and Graduation Requirements
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission, Regi,stration and Graduation Requirements
RE-ADMISSION A student who has attended Biola University and has dropped out for one semester or longer will be required to fil e an application fo r re-admi ssion a $15 fee . Apastor's ref- erence will be required if the student 's leave of absence exceeds two years. ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS English Proficiency It is essential that students from other countiies be able to understand lectures in English and also be able to express their thoughts clearly in both written and spoken English. Admi s- sion to the Unive rsi ty is based upon the understanding that stu- dents either already have or are actively making progress in th ese skill s. In order that the applican t's proficiency in English may be determined, the applicant must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as administered bythe Educa- tional Testing Service at the nearest overseas examination cen- ter. The minimum score fo r admi ssion is a total of 500 for the undergraduate student and 550 (with a score of 55 or above for each of the three test sections) fo r the graduate student. How- ever, all international students without TOEFL scores can enter into the Biola degree program of their choice if they have met all the other requirements for admi ssion to that degree pro- gram through the successful completion of the Biola English Language Studies Program (ELSP). Upon admission to Biola without tl1e TOEFL exam, the student is required to take the Biola English Placement Exam (BEPE) which is equivalent to the TOEFL, but is more comprehensive. According to the results of tl1e test, students wi ll take English classes at their level before starting their academic courses. For those students who have passed the TOEFL exam, an English Pl acement Test at the Unive rsity will be given to de termine whi ch course(s) (English 102, 103, 105, 107 or 109), if any, they must take. The course(s) must be taken during the student 's first semester in residence and every semester until the student has successfullypassed the English Placemen t Test. There will be a late make-up fee of $15 when placement exams are not taken on the dates indicated in the student 's acceptance letter. Since admission to the University is based on the under- standing that the student will successfully complete the ESL sequence, students will not be al lowed to graduate or continue at Biola if they do not complete their ESL requirement. A"pass- ing" score on the English Placement Test must be achieved before taking English 110 Aor Bor before credit from other schools can be granted. English 110 Aand Bmust be taken fol- lowing satisfactory completion of the above requirements. Students who wi sh to take TOEFL should obtain the TOEFL Bulletin of Information fo r Candidates, Interna- tional Edition. Copies of this bull etin and the registration form may be obtained in a number of citi es outside the United States. Th ey often are avail abl e at Ameri ca n
Admi ssion to Biola University is on a selective basis and on ly those are admitted who are most likely to profit from Biola University's educational program and its distincti vely Christian emphasis. Because it is the purpose of Biola Uni- versity to train Christian young people, the appl icant should have been a Christian fo r at least one year. Biola University has a stronglyevangelical Christian commit- ment and requires that to be accepted, the applicant must be an evangelical believer. However, no discrimination wi th reference to racial or national background is practi ced in the admission policies. Biola University welcomes al l applicants regardless of racial or national originwho are personal lycommitted to faith in JesusChrist Students who are interested in attending Biola University should request application fo rms from the offi ce of admi s- sions. Because enrollment is limited and admi ssion is on a selective basis, applications should be made as early as possi- ble. Decisions are made onlyon completed applications. Visits to the campus are encouraged. It is advisable to write or phone in advance to arrange an appointment. Each semester, Biola hosts visitation weekends (University Days, Biola Bound, and Focus Days) that help acquaint prospective students with the programs on campus. The dates fo r these days are listed on the academic calendar. Admission lo the University does not guarantee admission to the business administration, education, music and nursing programs, nor toon-campus h011Sing. Application forms for these programs are availab/£ .from the department offices. UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE PROGRAMS See the specific program for additi onal admission, regis- trati on and graduation requirements in the appropriate undergraduate/ graduate sections of the catalog. ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT Applicants Appli cants who have bee n granted acce ptance are required to remi t an enrollment deposit. The deposit is non- refundable if the student does not enro ll in the term for which they applied. Deposits will not be held over if there is a lapse in enrollment. Accepted applicants, whether or not they are preregistered, must inform Biola of any change in thei r plans regarding enrollment. Enrolled Students When enrolled students officially withdraw, their enroll- ment deposit will be applied to any balance owed at the time of departure, orwill be refunded if their account is paid in full. As a student continues hi s enrollment at Bi ola, the enrollment deposit is retained as a continuing preregistra- tion deposit to assure the enrolled student of a place in the student body. Students who discontinue their enrollment at Biola and fa il to officially withdraw at the Registrar's Office (by December 31 for the spring semester, or byJuly 31 for the fall semester) wi ll fo rfeit the enrollment deposit.
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