Christian Education
A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael J Wilkins,Ph .D. Chair: Kenneth R. Garland, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Anthony, Dirks Associate Professors: Garland, Issler Assistant Professors: Cunningham, Leyda, Ten Elshoff, Tolbert OBJECTIVES The Christian education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a foundation for graduate training. Therefore, at the completion of this major, students will have: realized their identity in relation lo their position in Christ and their spiritual gifts and abili- ties related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study the Scriptures induc- tively and to communi cate bibli cal truths effectively; es tablished a basic philosophy of Chri sti an educat ion which .incorporates the biblical con- cepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated their abili ty to be sensi- tive to others as persons, understand- ing how people function in both indi- vidual and group learning experiences; developed and demonstrated their abili ty to function successfully in teach- ing roles and/ or in leadership rol es. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bach.elm of Arts degree in Christian Education is offered upon completion of th e university baccalaureate and major requirements. The Chri stian education major requires the comple- tion of a core of 37 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 252, 260, 261, 371, 380, 382, 415, 423, 461, 462 and one of the fo l- lowing: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In add iti on to the 37-unit core, each student is encouraged lO select a specialization of 10 uni ts to be taken either with in or outside of the Chri st- ian Education an d Biblical Studies Departments to fu lfill his/ her elective requirements. There are eight spe- cializations from which a student may choose that refl ect a broad variety of mini stry options in this field . The diversified spec ialization all ows the
student to design a program that best suits his/ her vocational interests. The general educatian requirement for a foreign langua{;I! for those majaring in Chris- tum educatian depends upon the number of years that were wmpleted in high school of the same foreign language. Specific requirements are listed under "general education require- ments"for the bachelor ofarts degree. All specialization courses are sub- ject to departmental approva l. The specialization areas offered are: Elementary Teaching Credential Program The Christian education/ teaching emphasis majors must complete a core of 55 units, of which 24 must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 260, 261,371,372, 380,382; Education 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, and 442. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. Education 440 may be taken before graduation in lieu of CE 461 and 462. Certa in spec ifi c general educati on courses are also required which include: Psychology 200, Physical Education 20 I, and Math I11 . This opt ion combines the C.E. major core with liberal studi es courses. This specializa tion requires more units than the others do but some uni ts in the C.E. core are substituted for cre- dential requirements. Students must pass the general knowledge section of the Nat ional Teachers Examination ( TE) prior to student teaching. The student must consult with the Depart- ments of Christian Education and Education for specifi cs. Those interested in this teaching creden- tial should be advised that all single subject teaching crndential programs are undergoing reuision. Consult with the Education depart- mentfor details on Cllrrent programs. Children Vocational opportunities with th is option include children's director or minister in a local chur ch, a staff member with organizations that minis- ter to ch ildren in the United States or on a mission field , a writer of materi- als for use with children. Youth Vocational opportunities for youth speciali zation would include a local church youth director or minister, a club director for youth parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Christian educa- tion director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth .
service learning requirement. These cou rses will include the three practicum classes: 380, 461 and 462. COURSES 150 Foundations of Ministry (3)
Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the manysubcultures in the United States. Diversified This option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to their interests, such as church-related camping, counseling, communication, business, music, computer science, etc. Pre-Seminary in Christian Education If a student plans to pursue gradu- ate work in Christian education, there are specialization courses appropriate to a broader foundation in specified areas. Pre-Seminary in Family Ministries This specialization is designed to prepare the student for graduate work in marriage and familyministries. Pre-Seminary in Pastoral Ministry This spec iali za ti on provides a strong foundation in Christian educa- tion upon which to build a well- rounded pastoral ministry. Note: Students wishing to do graduate work in the field of Ch1istian education may wish to take advantage of the Master of Arts program offered at TaliXJISchool ofTheology. The undergraduate and graduate programs have been designed to minimize overlap and to maximize continued deuelop1nent and growth of the student in the field. 11iere are four specializations designed for students who wish lo plan for graduate work at Tal- bot School of Theology. One specializalian is designed for /the M.A. in Christian educa- tion al TaliXJI School of Theology, another is the M.Div. degree/ and the third is the M.A. with an emphasis in youth ministry. Detailed information regarding these areas of specialimtion may be secured in the Ch1is- tian education office or from any Clnislian education faClllty member. MINOR A Ch1islian Education Minor requires the completion of 18 units including the fo ll owing courses: 252, 261 and one of the age level courses (372, 373, 374) . Nine additional upper di vis ion units are also required which may be selected by the student from any C.E. depart- mental offerings. Bibl e 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Ce rtain courses in the major wi ll be des ignated and marked in the course schedule as "Service Learning Courses," which meet the university's
An overview of the discipline of Chris- tian educat ion. Topics of study include the historical and theological natu re of the church, principles of evangelism and edification, spiritual gifts, training and equipping lay lead- ership, and an examination of con- l!!,. temporary career opportunities and para-<:hurch ministries. 251 Foundations of Leadership (3)
Basics of leadership for a Christian education ministry. Emphasis upon development of personal leadership qualities including Bibl e study, wor- ship, prayer and interpersonal devel- opment which relate to spiritual gifts and the church as an organ ism. 252 Foundations of Teaching Ministry (3) Major emph as is upon learning th eo- ri es and their application to teaching the Bible within the context of the local church and parachurch agencies. 260 Foundations of Interpersonal Relationships (3) Essenti als of theory and experi ence necessary to initi ate, deve lop and maintain effective interpersonal com- munication skills , development and maintenance of trust, fe ll owship, cohes ive ness, effective communi ca- tion styles, constructive confrontation and co nfli ct reso luti on sk ill s are applied to ministry situations. 261 Foundations of Development (3) liiu-oduction to human development. Aspects of development will include the phys ical, intell ectual, social, pe r- sona l, moral and sp iritual, covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian education minisn-y. 319 Media in Ministry (2) Ski ll development in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry to all age leve ls and in a wide va ri ety of teaching settings. Offered fall semester. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Essent ials of inductive study appl ied to bibli ca l narra ti ve and episto lary literature.
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