provides an ove rvi ew of va rious approaches to family th erapy with a special emphasis on the su·uctural fam- ily therapy model. Application of clini- cal techniques is accomplished through observation, simulations, and at least one marital or family case using a team model of intervention supervision in the school clinic. Prerequisite: SPY 650 and permi ion of insu-uctor. Elective. SLB 672 Marriage and Family Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 671. Major consid- eration is given to experiential and psy- chodynamic perspectives on inte1vention within a so·uctural framework. Applica- tion of clinical techniques is continued from the first semester using obsen>ation, simulation, and therapy expe1ience witl1 supen1sion. Prerequisites: SLB 67 ! and pe1mission of insu11ctor. SLB 681 Special Issues in Psychodynamic Therapy I (2-3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of the therapeutic rela- tionsh ip, acting ou t, levels and timing of interpretations and psychotherapy with individuals suffering from distur- bances in early object relationships . Prerequisites: SLB 63 1, 632 and per- mission of instructor. Elective. SLB 682 Special Issues in Psychodynamic Therapy II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 68 1. Prerequi- site: SLB 681 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision I(2-3) A sem in ar in case supervision. Stu- dents are responsible for supervising the professional experiences of less advanced students. Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies and per- mission of insu-uctor. Elective. SLB 703 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision II (2-3) Con tinuation of SLB 702. Prerequi- sit es : SLB 702 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 705 Brief Psychotherapies (3) Models and approaches in brief inter- ventions with special attention LO crisis intervention. Theorists include Mann , Sifneos, Malan and Davanloo. Prerequi- site: pennission of insuuctor. Elective. SLB 706 Clinical Biofeedback (3) This course is an inu·oduction to con- cepts and techniques of biofeedback as applied to su-ess management, anxiety disorders , psychosomatic symptoms,
of psyc hotherapy. Ph.D. students are required to take 12 uni ts of SLB courses and Psy. D. students, 21 units. Each course includes both course work and supe1vised clinical expe1ience within tJ1e psychotherapy model fo llowed in the specific course. Completion of SPY501, 515 and 680 or 681 and 682 or their equivalent is required before enrollment in these courses is pennitted. All SLB courses have limited enrollments and requ ire perm ission of the instructor. SLB 605 Behavior Therapy (3) The observation, assessment and mod- ification of human behavior, includ- ing operant, respondent and social lea rnin g models . Emphasis is on supervised client interaction. Prereq- uisite: SPY 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 613 Psymotherapy with the Adolescent (3) Techniques and problems in psy- chotherapy with adolescents. Special attention is focused on the implications of developmental processes of adoles- cence on u-eatrnent approaches. Prereq- uisite: pennission of insu-uctor. Elective. SLB 631 Psychodynamic Therapy I (3) An in-depth study of the process of therapy based on psychoanalytic devel- opmen ta! theory and giving special attention to the concepts of transfer- ence, counter-transference and inter- pretation. A lab group is included for both 63 l and 632. Prerequisite: SPY 515, participation in individual train- ing therapy and permission of instruc- tor. Enrollment must be planned for both SLB 63 ! and 632 . Elective. SLB 632 Psychodynami< Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 63 1. Prerequi- sites: SLB 631 and permission of the instructor. Elective. SLB 641 Psychotherapy with Groups (3) The essent ials of the gro up psy- chotherapy process are examined and related to current modalities in psy- cho therapy and general group phe- nomena. Elective. SLB 642 Psychotherapy with Children (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childh ood from a psychoanalytic deve lopmental perspective. Special attention is given to parent counsel- ing. Prerequisites: SPY 604, 64 1 and permission of insu-uctor. Elective. SLB 671 Marriage and Family Therapy I (3) Astudyof the literature and practice of m,u·ital and fami ly therapy. The course
SPY 730 Directed Research (1-3) Students may take spec ial courses of study and/ or pursue research projects that tJ1ey design and carry out under the guidance of a resident faculty member. Individual or small group participation in a research project in psychology must be under the supervision of a facu lty member. The student must submit an arranged course permission formgiving a detailed outl ine of the research and othe r lea rning expe ri ences of the course. Required courses may not be take n through Dire cted Research. Approval of faculty advisor and acade- mic Dean is required. (Elective) STN 731 Internship in Clinical Psychology (0) Professional experience of a one year internship in a faci lity approved by the Professional Training Committee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive exam in ations, course requ irements, professional qualifying examin ation (Psy.D. ) or professional interview (Ph.D.) , and approva l of a dissertation proposal. Req uired of all doctoral programs. In ternship fee: $1,000 per semester. STN 732 Hall-Time Internship (0) Professional experience of a two-year internship in a facility approved by tJ1e Professional Training Committee. Pre- requisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination (Psy.D.) or professional inten~ew (Ph .D.) , and an approval ofa dissertaion proposa l. Required of all doc toral programs. In te rnship fee: $500 per semester. By permission of Director of ClinicalTraining. SPY 733 The Self: Theologkal, Philosophical, Psychological and Cross-<uhural Perspectives (3) Th is course looks at philosophical, theological, psychological , and cross- cultural 1~ews of the nature of the self The course explores some of the biblica l and philosophical terminol- ogy. It also exp lores the hi storical emphasis on the self, with a focus on its current emphasis in psychoanalytic psychology, an d its developmental aspect, and a psychological view of the true and false self. The western cul- ture perspective on the se lf is com- pared with other cultures. Finally, a re ligious perspective on the true and fa lse self is presented. Psychotherapy Laboratory This series of elective courses is designed to effect a working integration of conceptual and experimental aspects
SPY 724 Self Psychology: The Theory of Kohut (3)
This course focuses on the theory and clinical work of Heinz Kohut as well as other contemporary se lf psychology theorists. In addition to discussing the place of self psychology in broader psy- choanalytic thinking, special emphasis is placed on the clinical appl ication and practical relevance of this approach. Prerequisites: SPY5 !5 and 615. SPY 725 Multigenerational Therapy (3) These app roaches to family therapy are conce rned with the individual within the system, with specific focus on the aspects of their interpersonal functioning that represent attach- ments to figures in the past that will be transmitted to future generat ions. The course combines acquisi ti on of basic theories with an experiential application to the therapist's own fam- ily-of-origin. Clinical illusu-ations wi ll be Lisee! to demonstrate how to use the family-of-origin of each of the spouses in marital therapy to help determine multi-generational linkages to th e atomic family. The specific 'how-to' of conducting transgenerational sessions with client families will be included. SPY 726 Behavior Therapy with Children and Families (3) This course emphasizes the treatment of children and fam ilies from a behav- ioral perspective including operant, respondent, cog niti ve and socia l learning theory models. Graduate students must carry al least three clients during the course of the semester and will be afforded the opportunity to conduct parent work- shops in lieu of one client. Prerequi- sites: SPY641, 680,604 (or equivalent) and completion of or currem enroll- ment in a ch ild practicum. Required of Psy.D. with Child/ Fami lyemphasis. SPY 729 Alcohol & Substance Abuse (3) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery process fo r the alcoholic / addict and family members will be the foc us of the class. The disease model of addictions treatment and the utilization of 12-step support groups in the u·eat- ment of the recovering person and the family members will be presented. OtJ1er compulsive di eases will be dis- cussed such as sexual addiction, eating di sorde rs, etc. Class lecture, special speakers, and assigned reading will be the primary methodsof instruction.
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