

350 Money and Banking (3) Nature, functions and flow of money and credit in the American economy and the world; analysis of commercial banking and U.S. monetary system. Prerequisite: 201. 361 , 362 Business Law I and II (3,3) First semester: function of law in our society, crimes, intentional torts, neg- ligence, contracts. Uniform Commer- cial Code, sales, and negotiable instru- ments. Second semester: property, partnerships, corporat ions, agency, landlord and tenant, security agree- ments, bankruptcy and business regu- lation . Prerequisite for 362 is 361 ; requires upper division standing. 370 Business Finance (3) Problems and methods in secur ing funds for business firms, nature of secu- ri ties markets, short- and long-term financing. Prerequisites: I 90, 212. 402 Data Base Management (3) Integrated data base system, logical organization , data description lan- guage (DDL), data manipulation lan- guage (DML) , hierarchical networks and relational data bases, overview of selected data base management sys- tems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 280. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 402) 407 Computer Applications in Business (3) The study and application of spread- sheet and database software to busi- ness problems with an emphasis on problem solving and presentation techniques. Prerequisites: 212, 230, 321,370. 411 Advanced Accounting (3) Examines essential elements of corpo- rate conso lid ations, branch and departmental accounting , interna- tional accounting, advanced partner- ship and fund accounting concepts. Prerequisite: 312,313. 412 Auditing (3) Introduction to standards and proce- dures which comprise the contempo- rary audit environment. Topics include, eth ics, legal liabili ty, in ternal control, substantive evidence, and reporting. Course work includes comprehensive practice audi t. Two hours each week non-<:redit lab. Prerequisite: 312, 313. 415 Management and Organization (3) Principles of management; planning, controlling, organizing, organizational behavior and communication; manage- ment of conflict and change; business ethics and societal relationships. Pre- requisi tes: 201, 212, Psychology 200.

211, 212 Princ iples of Accounting I, II (3,3) Basic for all business majors and those seeking to learn the language of busi- ness; procedure for setting up a dou- ble entry bookkeeping system. Sec- ond semester: corporate accounting and elementary cost accounting meth- ods. Prerequisite: 21 I prerequisite for 212. One hour each week, non-<:redit , laboratory. Fee: $10. Fundamental principles of differential and integral calculus. Applications cho- sen mainly from the management sci- ences. Prerequisite: Passing proficiency exam administered by Business Adminis- tration Department or receiving a "C" or better grade in Math 90 the p1ior year. 229 Personal and Family Finances (3) Managing fami ly finances; budgeting use of credit; borrowing money; sav- ing methods; purchase of li fe, health, property and auto insurance; buying and renting property; taxes; buying

290 Directed Studies (1-3) Exploration of the li terature in a selected fie ld of business. May be repeated with different section title for a maximum of six units. For BOLD students on ly. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of major hardware components of computers. Mechanics of information transfer and controlwithin a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Prerequi- site: IOI, Computer Science 201. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 302) 311 , 312 Intermediate Accounting I, II (3,3) Advanced treatment of cash-flow, funds-flow analyses, preparation of financial statements, income tax alloca- tion, valuation, forecasts, cash reconcil- iation. Prerequisite: 212, 31 I for 312. 313 Cost Accounting (3) Cost accounting from manageria l, conceptual and technical viewpoint; product, labor, material and overhead costing; planning and control processes; analytical procedures. Pre-

321 Management Information Systems (3) Information systems, their design , implementation and contribution to management planning, decision mak- ing and control. Applications involv- ing microcomputers and decision sup- port systems. Prerequisites: 212. 325 Management Science (3) Mathematical programming with emphasis on problems in management and economics. Includes appl ications on production control, inventory con- trol, scheduling, inventory control, PERT and network flow problems. Fun- damental mathematical optimization and measurement theory problems. Prerequisite: I 90, 202, 223, 321. Fee: $10. (See also Computer Science 325). 331 Consumer Behavior (3) Consumer buying patterns, decision making, motivation and behavior. Behavioral science applied to the solu- tion of marketing problem. Behav- ioral research techniques. Prerequi- sites: 221, 230, Psychology 200. 332 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations (3) Examination and evaluation of the prin- ciples of basic marketing as applied to the nonprofit sector. Philosophy of non- profit marketing and its productivity are utilized through individual student pro- jects. Specific marketing strategies will relate to churches, para-<:hurch organi- zations, community service agencies, foundations and other designated non- profit organizations. Prerequisite: 230. 334 Promotions (3) Introduction to the role of Promotion and Advertising as currently used for products, services, ideas and events by business firms, community organiza- tions and churches. Understanding of the promotion mix including pub- lic relations, publicity, sales promo- tion and personal se lling. Assigned student projects. Prerequisite: 230. 336 Sales Practicum (3) Analysis of the sales manager as a pro- fessional market tactician in a market- ing firm. Includes survey of personal selling effort with emphasis on inter- relationships between sa les ac tivity and re lated marketing funct ions . Involves app li ed approaches and actual real world experiences in sales.

223 Calculus for Management .!!J Sciences (3)

securities; wills and estates. 230 Marketing Principles (3)

requisite: 312 or consent. 314 Federal Income Tax For Individuals (3)

Introduction to the basic elements of modern marketing including the study of the marketing environment frame- work, target market, marketing ethics, and the marketing mix variables of product, promotion, price, public rela- tions, and place distribution strategies.

An explanation of the federal income tax law as it relates to individuals. The tax structure is examined in light of its historical development with emphasis on problem solving. Prerequisite: 212. 315 Federal Income Tax for Partner- ships, Corporations and Estates (3) An explanation of the federal income tax law as it relates to partnership and corporations. Estate taxes are reviewed with historical perspective. Problem solving is emphasized to pro- vide the student wi th practice in appli- cation of tax principles to specific situ- ations. Prerequisite: 212. 318 Human Resource Management (3) Organization and role of the personnel department in business; analy-Li ng and solving case problems drawn from indus- try. Prerequisite: upper division standing. 319 Organizational Ethics (3) The foundations and theories of ethics as related to the Bible, the market place, and the modern corporation. Case studies in modern ethics are dis- cussed with a view to raising the moral consciousness of business professionals. (This course does not meet general education requirements.) Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent.

Prerequisite: I 90 or consent. 270 Independent Study (1-3)

Development of skill in independent study of topics in the field of business. May be repeated with different section title for a maximum of six units. For BOLD students only, or by permission. 275 Data Structures (3) Linear lists, su-ings, arrays and orthog- onal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi-linked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: I 05. Fee: $25. Spr ing. (See also Computer Science 106. ) 280 Systems Analysis & Data Organization (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle. Techniques and tools of systems documentation and logical system spec ifi cat ions. Concepts and techniques of structur- ing data on bulk storage devices. Fi le processing techniques. COBOL pro- gramming. Prerequisite: 275. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 201)

Prerequisite: 230 or consent. 345 Current Economic Issues (3)

Reading and analysis of articl es in periodicals and the dailypress relating to economic problems. Utilizes prin- ciples developed in 201, 202. Offered on sufficient demand.

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