and Graduation Requirements
ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is 12 units at the undergraduate level. Astudent who is on academic probation maybe limited to 12 units or less depending upon his grade point average. Amin~ mum of ten units must be taken by those living on campus. The minimum full-time load is eight units for those in grad- uate degree programs. Those canying less than the full-time load are considered part-time sn1dents. ATalbot student is nor- mallypermitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester. The normal full-time load for a Rosemead student is 12 to 16 hours per semester, but not less than nine homs. Without the advisor's approval, a sn1dent may not carry over 16 units in any semester. Part-time registration of less than nine units is pe1mit- ted only after a student has been admitted to candidacy. Rose- mead does not admit students to its degree prograins. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In physical edu- cation activities, laboratorysessions and in a few other instances, a unit of credit mayinvolve more than one class period aweek. Generally a.ii undergraduate student is limited to 18 units of classroom work a semester. After the first semester a student with a grade point average of 3.0 may petition the Registrar's office to cai1r 19-20 1mits. In no case will a student be pe1mitted to canr more than 20 units each semester. Atotal of six (6) units, may be taken by a student in independent study, and/or arrahged cow,ework dming the student'sdegree program. Special Note: Full-time enrollment (completing I2 units each semeste,) is required of the following unde1graduate students: Internationals, Veterans receiving full benefits, students receiving social security benefits, and all students receiving financial aid of any kind. When dro/;ping classes, students must be aware that they are required to complete 12 units of credit. Full-time enrollment (wmp!eting nine units each semeslel) is required of the following graduate students: fnlelnatiunals, Vete,·ans rer.eivingfull benefits, students rer.eiving social secu1ity benefits, and all students rer.eiv- ingfinancial aid of any land. \Mum droj>ping classes, students must be awa,i thai they are required w wmplete nine units of credit. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Asn1dent's classification is determined at the beginning of each semester according to the fo llowing plan: Undergraduate Freshman 26 units or less completed Sophomore 27-56 units completed Junior 57-87 units completed Senior 88 units or more completed Graduate (Talbot, SICS and SAS) Graduate I 28 units or less completed Graduate 2 29-64 units completed Graduate 3 65 un its or more completed Graduate 4 Master ofTheology/ ICS Internship Graduate 5 Doctor of Ministry Graduate 6 Doctor of Education
of arts and sciences (undergraduate students) and the deans of the respective schools (graduate students) . The grade point average of a student is obtained by divid- ing the total number of units attempted at Biola University into the total number of grade points obtained at Biola. ( This wlcuuttion does not include courses transferred from another institution and starts anew for graduate programs.) To graduate with a baccalaureate degree, a student must have at least twice as manygrade points as un its in total credit value of all courses undertaken at Biola (2.00 GPA) and a 2.00 GPA in the major field. Higher standards are required for graduate degrees, as stated elsewhere in this catalog. REPEATED COURSES Astudent will be pennitted to repeat a course in which either a Dor an F grade was earned. Courses in which grades earned were either Cor B, may be repeated onlywith approval from the Registrar's office. Only courses taken at Biola University will be used to change course grades. In addition, the student must notify the Regiso-ar's Office, the semester a course is repeated. When a course is repeated where a student has received a D or Fgrade the first time, the better grade is the only one used in computing the cumulative GPA, and the units are counted only once. Both grades are shown on the student's permanent record. When a course is repeated where a student has received a C or Bgrade the first time, both the first and the second grades figure into the total cumulative GPA computation and both grades are shown on the student's permanent record. GRADE REPORTS Grade reports will be issued at the end of each term by the Registrar's Office. Any discrepancy between this report and the student's personal record must be brought to the attention of the Registrar 's Office before the end of the following semester. GRADE CHANGES It is the student's responsibi li ty to bring any error in grades to the attention of the instructor within one semester following the issued grade. Grade changes are only allowable for computational or recording errors and must be corrected no later than the last day of classes of the next fu ll term semester. AUDITORS Students wishing to audit must pursue standard application and registration procedures. Undergraduate auditing students cannot register for a course until after the second week of the semester. (See Financial Information for fees.) Talbot stu- dents must be college graduates and must pay the appropriate per unit fee. Auditors must receive permission from both the Registrar's Office and the instructor of the course. A course taken for audit cannot be repeated for credit at a later date.
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