

Missiological Theory and Practice SCL 540 Principles of Church Planting (3) A study of the biblical mandate to establish local churches among all of the peoples mak ing up mankind. Spec ial emphasis on intercultural church planting amo ng the unreached peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the ethn ic minori- ties of the western world. SCL 543 Women in Missions (3) The dynamics of understanding the role of missionary women: historical, physical, social, psychological, spiri- tual. Focus on the issues and opportu- nities in contemporary world. SCL 546 The Historical Development of the World Christian Movement (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from the apostolic period until today . Emphasis is given to the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynam- ics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. SCL 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) The nature of Christian outreach; a study of principles , history and methodology of worldwide missions. SCL 661 Principles of Church Growth (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of worldwide evangelization, with due emphasis on the Church Growt h school of thought. SCL 662 Mission in Political Context (3) Consideration of modern poli tical ide- ologies and movements as they affect the church and its mission in selected national contexts. SCL 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to integrate principles of crosscultural communication and the- ology and strategy of missions within a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. SCL 732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various church planting strategies used around the world . Identifies key factors which the church planter can implement in a context specific, phase-out orien ted church planting strategy. SCL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) Areview of missiological li terature that traces the spread and development of Christianity as a world movement, from

SCL 517 Field Methods in Linguistics (3) Extensive working with speakers of non lndo-European languages: special emphasis on collecting and analyzing language data, and on developing a language-learning program. Require- ment: Completion of/or simultaneous

SCL 640 Applied Anthropology for Christian Workers (3) Study of man, culture, and environ- ment with special emphasis on the manner in which their re lationship with one another is affected by change agents such as missionaries, educators and development workers. SCL 702 Social Organization (3) Crosscu ltura l study of the basic human groups of family, kin and com- munity, engaging the student in field methodology and research, and appli- cation of principles and data of social organization to mission strategy. SCL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) Crosscultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of author- ity, legitimacy, public support, leader- ship recruitment, and training as they affect communication, church growth and development worldwide. Language Acquisition and Bible Translation SCL 505 Phonetics (3) The study of the articulation, classifi- cation, reproduction and recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. SCL 508 Introduction to Language in Social Context (3) Introduction to the study of language as a social phenomenon and the multi- lingual norm of many societies; to the structural, historical and comparative dimensions of language; to second lan- guage acquisitions; and to the relation- ship between written and oral forms. SCL 510 General Linguistics (3) The study of descriptive linguistics and its relevancy in language learning and Bibl e translat ion. May be

Pentecost to the modern era. Special attention is given to the kind (s) of Chr istian ity that spread; the process(es) by which it spread; the effect Christianity had on the socio-cul- tural/political environment (s); and the effect environment had on Christianity and its subsequent development. SCL 863 Crosscultural Implications In Evangelism (3) Explores crosscultural issues in evan- gelism and church planting through the use of case studies, simulation exercises, readings and lectures. The class considers evangelistic strategies that build on a firm foundation for the gospel and assimilate new believ- ers effectively. Bible and Theology in Crosscultural Perspective SCL 550 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Christ- ian theologizing; interrelationships between supra cu ltural Christianity and human cultures. Focus on con- version, revelation, communication, transformation , indigeneity and other related topics. SCL 565 Personal Leadership Formation (3) A study of the principles and patterns used by God as He raises up leaders for His work. This study will include a discussion of the vital place of spiritual formation in leadership development. SCL 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An overview and critique of the differ- ent theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church begin- ning with Edinburgh 1910 to the lib- eration theology debate of our day. SCL 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscultural Context (3) Reviews the historical and contemporary world view beliefs in the existence and activi ty of spiritual beings or forces often encountered by the crosscultural worker. Atheology of spirits is developed to help establish theoretical and practical guide- lines for appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beliefs and potential conflicts encountered in vari- ous crosscultural setting. SCL 751 Theology of Mission (3) An examinat ion of the theological foundations of mission derived from a study of the histo1y of salvation. This will encompass a study of the mission give n to Israe l and to the Church including some interaction with con- temporary theologies of mission.

enrollment in SCL 512 & 514. SCL 570 Introduction to Bible Translation (2-3)

An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica- tion with special emphas is on translat- ing the Bible into indigenous languages. SCL 621 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3) Study of the inter-relationships of lan- guage and society in areas such as folk- lore, world view, bilingualism, person- ality, classifications and other topics. SCL 705 Semantics (3) Study of systems of symbols or "signs," examination of structures underlying cu ltural activity from fu ndamenta l level of ind ividual sign creation to more complex systems. Social Science Research Methods SCL 500 Library Research Skills (1) Use of reference and bibliographic sources for in-depth research at the graduate level. Required of all enter- ing graduate students. SCL 803 Qualitative Research (2) An advanced course on the ethno- graphic method, emphas izing rigor- ous research design and quality con- trol with specific reference to educa- tional research. SCL 879 Research Design (3) Development and refinement of the doctoral dissertation proposal through preparation, presentation and critique of proposal drafts and examination and discussion of issues related to dissertation research. SCL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and application of the cen- tral areas of Missions and lntercul- tural Studies and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identifica- tion of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Required for the first semester of the Th .M. (missions) program. Asecond semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.


repeated with different content. SCL 511 Language Learning and Linguistics (3)

Applying linguistic techniques to learn how to speak another language. The theory and practice of the LAMP method oflanguage learning. Fee: $125. SCL 512 Phonological Theory (3) Special problems in phonological anal ysis from various languages including absu-act phonology. Prereq- uisite: INCS 413& 414. SCL 514 Grammatical Theory (3) An inu·oduction to the theory of dis- course linguistics; consideration of various levels of surface grammar and semantic underlay, with application to different languages. Prerequisite: INCS 417 & 418.

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