PETER YAM-POON WOO Associate Professor of Mathematics/ Computer Science, l988 B.A., University of Hong Kong; M.A. , Ph.D. , University ofSouthern Cali fornia. PHILIP WOODWARD Assistant Professor of Business, 1990 B.S. , University of Southern Ca li for- nia; M.B.A., Cali fornia State Univer- sity, Fullerton; M.B.T., University of Sou thern California. J. WILLIAM WORDEN Professor of Psychology, 1985 B.A. , Pomona College; B.D. , Eastern Semina1y; Ed.M., Harvard Un iversity; Ph .D. , Boston Un iversity; A.B.P.P. CHERYL ZUKERBERG Associate Professor of Nursing, 1983
WILLIAM D. SHANEBECK Associate Professor of English, 1962 Dean of Humanities B.A., Asbu1y College; M.A., University of Michigan. CLAIRE SIBOLD Associate Professor of Education, 1987 B.A., M.A., Uni versity ofWashington; Ph.D. , Arizona State Un ive rsity. LYLE H. SMlTH,JR. Associate Professor of English , 1978 B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. , University ofMinnesota. VI RGILSM ITH Associate Professor of Business, 1994 B.S. , M.B.A. , Portland State Un iversity. ROGER C. SOULE Professor of Physical Education, 1979 B.S. , State University of New York, Cortland; M.S. , Univers ity of Illinois; Ph.D., Washington State Un iversity. WALTER STANGL Associate Professor of Mathematics, I984; Dean of Sciences B.A., M.S., Ph .D., Lehigh University; M.Di v., Denver Seminary. TOM STEFFEN Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1991 B.S., Dall as Bible College; M.A.,
EDWARD THURBER Professor of Mathematical Sciences, 197 1 Director of Academic Computing B.S., Princeton University; M.A. , Ph .D., University of Southern Cali forn ia. LAVERNE TOLBERT Assistant Professor of Ch ri stian Education, l994 B.A. , Hunter College; M.A., Talbot
VICTOR RHEE Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1994 B.S., Universi ty of Maryland; M.Div. , Cap ital Bible Semi na1y; Th.M. , Talbot School ofTheology. LUCILE RJ CHARDSO1 Associate Professor of Education, 1993 B.S., Clanin University; M.A. , Loyola Ma1ymount University; Ed.D. , Pepper- dine University.
School ofTheology. RICHARD UNFREID
Professor of Music, 1960 B.M., M.M., Univers ity of Southern Cali fornia. ELJS~IA B. VANDEUSEN Associate Professor of Biological Science, l986 B.A., Houghton College; M.A., Ph.D., Ind iana Un iversity. CYNTHIA L. WESTCOTT Associate Professor of Nursing, 1977 B.S. , State Uni versity Teachers College, Plattsburg, New York; M.N., Un iversity of Califo rni a, Los Angeles. LOREN CLE NWIEBE Professor of Music, 1965 B.M.Ed. , M.M.Ed., Willamette University. MICHAEL]. WILKINS Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1983; Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School ofTheology B.A. , Biola University; M.Div., Talbot Theological Semin ary and School ofTheology; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. WESLEYWlLLMER Associate Professor of Business Admini stration, 1989; Vi ce Presiden t, UniversityAdvancement B.A., M.Ed. , Seattle Pacific University; Ph.D., State Un iversity of New York. B.A. , Whitworth College; B.D., Th.M. , Full er Theological Semi naiy; Ph.D. , Uni versity of Southern Cali fo rnia. JENNIE KUK-YI NG WONG Professor of Music, 1964 L.R.SM. , Royal Schools of Music; FTC.L., L.T. C. L. , Trin ity College of Music; L.T.S.C. , Tonic Sol-Fa LELAND E. WILSHIRE Professor of Histo1 1•, I979 College of Music. KENMANWONG Assistant Professor of Business, 1989 B.S. , Biola Un iversity; M.B.A., University ofWashington.
Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, 1974 Director of Talbot/ Israel Program B.A., John B. Stetson Uni ve rsity;
M.Di v. , Golden Gate Baptist Theologi- cal Semina1y; Ph.D. , Southern Baptist Theological Semina1y. WALTER B. RUSSELL Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1990 B.S., Un iversityof Missouri; M.A. , St. Ma1y's Semina1y; Th.M. , Dall as Theological Semina1y; Ph .D. , Westminster Theological Seminary. JAMES RYNO Professor of Chemisuy, 1970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.S. , Un iversity of Illinois; Ph.D. , University of California, Riverside. CONNIESARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1968 B.A., Biola College; M.A. , Californ ia State University, Long Beach; Ph .D. , Texas Woman 's Un iversity; Ph.D. , Un ited States International University. ROBERT L. SAUCY Distingu ished Professor of Systematic Theology, !961 B.A. ,Westmont College; Th.M. , Th.D. , DallasTheological Semina1y. JACK SCHWARZ Professor of Music, l965 B.A. , Biola College; M.M., D.M.A. , Un iversity of Southern Ca li forni a. ROBERT SEITZ Instructor of lath and Computer Science, l989 B.S., Biola Unive rsity; M.S. , Ca li fornia
B.S.N., M.S.N. , Cali fornia State Uni ve rsity, Long Beach, Ph .D. , Claremont Graduate School. PART-TIME FACULTY
The Bi ola Universityfacu lty each semester includes, in addition to the regular facu lty members listed above, approximately81 persons teaching on a part-time basis eq ui valent to about 30 full-time eq ui valent faculty posi- tions. These persons bring to their tasks a rich variety of academic and other professional expertise, and thus serve to enrich the curricular offer- ings of the Un iversity, particular in some of the more specia lized areas. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FACULTY JEANNE BACK Associate Director, Career Se1vices, l983 B.A., San Diego State Un iversity; M.A., Azusa Pacific University. JOHN BACK Associate Dean, Student Affairs, 1986 B.A. , Taylor University; M.A. , Azusa Pacific University. LI NDA C. FORD Director, Career Services, 1993 B.A. , Un iversity of the Pacific; M.Ed., Azusa Pacific University. MESGH lNA GHEBREMEDHlN Director, In ternational Students, 1985 B.A. , Asmaru Uni versi ty, Er itrea; M.A. , Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A. , Biola University. RONALD J. HAFER UniversityChaplain , 1966 B.A. , Biola Un iversity; M.Ed. , Talbot Theological Seminary.
D.Miss., Biola University. CHERRYG. STEINMEIER
Associate Professor of Psychology, 1984 B.A. , Northern Illinois Uni versity; M.A., Psy.D., Rosemead School of Psychology. LARRY 0. STRAND Associate Professor ofBusin ess Administration, 1986; Acting Dean, School of Busin ess B.S. , I.BA, Un iversity of Southern Ca li forn ia. GARY H. STRAUSS Associate Professor of Psychology, 1974 B.Ed. , California State University, Fresno; M.A. , University ofNortl1ern Iowa; Ed.D., Northern Illinois University. MARCIA STROUP Associate Professor of Psychology, 1990 B.A. ,Wheaton College; M.S. , Ed.S. , Indiana Un ive rsity; Ph .D. , Brigham Young Un iversity. SCOTT SWANSON Associate Professor of Communications, 1992 B. S. , Cali fornia Polytechnic State University; M.S. , Uni versityof Oregon. JUDYE. TENELSHOF Assistant Professor of Ch ristian Education, 1989 B.A. , California State Uni versity, Fuller- ton ; M.A. , Talbot School ofTheology.
State University, Fullerton. C. DIANE SHANEBECK
Associate Professor of Communication, l964; B.A. , Asbury College; M.A. , Californ ia State Uni versity, Long Beach.
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