

••••••••• Special Programs

LEARNING ASSISTANCE Learning Assistance Services provide programs to assist stu- dents in becoming effective and intentional learners in order to meet the academic demands of the University. Programs offered to the undergraduate population include: A College Study Ski lls course with a focus primarily for newly admitted students who would like to strengthen academic skills; a tutor- ing program provided for most General Education courses and selected Major emphasis courses (a minimal fee may be required); Macintosh computer training; computerized tutori- als for Learning assessment, study helps, typing programs and speed reading, as well as study materials for graduate exams; individual counseling and support services; and a support pro- gram for the Leaming Disabled, including College Study Skills, personal counseling, advocacy, and accommodations. APPEALS ANO GRIEVANCES Detailed information regarding grievances and appeals, whether in regard to scholarships, academic life, federal leg- islation or student conduct are found in the Student Hand- book of each school. Copies are available upon request.

BIOLA-ISRAEL Biola-Israel is designed for the serious student, commit- ted to Ch rist and to building meaningful relationships with others. Students are not limited by academic major, per- sonal background or professional goals. The program includes eight units of undergraduate credit. Study begins with a campus-based class during the fall semester, involving guest lecturers, special fi eld trips, and a weekend workshop. This is done in preparation for the abroad field studies "on- site" in the Holy Land during the January interterm. With this combination, the Bible as well as the morning newspaper comes alive as one traces the routes of biblical characters in conjunction with modern events. While traveling the length and breadth of the country, students actually meet the peo- ple who li ve today around the ancient sites of Capernaum, the Sea of Gal il ee, Nazareth, Joppa , Jericho, Jerusalem, Masada , the Dead Sea, Beersheba , the place of Israel 's wilderness wanderings, Ei lat, the Red Sea, and many more. Directed by biblical studies professor Ron Pierce, this unique travel-study opportunity provides a thoroughly inte- grated learning experience. In the course of study the cen- tral topic of "Israel" is approached from the varying perspec- tives of biblical studies, historical geography, intercultural studies, history (ancient and modern) and political science. You will even sharpen your skills in interpersonal relation- ships (small group dynamics) and, at the same time, get into shape physically for some very challenging hikes. With this in mind, the fo ll owing combined fall-interterm curriculum package was designed, which maybe counted toward gradua- tion requirements in all degree programs. Fall Semester: BBST 465 IS Integ Sem: Israel/Middle East 3 units An approved Physical Education class from the regular schedule lnlerlenn: BBST 31 I IS Biblical Background 3 units PEED 110 IS PE Skills/Tech: Conditioning I unit Though seeking to keep costs as low as possible, personal safety and quality education are our primary considerations. Because tuition, fees, textbooks, room, board, air and land expenses are all included in a program package, it costs little more to study abroad than taking the same units while living on campus during the regular semester and interterm. An in formation packet (including many "questions and answers" about the program, a preliminary itinerary and an applica- tion form) is available in the Biola-Israel office in Feinberg Hall. Applications should be submitted along with a deposit early in the spring semester prior to preregistration for fall classes. Acceptance is on a first-<:ome basis as far as the maxi- mum class size of 30 students allows. For further informa- tion, contact Or. Ron Pierce at extension 4821 or 4819.

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