeth's Hospital National

Institute of Mental Health

* St.John's Child Study Center * San Bernardino County Mental

Children, NY

+ County of Los Angeles


Department of Mental Health ,


San Fernando Valley Child

Crisis Evaluation Unit

Guidance Cen Ler

* Dallas Child Guidance , TX * Dutches County Department of

* San Marino School Diso·ict * Shasta County Mental Healtl1

731 Internship).

(7) Completion of Training Therapy

Mental Health , NY

Service, Institute of Mental Health

All students must receive certifica- tion of completion of training therapy from the director of clinical training. A minimum of 50 hours of group therapy pl\1s 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines in sLUdent hand-

* Elmcrest Psychiau·ic Institute, CT * Fairfield Hills Hospital, CT * Federal Correctional Institution, NC * Foothill Community Psychiatric

* Spokane Commun ity Mental

Health, WA

cap, or national or ethnic origin.

* Spring Shadows Glen , TX

Persons interested in attend ing Rosemead should request application forms from the Director of Adm is-

* Stale Of NewJersey Department


of Mental Health, NJ

* Fuller Psychological Center + Garvey School District * Greater Long Beach Child

* Terrell State Hospilal ,

sions ofBiola University.

Consortium, TX

book for further details.

As in most graduate programs in psy- chology, competition is keen and enroll- ment is limited. In order Lo be admitted Lo full graduate standing the applicant

* Torrance State Hospital, PA * Tripler Army Medical Center, HI

(8) Dissertation

Guidance Center

+ Hacienda-La Puente Unified

A dissertation evidenc ing high attainment in original scholarship must be submitted by all Ph .D. candi- dates. The dissertation topic and pro- posal must be approved by the candi- date's advisory committee prior to the beginning of the student's internship. Three weeks prior to expected gradua- tion the candidate must submit to the Rosemead dean of administration the

+ UC! Medical Outpatient

* Ulster County Mental Health Chi ld

School Disuict

must complywith the following:

* Hathaway Children 's Services * Si las B. Hayes Army Community

Adolescent Se1vices, NY * United States Air Force * United States Army * United States Navy

(1) Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited coll ege or university witl1 an average grade of at least "B" for the junior and senior


* H.E.L.P. Group , The

* Didi Hirsch Community Mental

* University Counseling Center/

years, i.e ., 3.0 an a 4.0 scale.

Health Center

UC Santa Barbara

* Un iversity of Cali fornia, Irvine

(2) Present an undergraduate pro- gram with either a major in psychology

* Hudson River Region, NY

Ingham Counseling Center, Ml

Counseling Center

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