Crosscultural and Mu/ti-cultural Education SCL 575 Multi-cultural Education (3) Experi enti al approac h to cross-c ul - tural differences in the classroom as th ey affect teac hin g and learning. Focus of at tenti on is primari ly the Uni ted States. SCL 721 Crosscultu ra l Education (3 ) Exploration of socio-cul tural factors that affect teaching and learning strategics in educa tion both here and abroad. SCL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3 ) Cont.empora,-y technologies and travel case offer new possibilities fo r u·aining nati onals. This course will examine such systems as theological education by extension, in-se rvi ce short courses an d di stance educat ion to evaluate th eir suitabili ty and effecti veness. SCL867 Comparative Educational Systems (3) An analyti cal compari son of se lected national educa tion al sys tems emph a- sizing the cultural value base for deci- sions regarding access to educati on, choice of curri culum , educa tional fin ance, professional and status issues and other maucrs of educational t.he- oq, and practice utilizing compara ti ve methodological approach. Practicum SCL 690 Pra cticum (1 -6) May be cl one in Chu rch Pl antin g Urban Studi es, Women' s Ministries or other approved church/ mi ss ion pro- grams. Designed for M.A. students. SCL 760 Urban Practicum Internship (3, 6) SCL 791 -792 Field Internship (2 , 2) Int egrati on of all Lh e di sc iplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in vari - ous phases of Christian minisuy. One hundred hours of fie ld ex peri ence each semester are evaluated in cl ass- room interaction. Required of M.Div. (missions) students . Prerequisites: PT 602; Compl etion of 64 hours of th e M.Div. program fo r PT 791 , PT 792. SCL 860 Practicum (1-6) Ma y be cl one in Chur ch Plantin g Urban Studies, Women' s Min istries or other approved church / mi ssion pro- grams. Designed for doctoral students.
Seminarsand Independent Studies SCL 691 - Tutorial (3) May be repeated with different topics such as in tercu lt.ural studi es, Bibl e translation, miss iology, cross-cultural th eo log)', cross-cultural educa ti on, and cross-c ultur al hea lth care .. Designed fo r M.A. students SCL 694 Seminars (3) May be repeated with di ffe rent. topics including church planting, evange lism, anthropology, intercult.ural communi- caLion, linguisti cs, crosscult.ural educa- tion , sociolinguisti cs, crosscultural the- ology, th eology of mi ss ion, histm-y of mi ssions, mi ssion su-at.egy, bible transla- tion. Designed fo r M.A. students SCL 793-794 Independent Study (1 -4, 1-4) In-de pth in ves ti ga ti on of a topi c under the gu idance of th e facu lty, using standard resea rch procedures. Topi c se lec ti on and course enro ll- ment byadvisor's approval. SCL 873 Tutorial (3 ) May be repea t.eel with different. top ics such as int.cTcultural studies, Bibl e translati on, mi ss iology, cross-cultural theology, crosscultural education , and crosscultural health care. Designed for doctoral students only. SCL 874 Seminars (3) May be repeated with different topics including church planting, evange- lism, anthropology, imercultural com- mun ication, lingui sti cs, crosscultural educa tion, socioli nguistics, crosscul- t.ural theology, theology of miss ion , history of mi ssion s, mission strategy, bible translation.. Designed fo r doc- Loral students only. SCL 895 D.Miss. Research Seminar (1 -3) In-d epth in vest igati on of a topi c under the guidance of the lntercul - tural Studies department using stan- dar d research procedu res . Topi c se lec tion and course enrollment is by department. approval. Elect.ive. SCL 896 Ed .D. Research Seminar (1-3) In-dept h in vesti gation of a topi c under the gui dance of th e ln tercul- LU ral Studies department. using stan- dard rese arc h procedu res . Topi c se lec tion and course enrollment is by department approval. Elective.
Dissertation Research and Writing SCL 880 D.Miss. Dissertation (1-8) Norma lly a student must. take a mini- mum of two units fo r up to a maxi- mum of 4 semesters to be considered full -time. SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enrollment (0) Normally a student must Lake a mini- mum of 3 units per semes ter to be considered fu ll Lime. Astudent is con- sidered fu ll -t ime for four semesters whi le taking th is di sse rtati on class.
SCL752 Acts: Biblical and Missiological (3)
Th is course wil l focus on the histori- cal, cu ltural and th eo logical content leading the student toward mastery of th e boo k of Acts. Thi s will be fo l- lowed by a di scussion of cogent mi si- ological themes, such as evangelism, power encoun te r, contex tualiza ti on and the supe rn atural in mi ss ions. SCL 850 Crosscultural Implications in Theology (3) Th e appl ica tion s of cross-cult.ural co mmun ica tion principle s to th e study of th eo logy, critique and evalua- tion of such th eologies and the design and impl ementat ion of culture spe- cifi c theo logies fo r va ri ous cultu res. Community Health and Development SCL 530 Topics in lntercultural Health Ca re (3) May be repea ted with different focus. Topics include: Cromultural Health Ca re Deliveiy. Theori es and skills related to health teaching, ph ys ical assessment., prepa- ration and uti lization of indi genous health care. Pmonal Ilea/th Main tenance Abroad. Preparati on for li vin g overseas : healthy li fes tyle, prevemion of disease, menta l and spi ritual burnout, ini tial u·eaunent where there is no doctor. Anthro/10/ogy of Crossrultural Health Care. Th e anth ropological study of probl ems of illn ess and hea lth with emphasis on the cult.ural contest of health care programs. Man agement Stra tegies in Crosscu l- /u. ra/ /-Ira/th Cmf. Preparation for serv- ing organi za tions in rnlvecl in plann ing and implememing health care sys tems at th e district and vill age leve l. lnlerrnltural Cliniral Practicum. Supe, 0 vised cross-cultural clinical hea!Ll1 care expe1ience. Prerequisites: SCL520, 622, 675 (may be taken concurrently) . RN licensure or consent of insu1.1Ctor. SCL 571 Topics in Technology and Missions (3) SCL 667 Technology in Community Development (3) Exam ines the wor ldwide econom ic press ures of population growth and food shortages, and focuses on appro- priate development projects for Chri s- tian holistic minisu-y.
Fee: $100. SCL 890 Ed.D . Dissertation Field Resea rch (1-6)
Normally a studen t. must take a mini- mum of 3 uni ts per semester to be considered full time. Astudent is con- sidered full-Lime fo r four semesters while taking th is dissertation class. SCL 892 Ed.D . Continuous Research (0) Students who need exLra time to work on first or fi nal draft. of the di sserta- tion are requi red to register for this course to maintain degree status. A slllcl ent is con sidered less than half- time status whil e tak ing this cl ass. Fee: $100. SCL 893 Leave of Absence (0) For students who have been granted an offi cial leave of absence from the Ecl .D. program. Fee: $100.
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