

Computer Store Located within the Bookstore, the Biota Computer Store exists to aid students with their academic programs. The Computer Store offers exceptional pricing on Apple Macin- tosh products through a special agreement with Apple Com- puters, Inc. Designed to meet the academic community's needs for computers, software and accessories, the student will find most of their computing needs conveniently met, at very competitive prices. Through agreements with Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WordPerfect and others, some software can be purchased at one-half to one-third the non-academic rate. Many titles are kept in stock. Feel free to contact us about your software needs. The Computer Store keeps different hours than the bookstore, please call ahead (310) 903-4884 and check our hours. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Biola University offers health service to all registered stu- dents at the student health center located directly across from the library. Visits to consult with the doctor or nurse are free, however there is a charge for medications and treat- ments. Payment is required at the time of each visit. In addition, services have been expanded to include spouses of enrolled students for a $15.00 fee for physician services, plus addi- tional payment for medications and treatments. No children are treated at the health center. The student health center is equipped to handle acute-<:are walk-ins and scheduled appointments. If the nature of illness is not treatable at this facility, students wi ll be refen-ed off-<:ampus to nearby hospitals or specialty physician services. Expanded office hours are as follows : Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. No lunch closures unless otherwise posted. lnterterm and Summer Session hours are reduced. . Please consult the health center for specific hours. All students taking 7 uni ts or more/ or those who are living in a university facili ty must have health insurance. Biola offers a medical insurance plan for catastrophic illness or accident Stu- dents not covered by their own insurance may choose to use this plan. Cost of this insurance is subject to change. Students enrolled in competetive sports will be charged a mandatory $150 premium for athletic insurance each year, regardless of other insurance coverage. Please check with the health center stalf for

The Campus Safety Department offers special services such as a campus escort service, a rape prevention program which includes several films and a seminar, bicycle registration ser- vice, and Operation Identification (engraving of personal prop- erty for positive identification in case of theft) throughout the year. Vehicle registration, u·affic control, building security, assistance in medical emergencies and university swithchboard are additional services handled by this department. Recogniz- ing that a Christian university is not exempt from crime and danger, students are asked to use common sense and caution in every aspect of their activities. Crime statistics are avai lable

upon request at the Office of Campus Safety. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES

Biota Un iversity believes that students from various cul- tures contribute significantly to the community. The diversity that comes from their experiences enhances our environment of faith and learning. We also believe Biota can contribute to the international attempt to provide services which will help the international student to acclimate to the University. Con- tact the Students Affairs Office for further information. DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES The Coordinator of Services to the Disabled works with both the physically and learning disabled to provide personal assistance and service. Included are issues of accessibility, curriculum, transportation, housing and registration. Please contact the Office of Student Affairs. COUNSELING SERVICES Personal counseling services are available to in terested graduate and undergraduate students for a modest adminis- trative fee. Individual counseling, group counseling, pre- engagement, premarital and marital counseling are avai lable during the school year and summer months. Groups for spe- cial needs, workshops and seminars are held throughout the year. Inquiries may be made in person at the Biota Counsel- ing Center or by phone at extension 4800. Emergency ser- vice during non-<:linic hours can be obtained through the on call counselor at (310) 903-4800. CAREER SERVICES Career services include personal career counseling, interest testing, career-related workshops, internships, reference files, career fair, recruitment and career exploration workshops. A computerized career-information program is available to all students at no cost. The center has a resource library contain- ing information about internships and jobs, company literature graduate programs, and career paths related to majors offered at Biola. Students may receive personal assistance from student peer counselors or make an appointment to see a professional career counselor. Services are available to alumni.

specific infmmation. CAMPUS SAFETY

Biola's Campus Safety Office has a genuine concern for the safety of individual students as well as the community as a whole. Campus Safety's primary responsibility is to protect the people and property of Biota Un iversity. This includes the responsibility for all persons at the University (e.g., stu- dents, faculty, staff and visitors) and for all property owned or operated by the University. Trained officers are on duty 24 hours a day and are willing to assist students.

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