

be commissioned as second lieutenants in one of the Army's 17 specialty areas in either the Army National Guard, Army Reserve, or active Army. Students' desires are a major factor in determining which service option is selected. The active duty obligation for those students selected to enter the National Guard or Army Reserve is typically four months. Students entering the Active Army serve longer peri- ods. ROTC students desiring to obtain advanced degrees may be granted a delay in reporting to their initial assignment. Scholarship Scholarships are avai lable on a national and regional basis. Two and three year scholarships are avai lable on a competitive basis to any qualified student of Biola University who desires to compete. An Army scholarship will pay for most tuition costs, school supplies, and provide a monthly subsistence allowance of $100. The scholarship competition is conducted from November through February during the school year prior to when the scholarship would go into effect. Winners are announced in May and June , and the scholarship becomes effective at the start of the fo llowing Fall term. Two Year Program This program is designed for students who receive place- ment credit for two years of ROTC. Placement credit may be given for a vaiiety of conditions. Included are: completing three years of high school ROTC; attending a special Basic Course summer camp; joining the Army Rese1ves or National Guard; prior military service on active duty (veterans may receive VA benefits concurrently with Advance Course benefits) ; and by completing two years of college level Air Force or Navy ROTC. Extra Curricular Cadets in Army ROTC are eligible to participate in a wide variety of extra-{urricular activities. Included are repelling, land navigation, parachuting, and other adventure opportunities. Further Information Biola University students who desire more information regarding this program may Wiite: Department of Mili taJ)' Sci- ence; University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard (Men 's Gym); Los Angeles, CA 90024-1609; or call (310) 825-7384/ 7381. AIR FORCE ROTC Both tl1e two-year and four-year Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) programs are available at Loyola Marymount University LMU, UCLA, USC and California State Un iversity San Bernardino to all qualified students. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elective units toward fulfillment of graduation requirements. Successful completion of the AFROTC program leads to a commission as an officer in the Un ited States Air Force. Those students who qualify and desire to enter Ai r Force pilot training \viii be given flight instruc- tion in either the two or fow- year program. Competitive schol- arships are available to qualified students. All scholarship stu- dents receive tuition, laboratory and book fees, and $150 a month. Students on scholarship must successfully complete courses in English composition and mathematical reasoning. For additional infonnation contact the Department of Aero- space Studies (AFROTC) at the above university of your choice.

language and American culture at Biola. The program includes intensive study along with weekend and daily activi- ties. The final four days of the program consist of a field trip to Northern California. There are additional optional programs available for stu- dents who wish to further their interaction with American people and their culture. Interested students should contact the Department of International Students Education. INTERTERM To facilitate the completion of graduation and also to allow exposure to creative learning and to emich students' academic programs, the University provides an Interterm program in Jan- uary. Resident hall rooms are provided at no extra charge for on-{ampus fall students who occupy a room during the spring semester. All other students attending Intertenn are charged a prorated weekly rate. Separate prices wi ll be available for meals during Interterm. Tuition charges are about one half of the regular school year charge. (Graduate courses excepted.) Abalanced program of general education, Bible, elective and graduate courses is offered on campus. Opportunities also will be given to participate in travel and other non-traditional courses. Class schedules for lntertenn will be avai lable April I. For further infonnation, please write to the director oflntertenn. ARMY ROTC Both the two-year and four-year Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) programs are available at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) , UCLA, USC and California State University San Bernardino to all qualified students. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elective units toward fulfillment of graduation requirements. Successful completion of the AFROTC program leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force. Those students who qualify and desire to enter Air Force pilot training will be given flight instmc- tion in either the two-year or four-year program. Competitive scholarshipsare available to qualified students. All scholarship students receive tuition, laboratory and book fees, and $150 a month. Students on scholarship must successfully complete courses in English composition, and mathematical reasoning. Programs The military science curriculum is divided into two parts. Basic Course is the first two years of lower division study during which students complete 12 units of leadership classes. Advanced Course is the last two years of upper division studyconsisting of 14 units of leadership classes, and a six week summer camp typically between junior and senior years. (Cadets receive an allowance for travel expenses and are paid for attending this camp.) Students who did not enroll in Army ROTC as a fresh- man or a sophomore can receive equivalent credit in several different ways (see Two-Year Program below) . Admission to the Advanced Course is limited to students who meet all academic and physical requirements. Students in this course rece ive a subsistence all owance of $100 a month for 10 months during each of the two academic years, plus military science books and uniforms. After completion of the Advanced Course and college, students are eligible to


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