

• • • • • • • • • Student Activities

DEVOTIONAL LIFE The University believes the spiritual life of the individual stu- dent is of utmost importance. Therefore, every student is urged to set aside time for personal devotions. In addition to these per- sonal devotional pe1iods, undergraduate students meet each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Chase Gymnasium for a 40-minute chapel service for worship and praise. The graduate schools plan separate chapel programs. The chapel programs include speakers chosen from facul ty, alumni , students, visiting guests; musical groups; Christian films; drama; and other special events. Each fall there is a Spi1itual Emphasis Week. Once each semester the school observes a planned Day of Prayer and infor- mal prayer groups meet as a regular part of residence hall life. The Torrey Memorial Bible Conference and the Missions Con- ference are high points in the development of the spiritual life of the student Attendance is required at all of these events. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR UNDERGRADUATES All registered undergraduate students are members of the Associated Students, Biola's undergraduate student govern- ment. The stated purpose of this organization is: 'To develop a commun ity that is seeking God, that is committed to one another and that is impacting the world for Jesus Christ." The A.S. President presides over two bodies that comprise the student government, the Executive Council and the Ser- vices Council. The Executive Council, which holds the legisla- tive power of the A.S. is chaired by the President and consists of elected senators, the Vice President, Comptroller, and Secre- tary. The Services Council, which plans activities and ministries for students on and off campus is chaired by the Vice President and consists of the elected leaders of each board: Student Mis- sionary Union, Social Board, Intramural Board, Sn1dent Rela- tions, Chapel Board, Club Director, and Publications Board. Students are welcome to attend the weekly business meetings of both councils as well as participate on the vari- ous boards and work with senators. The Associated Student's offices are located upstairs in the Student Union Building and are open Monday through Friday from I2 pm to 5 pm. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Each graduate school has an appropriate student govern- ment program which provides leadership and activities appropriate for graduate students. For additional informa- tion contact the respective graduate school offices. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION The Student Missionary Union is a student organization of which every undergraduate student of Biola Un iversity is a member. Amajor function of SMU is to provide opportuni- ties fo r students to share their faith in Christ by various means of evangelism. These opportunities take place locally in ministries to East Los Angeles, Watts, La Mirada and the surrounding vicinity. In add ition, many students spend their summers in overseas ministries with experienced missionar- ies through the Students Abroad program.

SMU sponsors spec ific chapels by which students are chall enged and informed concerning mission opportunities, and each year SMU presents the annual Missions Con fer- ence. Other activities include missions multi-media presenta- tions, organizing missions prayer groups and financing mis- sionary projects of several thousand dollars. ATHLETICS Intercollegiate athletics at Biola Un iversity provide men and women with interest and ability in athletics an opportunity to compete with other institutions of higher education whose size and athletic policies are similar. Intercollegiate competi- tion for men is conducted in the following sports: baseball, bas- ketball , .J.V. basketball , cross-country, soccer, and track and field. Sports for women include basketball , cross-country, ten- nis, track and field , soccer, and volleyball. Intramural activities are organized in both team and indi- vidual sports for men and women. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The undergraduate student body sponsors two student publications: a weekly newspaper - the ChimJ!S - and a year- book - the Bio/an - which also contai ns a fine arts section. These serve to u·ansmit news, keep a record of school life, and provide further outlet for student creativity and expression. FORENSICS In recent years Biola University has been ranked in t!1e top ten percent of successful speech squads among colleges and universities nationwide. As an active member of t!1e Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association, Biola regularly attends debate and individual events speech tournaments throughout the western states. Each year in the fall and spring, Biola hosts intercollegiate speech tournaments on campus. STUDENT MINISTRY Akey component in the spi1itual life of a Ch1istian is the call of our LordJesus Christ to service. As an integral part of our aca- demic program, the faculty of the University and the student ministry staff have joined together to provide significant oppor- tunities for service and ministry. The intent of the minisuies pro- gram is that each student should select at least one course or an extra-curricular activity involving community service each semes- ter. The Student Ministries Office is available to serve the stu- dents in arranging ministry relationships with church, para church and community organizations. The service learning courses, with their special component of service or outreach assignments, are designated as such in the pre-registration and registration schedule of class booklets. Students are encouraged to participate in a vaiiety ofministries du1ing their years at Biola. Biola has been a leader in requiring outreach in service as part of its undergraduate education. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Minisu·ies Office or your major's depart- ment academic advisor.

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