I. 16 units of core consisting of: SCL 500, 501, 503 or 560 or 702, 520 or 622, 562, and 75 1. 2. 6 units of Bible/ theology. 3. 20 units of advisor-approved electives. Students who do not have to take required electives are encouraged to choose a combination of electives most suitable fo r their career goals. Students may also choose to focus electives in areas of spe- cialization such as anthropol- ogy, missiology, cross-cultural education , Bible translation, linguistics , TESOL, church planting, crosscultural health care, urban ministries, etc. Stude nts who have not previously taken a course in cu ltural anthropology will be required to take SCL 507 as a required elective. Students who are not pro- ficien t in a second language will also be required to take SCL 510 or 511 as a required elective. (Proficiency standards fo r a second language will be determined by the MA advisor in consultation with intercul- tural studies faculty. See stu- dent handbook for standards.) B. Successfully pass a comprehensive examination over coursework. C. Maintain a 3.0 grade point aver- age on a 4.0 scale. Summer Institute of linguistics In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Linguistic and Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA, Biola offers an intensive IS-week program for students planning to work in cross-cultural mis- sions combining five courses in descr iptive linguistics (SCL 505, 508, 512, 514,517) taught by SIL personnel, and two anthropology courses (SCL 520, and 640) taught by Biola faculty. The 21 -unit program is offered during lnterterm and Spring term. Doctor of Missiology (1) Residence and Course Work The program requires a minimum of 33 un its past the appropriate mas- ter's degree, with 45 semester hours of course work and 8 semester hours of disserta tion research. If a student has graduate coursework bm no master 's degree, or has a master's degree which does not contain the background nec- essa1y for the D.Miss. program, the total program will be longer than 33 units, and this will be negotiated with the
d. The student's speciali zation. These exams are given once a year in April and serve as a major means of eva luating a student 's suitab il ity to continue studies toward the doctorate. (6) Field Ministry and Language Requirement All students must complete a min- imum of three continuous years of practical missionary experience in a crosscu ltura l (or cross-subcu ltura l) setting. It is assumed that the student wi ll acqu ire fluency in a second lan- guage learned during th is missiona1y service and that this language will be the language of fie ld research. (7) Admission to Cand idacy Official candidacy for the doctor- ate signifies an advanced stage in the student's progress and is character- ized by self-directed research and preparation of a dissertation under the direction of a faculty advisor. In order Lo be admiLted to candidacy the student must have: a. Successfullycompleted the Prelimina1y Faculty Interview b. Passed the comprehensive examination c. Completed the field ministq• requirement cl. Received approval of Lhe disserta- tion proposal by the Doctoral Committee Upon reaching candidacy a stu- denL mus t register for a total of eight dissertation un its prior to graduation. With the consent of the doctoral advi- sor, a student may take more or less dissertation units.. If the doctoral can- didate has not defended the disserta- tion by the time the eight dissertation units are completed, he or she must continue to be enrolled each semester unLi l graduation. This may be done under SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enro ll me nL Research. Th is enro ll- ment carries no credit, but keeps the student 's registration current. (8) Dissertation The doctoral dissertation will be based upon research conducted in Lh e field of minisoy, usua lly over a period of six months to one year. The disse r- tation mus t demonsu-ate high attain- ment in scholarsh ip related to profes- sional missiology. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate's adviso11•committee prio r to beginning of the student's fie ld research. Three weeks prior to expected graduat ion the candidate must subm it to the School of lntercul-
director of the program. Afacu lty advi- sor will guide each student in planning a program of courses to serve his or her minisoy needs. Each sn1dent wi ll select a mentor from the graduate facu lty to guide his or her dissertation research. Admission into the graduate pro- gram of the School of lntercultural Studies does not guarantee comp le- tion of the doctoral degree. The co re req ui reme nts are as
tura l Studi es the or igin al and two copies of his dissertation signed by the
dissertation committee. (9) Final Oral Examination
The fina l examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. (10) Graduation Requirements All students must prese nt an acceptable dissertation, have satisfac- torily passed their comprehensive exami nations and have compleLed all required course work with a minimum 3.30 grade point average to quali~•for graduation . Doctor of Education (1) Residence and Course Work The program requires a minimum of 60 uni ts past the appropriate mas- ter's degree, with 48 semester hours of course work and 12 semester hours of dissertation research . If a su1dent has graduate coursework but no master's degree, or has a master's degree which does not contain tl1e background nec- essa1y for the Ed.D. program, the total program will be longer than 60 un its, and th is will be negotiated with the director of the program. A facu lty advisor will guide each student in plan- ning a program of courses to serve his or her minisuy needs. Each student will select a mentor from the graduate faculty to guide his or her dissertation research. The program contains an 18 un it core requirement, plus six hours of research coursework and 12 hours of dissertation research. The remain- der of the program allows the student to choose from courses across the Uni- versity curricu lum in order LO focus on individual minisU)' needs. The core requirements are as follows: I. DE 801 Historical and Ph ilosophi- cal Thought in Education 2. DE 803 Human Developme!ll and Learning 3. CL 765 Crosscultural Leadership 4. DE 805 Curriculum Theory and tl1e Practice ofTeach ing 5. DE 807 Educational Researc h Methods 6. CL721 Crosscultural Education In addition to the core require- ments, sLudents are expected to take SCL 500 Libra1y Research Skill s, 803 Quali tat ive Research, and 879 Research Design.
fo llows: 9 units: 6 un its:
SCL 550, 540, or 661 , 742. Missiology or intercultural stud ies elect ives to be determ ined in consulta- tion with the advisor. Biblical/theological stud- ies, consisti ng of SCL 722 and two units of elective.
5 units:
13 units: Dissertation research and writing, consisting of: SCL 803, 879, 880. (2) Time Limit for Degree Completion Al l course and academic require- ments for the D.Miss. degree must be completed with in 10 years, beginning on the date of the student's first regis- tration. Pet itions for exte nsio n beyond IO years will be considered on a case by case basis for students who may need extensive field experience
or field research requirements. (3) Withdrawa l and Readmission Procedures
A student who must drop out of school or is planning to return to field service must go through the formal withdrawal process. To reu1111 to active status the student should contact the program director and file a readmission fonn witl1 the admissions office. (4) Ora l Interview and Admission to Doctoral Study All students will have an interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for success- ful completion of the doctoral pro- gram. The interview is scheduled after one semester in residence and the com- pletion of at least one significant piece of written work demonstrating the stu- dent 's ski ll in research writing. The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes eitl1er to admit, admit witl1 conditions, or not to admit tl1e stude!ll to doctoral study. (5) Comprehensive Examinations Al l students must pass comprehen- sive exams covering the following areas: a. lmercultural studies b. Histo1y and theology of mission c. Society, technology and missions
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